get serious... bet4fun
16.kolo / week
"Juddmonte Lockinge Stakes"
Rakti je za 4.01" oborio dosada�nji rekord trke. Na startu je poveo Elstroem, da bi posle 200m na �elo do�ao Rakti. Do 200m pre cilja Elstroem se dr�ao na drugom mestu da bi tada popustio u tempu. Autsajder Mac Love(50-1) je sve vreme trke bio u grupi koja je pratila vode�eg i u zavr�nici napravio iznena�enje. Ipak, Rakti se sam istr�ao ovu trku, jostala grla su do�la u grupi �itavih pet du�ina iza vode�eg. Sopstvenik pobedni�kog grla je nama dobro znani Gary Tanaka, za �iju �talu od nedavno tr�i i Billy Allen.

get serious... bet4fun
igra�i kola
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1.kolo 29/30.januar "Sunshine Millions Classic" & "Prix d'Amerique" ::
"Sunshine Millions Classic": svi ravnopravno po 0
"Prix d'Amerique"/Ukupno: acakos, dobar1, emmaboss, euskadi, holag, mare, rastko, redstar, smarty, sveta, zmago ms 10
2.kolo 5.februar "Donn Handicap" & "Holy Bull Stakes" ::
"Donn Handicap"/Ukupno: sveta 60 / euskadi 44 / redstar, smarty, tiger 30
"Holy Bull Stakes": Sana 6
3.kolo 12/13.februar "Risen Star Stakes" & "Prix de France" ::
"Risen Star Stakes": fantasti�nih 0 po glavi stanovnika
"Prix de France": 0 x svi; najbli�a bodovima Sho sa 3 od 4
Ukupno: nadamo se neponovljivih 0 za sve
4.kolo 19/20.februar "Southwest Stakes" & "Prix de paris " ::
"Southwest Stakes": emmaboss 44, holag 24, sveta 14
"Prix de Paris ": Sho 44, acakos 6, sveta 2
Ukupno: Sho 54
5.kolo 26/27.februar "San Carlos H." & "Prix de l'Union Europeenne"
"San Carlos Handicap": fourstardave, smarty 10
"Prix de l'Union Europeenne": euskadi 44, lola, vanja 20
Ukupno: euskadi 44
6.kolo 5.mart "Santa Anita H." & "Prix du Bois de Vincennes "
"Santa Anita Handicap":emmaboss, fourstardave, mare, rasha, rastko, sveta, tiger 10
"Prix de l'Union Europeenne": sho 10
Ukupno: svi gore navedeni po 10
7.kolo 12/13.mart "Louisiana Derby" &
"Grand Criterium de la Vitesse de la Cote d'Azur"
"Louisiana Derby": mare, stig, rastko, tocak13, vanja, zmago ms 10
"Grand Criterium de Vitesse ": sveta, tiger 10 / zmago ms 2
Ukupno: zmago ms 12
8.kolo 19.mart "Rebel Stakes " & "San Felipe Stakes "
"Rebel Stakes": acakos, deba, holag, smarty 10
"San Felipe Stakes ": cole, sho 10 / fourstardave 6
Ukupno: nekolicina po 10 / za pohvalu fourstardave HK bez reda
9.kolo 26.mart "Dubai Sheeema Claccis" & "Dubai World Cup"
"Dubai Sheema Classic": euskadi, fourstardave 10
"Dubai World Cup": tiger 24 / sveta 14
Ukupno: tiger 24
10.kolo 2/3.april "Florida Derby" & "Grand Prix du Sud-Ouest "
"Florida Derby": holag, mare, rasha, rastko, smarty, tocak13, vanja 24
"Grand Prix du Sud-Ouest ": rastko 44
Ukupno: rastko 68
11.kolo 9/10.april "Santa Anita Derby " & "Su Mac Lad"
"Santa Anita Derby": zaprepa��uju�ih 0 po glavi igra�a
"Su Mac Lad ": sho 24 / stribor 4
Ukupno: sho 24
12.kolo 16.april "Blue Grass Stakes " & "Olympiatravet"
"Blue Grass Stakes ": rastko 6 / dobar1, stribor 2
"Olympiatravet": rastko 20
Ukupno: rastko 26
13.kolo 23.april "Keeneland Stakes" & "Prix d'Atlantique"
"Keeneland Stakes ": bez izuzetka po 0
"Olympiatravet": emmaboss 44
Ukupno: emmaboss 44
14.kolo 30.april "2.000 Guineas" & "Finlandia Ajo "
"2.000 Guineas ": mrtva trka - svi po 0
"Finlandia Ajo ": sho 10
Ukupno: sho 10
15.kolo 7.maj "Kentucky Derby" & "Criterium des 4 ans"
"Kentucky Derby ": mrtva trka - svi po 0
"Criterium des 4 ans ": euskadi, fourstardave, redstar, smarty, vanja 10
Ukupno: euskadi, fourstardave, redstar, smarty, vanja 10
16.kolo 15.maj "Juddmonte Lockinge Stakes" & "Oslo Grand Prix"
"Juddmonte Lockinge Stakes ": emmaboss, redstar, pet plus 10
"Oslo Grand Prix": deba, mare 10
Ukupno: deba, emamboss, mare, redstar, pet plus 10
17.kolo 20/21.maj "Pimlico Special" & "Preakness Stakes"
"Pimlico Special": holag, zmago ms 10
"Preakness Stakes": emmaboss, mare. rastko, redstar, sho, vanja 10
Ukupno: emamboss, mare, rastko, redstar, sho, vanja, zmago ms 10
18.kolo 29.maj "Elitloppet" I/II polufinale
"Elitloppet I": zmago ms 16
"Elitloppet II": emmaboss, mare, rasha, rastko, sho, sveta, vanja 10
Ukupno: emmaboss, mare, rastko, sho, vanja 20
19.kolo 4.jun "Epsom Derby"
"Epsom Derby"/Ukupno: acakos, euskadi, fourstardave, sho, smarty, sveta, tocak13, vanja, zmago ms 10
20.kolo 11/12.jun "Belmont Stakes" & "Copenhagen Cup"
"Belmont Stakes": gotovo svi po 10
"Copenhagen Cup": blizar, emmaboss, holag, mare, rastko, redstar, sho, sveta 44
Ukupno: blizar, emmaboss, holag, mare, rastko, redstar, sveta 54
21.kolo 18/19.jun "Stephen Foster H." & "Prix Rene Balierre"
"Stephen Foster H.": sveta 44
"Prix Rene Balierre ": poprili�an broj igra�a po 10
Ukupno: sveta 54
22.kolo 25/26.jun "Irish Derby" & "Prix de New York"
"Irish Derby": brojno dru�tvo po 10
"Prix de New York": mare, stig, sveta, vanja 10
Ukupno: mare, sveta 20
23.kolo 2.jul "Eclipse Stakes" & "Prix de Washington"
"Eclipse Stakes": fourstardave 6
"Prix de Washington ": blizar, euskadi, mare, rastko, vanja, zmago ms 24
Ukupno: blizar, euskadi, mare, rastko, vanja, zmago ms 24
rezultati 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1.kolo / week
Gulfstream Park, "Sunshine Millions", 29.01.2005
$1M "Sunshine Millions Classic" 1.800m / Gr-1 / Ca&Fl bred
1. Musique Toujours / J.Chavez (1:49.17)
(Musique d'Enfer - Starry Farrary/Inherent Star)
2. Zakocity / E.Coa
3. Classic Endeavor / P.Valenzuela
4. Limehouse / J.Velsaquez
5.Supah Blitz 6.Second of June 7.Lava Man 8.El Don 9.Midas Eyes 10.Stockholder 11.Royal Place 12.Cozy Guy
pobeda 71.1 / dubl po redu 425.2/ triling po redu 3,428.7/ hipo kare po redu 23,424.5
Zakocity vs Musique Toujours
Richard Glass, suvlasnik:"This is a dream. I probably shouldn't say this, but the trainer didn't think we had a chance." Glass ina�e poko�ava ve� godinu dana da se zaposli u LA policiji, a danas je proslavio i 17.godi�njicu braka.
Malo je re�i - veliko iznena�enje; handikaper mu je dao 50-1. Ovo je prva pobeda za Musique Toujours od $50.000 Hollywood Park claiming trke pro�log maja. Vreme po frakcijama na 1.800m: 23.19 / 46.44 / 1:10.63 / 1:35.88 / 1:49.17. Musique Toujours sada ima rekord 19-5-6-2.
"Sunshine Millions" Florida vs California: u pobedama 5:3, u bodovima 44:28.
Vincennes, "Le Choc des Titans", 30.01.2005
�1M "Prix d'Amerique" 2.700m / A*
1. Jag de Boellouet / Ch.Gallier (3:16.04/1:12.6)
(Viking's Way - Vaunoise)
2. Gigant Neo / D.Locqueneux (1:12.8)
3. Ilster d'Espiens / J.H.Treich (1:13.0)
4. Hilda Zonett / R.Bergh (1:13.0)
5. Civil Action / P.Leoni (1:13.1)
Jag de Bellouet
2.kolo / week
Gulfstream Park, 05.02.2005
$500.000 "Donn Handicap " 1.800m / Gr-1 / 4+g.
1. Saint Liam / E.Prado (1:48.43) / 119 / 3 3/4d
(Saint Ballado - Quiet Dance/Quiet American)
2. Roses in May / J.Velasquez / 121 / 3/4d
3. Eddington / E.Coa / 114
4. Seek Gold / J.Bailey / 113
5.Pies Prospect 6.Wishingitwas
frakcije: 23.75 / 47.33 / 1:11.12 / 1:35.81 / 1:48.43
pobeda 2.8 / dubl po redu 2.7 / triling po redu 5.1 / hipo kare po redu 6.4
the good, the bad, the ugly fast: Saint Liam
Veoma brz "Donn Handicap", vreme po frakcijama: 23.75 / 47.33 / 1:11.12 / 1:35.81 / 1:48.43; na prvih 1.600m prose�no vreme 23.95! Kao i u Woodward Stakes, kada se izneo u krivini Saint Liam je to ponovio i u ovoj trci. Tako je dozvolio da se Roses in May vrati u trku, ali je Prado u pravcu povratio kontrolu i sa 3 3/4 du�ine dobio veliku trku koja ga je sada na�inila "milionerom" uz �est pobeda u 15 startova.
Richard Duthrow, trener: "I was confident, but Edgar was on his own out there. When he ran away from the horse that hooked him that was it for me. I don't know why he (drifts out), but I knew if he got to run his game he'd be tough. I hope we haven't seen his best race yet. I'm looking forward to his next race. I really wouldn't mind going to Dubai (World Cup, March 26) but I don't know if the owners want to do that. I'm not particularly eager to run against Ghostzapper just yet. Bobby (Frankel) told me to have my fun now, because he (Ghostzapper) would be back soon. But I've got a good team working with me. I've got the best blacksmith. His name is Alex Leaf. He (Saint Liam) wouldn't be able to train the way I train him if it wasn't for him. I've got the best exercise rider in Rudy Rodriguez. And it was Mark Reid who got the owners to send this horse to me. He told me, �I'm going to send you the best horse you've ever had."
Edgar Prado, jaha�: "No surprises. He ran the race just the way he was trained to. I knew Roses in May was the horse to beat, but I had a horse with a lot of talent, too. He's been working real good in the mornings. I had a good feeling that he was going to win when he pulled away effortlessly."
"Donn Handicap" - istorijat >>
Gulfstream Park, 05.02.2005
$150.000 "Holy Bull Stakes " 1.800m / Gr-3 / 3g.
1. Closing Arqument / C.Velasquez (1:50.14) / 120 / 11/2d
(Successful Appeal - Mrs Greeley/Mr Greeley)
2. Kansas City Boy / B.Blanc / 118 / 1/2d
3. High Fly / E.Castro / 122
4. Criminal Mind / E.Coa / 120
5.Dearest Moon 6. Drum Major 7.Hostile Witness 8.G P's Black Knight
frakcije: 23.00 / 46.79 / 1:11.55 / 1:36.91 / 1:50.14
pobeda 8.9 / dubl po redu 33.8 / triling po redu 80.3 / hipo kare po redu 556.6
High Fly - Closing Argument - Kansas City Boy
Jo� br�e je krenuo "Holy Bull Stakes". Pejsmejker Kansas City Boy i favorit High Fly su od starta krenuli veoma o�tro, a odmah iza ih je pratio Closing Argument. Na ulasku u pravac Closing Argument je naplatio danak vode�oj dvojici i ipak sa dovoljnih 11/2 dobio trku. High Fly je prvi put tr�ao ovu distancu i po re�ima jaha�a jednostavno nije imao snage za fini�.
Kiaran McLaughlan, trener: "At least this answers the question about getting the distance. You don't worry about it, well, yeah you do worry about it, but I was pretty confident. Post position was a big factor. The favorite (High Fly) was hung wide the whole way and that's a pretty tough spot to be. And Cornelio Velasquez rode him great today. We've talked about going to the UAE Derby ($2 million, Grade 2, March 26 in Dubai) but now that he's won this - we haven't really decided. It's great for me to have been there (Dubai) 10 years. I think that's a big advantage for me. But if we don't go, then we're talking Florida Derby (April 2), Wood Memorial, Arkansas Derby, Blue Grass - any of those. Nothing has been decided yet for sure."
Cornelio Velasquez, jaha�: " My trip was great. He broke good, put himself in a great position. At the half-mile pole he had to go and he responded. This is a very good horse."
3.kolo / week
Fair Grounds , 12.02.2005
$150.000 "Risen Star Stakes " 1.700m / Gr-3 / 3g.
1.Scipion / G.Stevens (1:44.54) 1 1/4d
(A.P.Indy - Strawberry Reason/ Strawberry Road(AUS))
2. Real Dandy/ D.Meche vrat
3. Storm Surge / R.Albarado vrat
4.Electric Light 5.Iced Out 6.Harlington 7.Silent Bid 8.Rush Bay 9.Buzzards Bay 10.Bold Lion
pobeda 11.1 / dubl po redu 362.6 / triling po redu 232.0 / hipo kare po redu 28,119.7

Scipion: sa poslednjeg mesta do pobede
bgturf tip: "� potajni �ans Scipion (A.P.Indy-Strawberry Reason/Strawberry Road(AUS)), polubrat juvenile �ampiona 2002 Vinication-a (Seattle Slew-Strawberry Reason)."
Vincennes, 13.02.2005
�400.000 "Prix de France " 2.100m / A / 4-10g.
01 Naglo (SWE) 1.3 �. Kihlstr�m S. Hultman 2:31,66 1:12,2
02 Ilster d'Espiens 1.6 J.-H. Treich J.-H. Treich / glava / 1:12,2
03 Kazire de Guez 2.5 J.-M. Bazire J.-M. Bazire / 3/4d / 1:12,3
04 Gigant Neo (SWE) 1.7 D. Locqueneux S. Melander / 1d / 1 1:12,3
05 Hilda Zonett (SWE) 1.8 E. Adielsson R. Bergh / 2 1/2d / 1:12,5
06 Lazio du Bourg 1.2 J. Van Eeckhaute J. Van Eeckhaute / 3/4d / 1:12,6
07 Alesi OM (ITY) 2.1 G. Minnucci J. Turja / 5d / 1:12,9
08 Kuza Viva 2.2 S. Levoy P. Viel / 51/2d
09 Jalba du Pont 2.4 J.-Y. Rayon A. Rayon / 6d
10 Civil Action 1.4 P. Leoni Ph. Allaire / 61/2d
11 Straightup (SWE) 2.3 J. Kontio S. Melander / 71/2d
12 Joyau d'Amour 1.5 E. Raffin J. Raffin / 10d
Dq Jag de Bellouet 1.1 Ch. Gallier Ch. Gallier
NP Scarlet Knight (USA) S. Melander
NP Couch Doctor (USA) A. Lindqvist
vreme po frakcijama
2100 - 1500 1:09,4 Civil Action
1500 - 1000 1:15,1 Civil Action
1000 - 500 1:13 ,0 Civil Action
500 - cilj 1:09,9 Naglo
pobeda 19.6 / dubl po redu 95.6 / triling po redu 197.4 HIP 578.2 PMU
hipo kare po redu 2 995.98 / quinte+ 12 243.0
4.kolo / week
Oaklawn Park, 19.02.2005
$100.000 "Southwest Stakes " 1.600m / 3g.
1. Greater Good 119 / J.McKee (1:39.09) 3/4d
(Intidab - Gather the Clan/General Assembly)
2. Munificence 117 / C.Borel 1/2d
3. Humor At Last 117 / J.Rose
4.Copy My Notes 5.Major League 6.Silver Haze 7.My Parade
frakcije: 22.38 / 47.20 / 1:12.76 / 1:25.87 / 1:39.09
pobeda 3.0 / dubl po redu 5.2 / triling po redu 14.6
Greater Good je nadoknadio �ak osam du�ina zaostatka u poslednjih 400m i dobio trku u kratkom pravcu ispred Munificence koji je vodio od starta. Trener Holtus je dao instrukcije jaha�u da dr�i grlo 10-12 du�ina iza vode�eg do kontra-pravca, ali je izgledalo da je zaostatak nenadoknadiv. McKee nije pani�io i dobio trku za 3/4 du�ine obi�av�i Munificence u poslednjih deset metara. Slede�i start Greater Good bi trebao da ima u "Rebel Stakes" gde �e ga najverovatnije sa�ekati Afleet Alex i Rockport Harbor.

Humor At Last (7) / Greater Good (3)
John McKee, jaha�: "I would have liked a better start and would have liked to have been closer when we came out of the first turn. I was urging him a little at that point so that we weren't too far behind. I had to use him at the half pole so that I was in contention by the quarter pole."
Vincennes, 20.02.2005
�350.000 "Prix de Paris " 4.125m / A / 4-10g.
01 Jardy J.-M. Bazire J.-M. Bazire 1:14.9
02 Jag de Bellouet +25 Ch. Gallier Ch. Gallier 1:14.5
03 Gigant Neo (S) D. Locqueneux S. Melander 1:15.0
04 Isis Brennoise E. Raffin J. Raffin 1:15.0
05 Super Light (S) J. Westholm J. Westholm 1:15.1
06 Lady d'Auvrecy S. Baude F. Harel 1:15.2
07 Lazio du Bourg J. Van Eeckhaute J. Van Eeckhaute 1:15.2
08 Lana Svelte S. Levoy P. Viel 1:15.2
09 Jalba du Pont J.-Y. Rayon J.-Y. Rayon 1:15.4
10 Alesi OM (It.) G. Minnucci J. Turja
vreme po frakcijama
4125 - 1500 1:16,5 Jardy
1500 - 1000 1:11,5 Jardy
1000 - 500 1:11,4 Jardy
500 - cilj 1:13,5 Jardy
Budu�i da je pretrpeo poraz u "Prix de France" pod ve� poznatim okolnostima, 25m prednosti koje je Jag de Bellouet davao konkurentima na startu nisu pokod ka trofeju �inili nimalo prete�kim.
Jardy je jako rano poveo grupu, dok se Jag parkirao u drugom redu spolja �ekaju�i svoj trenutak. Kada je po Gallier-u do�ao trenutak napada, Jag je poslu�no odgovorio na ulasku u poslednju krivinu.

Jardy dobio "Prix de Paris" start-cilj
Borba ova dva grla je zaokupila pa�nju svih tako da je i Gigant Neo koji je bio odmah iza njih ostao po strani i ne poku�avaju�i da potra�i svoju �ansu. Dobro pozicioniran, Jardy je uspe�no parirao poja�anom tempu koje je nametnuo Jag sa primetno manje lako�e nego je to demonstrirao u "Prix d'Amerique".
O�igledno je da je 25m koje je dobio pobedom u "Prix d'Amerique" pokazalo da Jag de Bellouet ipak nije toliko nadmo�an favorit u odnosu na ostale iz prve lige, a i primetan je umor koji se nagomilao u tri uzastopna starta na razli�itim distancama
5.kolo / week
Santa Anita , 26.02.2005
$150.000 "San Carlos Handicap " 1.400m / 4+g. / G2
1. Hasty Kris / R.Douglas (1:21.42) 1/2d
(Kissin Kris - Hasty Pasty/Flying Paster)
2. Harvard Avenue / T.Baze 1d
3. Perfect Moon / C.Nakatani
4. Choctaw Nation / V.Espinoza
5.Oceanus(BRZ) 6.Mass Media 7.Del Mar Show 8.Sinister G
frakcije: 22.18 / 44.59 / 1:08.98 / 1:21.42
pobeda 9.8 / dubl po redu 33.8 / triling po redu 168.4 / hipo kare po redu 719.3

Hasty Kris & Rene Douglas
Iako najstarije grlo u trci, Hasty Kris je dobio oba svoja starta u 2005 i ukupno deveti od 42 u karijeri, a vo mu je prva grup pobeda. Douglas je �ekao svoju �ansu do poslednjih 400m kada je prestigao do tada vode�e Perfect Moon i Mass Media.
Rene Douglas, jaha�: "I had a perfect trip. "I knew I wanted to be in the clear with this horse. I know this horse and there's no other way I could do it. So I played it safe and I rode with a lot of confidence. I kind of stayed quiet on the inside and I let Patrick [Valenzuela aboard 9-to-10 favorite Mass Media] make the move on the outside, and when that happened I happened to get through."
Vincennes, 27.02.2005
�160.000 "Prix de l'Union Europeenne" 3.000m / G / 5-10g.
01 7 ILSTER D'ESPIENS J.H. TREICH 3'49"84 / 1'16"60
02 2 LADY D'AUVRECY P. LEVESQUE 3'50"33 / 1'16"80
03 8 HILDA ZONETT D. LOCQUENEUX 3'50"66 / 1'16"90
04 3 JOYAU D'URBAIN O. RAFFIN 3'50"76 / 1'16"90
05 5 JALBA DU PONT J.Y. RAYON 3'51"26 / 1'17"10
06 4 HAMSTER DORE P. VERCRUYSSE 3'51"36 / 1'17"10
pobeda 2.1 / triling po redu 3.4

Ilster d'Espiens ispred Lady d'Auvrecy i ostalih
6.kolo / week
Santa Anita , 5.03.2005
$1M "Santa Anita Handicap " 2.000m / 4+g. / G1 "Big Cap"
1. Rock Hard Ten / G.Stevens (2:01.20) 13/4d
(Kris S - Tersa/Mr.Prospector)
2. Congrats / T.Baze
3. Borrego / G.Gomez
4. Grand Reward / R.Berajano
5. Lundy's Liability (BRZ) 6.Saint Liam 7.Imperialism 8.Californian(GB) 8.Island Fashion 9.Truly a Judge 10.Supah Blitz
frakcije: 23.05 / 46.33 / 1:10.87 / 1:35.69 / 2:01.20
pobeda 9.6 / dubl po redu 62.1 / triling po redu 950.0 / hipo kare po redu 22,397.4

Hard as a rock: Rock Hard Ten & Congrats (drugi plan)
Trener Richard Mandella je odli�no odradio posao. Njegovi puleni su odeli prva dva mesta u nagradnom fondu od $1M. Ovo je ujedno i njegov tre�i "Big Cap", �to je joi� uspeo da na�ini i Ron McAnally. pokojni Charile Wittingham je rekorder sa �ak 9 pobeda. Sa 35.484 posetioca, ovo je druga najbolja poseta ovog trka�kog dana od 1996.
Richard Mandella, trener: " He's accomplished everything now. To win the Malibu and now the Santa Anita Handicap, you've got to have a couple different gears and he's pretty nice. "
Gary Stevens je osvojio "Big Cap" po deseti put, �to su jo� uspeli i Johnny Longden i Don Pierce. Pokojni Bill Shoemaker dr�i rekord sa 11 pobeda.
Gary Stevens, jaha�: " This was a real nice early birthday present. I don't know if it's because I'm getting older or what, but it's getting sweeter. I'm enjoying them more, I'm enjoying my days more "
Rock Hard Ten je u�ao �iroko spolja u ciljni pravac, a na �elo je izbio na poloini pravca. Sli�no je �iroko i�ao i Congrats; mo�e biti da je Mandella dao instrukcije da se izbegne gu�va u zavr�nici. Rock Hard Ten, najve�i me�u pro�logodi�njim derbistima sada ima ukupnu zaradu od $1,570,380.
Prvi favorit, Saint Liam ("Donn Handicap") je razo�arao tek �estim mestom.
Edgar Prado, jaha�:"I was done on the backside. He didn't handle the track very well. When you call him, he responds right away, but today he was kind of shut down."
Vincennes, 05.03.2005
�100.000 "Prix du Bois de Vincennes" 2.700m / G / 4-10g. / G II
pravo starta nemaju grla plasirana me�u 3 u trkama "Prix d'Amerique", "Prix de France" i "Prix de Paris" u 2005 i zaradom do �153.000 ili ve�om od �775.000
1. 12 KART DE BAUDRAIRIE J.M. BAZIRE 3'17"14 1'13"00
2. 02 KUZA VIVA S. LEVOY 3'18"50 1'13"50
3. 08 JOYAU D'URBAIN O. RAFFIN 3'18"81 1'13"60
4. 06 INGEN P. LEVESQUE 3'19"12 1'13"80
5. 07 KITO DU VIVIER J. VERBEECK 3'19"38 1'13"80
6. 05 JOHN ARIFANT J.CL. HALLAIS 3'19"51 1'13"90
7. 04 JEFF DU FRUITIER F. NIVARD 3'19"77 1'14"00

Kart du Baudrairie & J.M.Bazire
2700 - 1500 1:13,5 Isis Brennoise
1500 - 1000 1:13,2 Isis Brennoise
1000 - 500 1:15,2 Kart de Baudrairie
500 - cilj 1:09,5 Kart de Baudrairie
7.kolo / week
Fair Grounds, 12.03.2005
$600.000 "Louisiana Derby " 1.700m / 3g. / G1
1. High Limit / R.Dominguez (1:42.74) 4d
(Marias Mon-Known Romance/Known Fact)
2. Vicarage / J.Velasquez
3.Storm Surge / J.Bailey
4. Wallstreet Scandal / R.Berajano
5.Real Dandy 6.Scipion 7.Kansas City Boy 8.Sort It Out 9.Indy Storm
frakcije: 23.56 / 47.36 / 1:11.85 / 1:36.26 / 1:42.74
pobeda 7.2 / dubl po redu 74.7 / triling po redu 453.6 / hipo kare po redu 3,389.1

High Limit na ulasku u ciljni pravac
Scipion, pobednik "Risen Star Stakes" i tada na� potajni favorit ipak nije ponovio uspeh. Ovoga puta dolazak od pozadi o�igledno nije bio dovoljno dobra taktika za raspolo�ene "brzince". High Limit, posle pauze od skoro pet meseci je impresivno dobio "Louisiana Derby" i za �itav stepen prenosa vi�e od ostalih u�ao u cilj sa komotne �etiri du�ine prednosti, izjedna�iv�i rekord trke. Iznena�enje su priredili Vicarage na drugom mestu i Wallstreet Scandal na �etvrtom. Storm Surge je ponovio tre�e mesto iz prethodnog starta u "Risen Star Stakes".
Njegov novi trener Bobby Frankel je bio sa�et: "He ran really well, I'm very happy." Ina�e, Frankel je poznat da ume da povrati u formu grla posle dugog odsustva.
Slede�i planirani start je "Wood Memorial" 9.aprila ili "Blue Grass" 16.aprila, a potom ako bude sve i�lo po planu 7.maja u derbiju. Ovom pobedom je inkasirao $360.000, dok je u prethodna dva starta i isto toliko pobeda ukupno zaradio $42.000. Ukupna margina mu je u tri starta sada �ak 221/2d.
Ramon Dominguez, jaha�(u sve tri pobede High Limit): "I was very pleased. He finished very strong. He gave as much as you asked him to. I was not surprised by his performance. He seems to be a very good horse."
Cagnes Sur Mer, 13.03.2005
�180.000 "Grand Criterium de Vitesse de la Cote d'Azur"
1.609m / A / 4-10g. / G I
pravo starta imaju grla sa zaradom ve�om od �160.000; kastrati nemaju pravo starta
01 10 VASTERBO DAYLIGHT A. SVANSTEDT 1'53"50 1'10"54
02 6 ILSTER D'ESPIENS J.H. TREICH 1'54"20 1'10"97
03 9 LIKABLE RIVER W. PAAL 1'54"30 1'11"03
04 5 NAGLO (SWE) O. KIHLSTROM 1'54"35 1'11"06
05 11 SIMB ILLUSION M. ESPER 1'54"50 1'11"16
06 4 GIGANT NEO D. LOCQUENEUX 1'54"70 1'11"28
07 7 ZINZAN BROOKE TUR M. SMORGON 1'54"80 1'11"34
Civil Action (USA) je po nezvani�nim rezultatima bio drugi, ali je po kona�noj odluci sudija diskvalifikovan zbog "se�enja" staze.
Criterium de Vitesse, jedna od retkih trka na kratkoj distanci u francuskoj,za kasa�ku elitu. Nadmetanje se tr�i na jednoj od najbrzih hipodroma Evrope, a Francuske sigurno! Od 5 najbr�ih vremena ikada istr�anih u Evropi, �etiri vremena su postignuta upravo na hipodromu Cagnes Sur Mere, u ovoj trci.
Varenne 1.09.6 /2002/
Fan Idole 1.09.8 /2002/
Kesaco Phedo 1.09.9 /2004/
Flambeau des Pins 1.10.0. /2002/
Ove godine, na startu �e se pojaviti 11 grla. Trka je vrlo neizvesna, i puna velikih imena! �teta sto Jag de Bellouet ne tr�i, da se odmeri sa rivalima i na milju...

Vasterbo Dayligh
8.kolo / week
Oaklawn Park , 19.03.2005
$250.000 "Rebel Stakes " 1.700m / 3g. / G3
1. Greater Good/ J.McKee (1:44.92) 1/2d
(Itidab-Gather the Clan(IRE)/General Assembly)
2. Rockport Harbor / S.Elliott
3. Batson Challenge / C.Borell
4. Copy My Notes / T.Doocy
5.Jazzy Gallop 6.Afleet Alex
frakcije: 24.00 / 47.25 / 1:12.54 / 1:38.57 / 1:44.92
pobeda 5.6 / dubl po redu 17.0 / triling po redu 210.5

Greater Good - Rockport Harbor
Batson Challenge (drugi plan)
Kada je trebalo, Greater Good je bio dobar, najbolji. Rockport Harbor i Afleet Alex su poveli od samog starta, a Greater Good ih je pratio u stopu. U kontra pravcu, Rockport Harbor je imao �ak 31/2 du�ine prednosti, dok je Afleet Alex naglo popustio. Ipak u samom cilju, Greater Good je uspeo da nadoknadi razliku i za 1/2 du�ine u�e prvi u cilj. Nakon trke konstatovano je da Afleet Alex ima infekciju plu�a, ali je najavljen njegov start za "Arkansas Derby". Ovo je peta pobeda za Greater Good u �est startova.
Santa Anita , 19.03.2005
�250.000 "San Felipe Stakes " 1.700m
1. Consolidator / R.Berajano (1:40.11) 61/2d
(Storm Cat-Good Example/Crystal Glitters)
2. Giacomo / M.Smith
3. Don't Get Mad / T.Baze
4. Wilko / C.Nakatani
5. Golden Shine 6.Lucky J. H. 7.In Excelsis 8.Roman Ruler
frakcije: 23.44 / 46.02 / 1:09.74 / 1:34.03 / 1:40.11
pobeda 8.2 / dubl po redu 35.7 / triling po redu 194.8 / hipo kare po redu 574.8

Consolidator dobija "San Felipe Stakes" Consolidator je dobio "San Felipe Stakes" u rekordnom vremenu, izjedna�iv�i vreme iz 1979 kada je pobedio Pole Position. Tako�e, rekordna margina od 61/2 du�ina je bolja od prethodnog rekorda za 1/2 du�ine koji je dr�ao Variety Road iz 1986. Ovo je tre�a pobeda u devet startova Consolidator-a uz zaradu od $739,250.
Wayne D.Lukas, trener: " I got after him a little bit more. He fooled me a little bit. I think I overestimated his ability. I was a little bit light on him. I probably pampered him a little bit, but I went back and said: "I know how to get there, I've been there before. I know what to do." So I tried to correct it. I asked him to do a little more. "
9.kolo / week
Nad Al Sheba , 26.03.2005 / teret 56kg
$2M"Dubai Sheema Classic " 2,400m / 4+g. / G1 / turf
1. Phoenix Reach(IRE)/ M.Dwyer (2:30.54) 2d
(Alhaarth(IRE)-Carrol's Canyon(IRE)/Hatim(USA))
2. Razkalla(USA) / K.McEvoy
3. Collier Hill(GB) / D.McKeown 1/2
4. Grey Inn(USA) / W.Marwing 1/2
5.Powerscourt(GB) 6.Prince Arche(USA) 7.Omikron(IRE) 8.Maraahel(IRE) 9.Tycoon(GB) 10.Cherry Mix(FR) 11.Fight Your Corner(GB)
pobeda 4.6 / dubl po redu 169.0 / triling po redu 4,0.39.3 /hipo kare po redu 23,968.4

Phoenix Reach(IRE) & Martin Dwyer
Nad Al Sheba , 26.03.2005 / teret: 57kg
$6M "Dubai World Cup" 2.000m / 4+g / G1 / dirt
1. Roses in May(USA)/ J.Velasquez (2:02.17) 3d
(Devil His Due(USA)-Tell A Secret(USA)/Speak John(USA))
2. Dynever(USA) / E.Coa
3. Choctaw Nation(USA) / P.Valenzuela
4. Jack Sullivan(USA) / J.Velsaquez
5.Congrats(USA) 6.Adjudi Mitsuo(JPN) 7.Lundy's Liability(BRZ) 8.King's Boy(GER) 9.Yard-Arm(SAF) 10.Ruler's Court(USA) 11.Chiquitin(ARG) 12.Elmustanser(GB)
pobeda 2.3 / dubl po redu 13.5 / triling po redu 82.4 / hipo kare po redu 1,126.3

Roses in May & John Velasquez
Dubai World Cup - all you need
startne liste (pdf 23 KB) program trka (pdf 172 KB) past performances (pdf 86 KB)
Dubai World Cup Day kompletni rezultati ::
Dubai World Cup on bgturf 2003 / 2004
10.kolo / week
Gulfstream Park , 02.04.2005 (1:49.43)
$1M "Florida Derby" 1.800m / 3g. / G1
1. High Fly / J.Bailey (1:49.43) 11/2d
(Aticus - Verbasle / Slewpy)
2. Noble Causeway / E.Prado
3. B.B.Best / J.Chavez
4. Park Avenue Ball / R.Dominguez
5.Mighty Mecke 6.Vicarage 7.Papi Chullo 8.Evil Minister 9.Wallstreet Scandal
frakcije: 22.94 / 45.89 / 1:09.92 / 1:26.07 / 1:49.43
pobeda 2.2 / dubl po redu 8.4 / triling po redu 32.5 / hipo kare po redu 237.6

Mighty Mecke - High Fly - B.B.Best
na ulsaku u pravac
Prvi favorit High Fly je lako dobio trku, izlaskom na �elo trke na ulasku u pravac. Do tada je u stopu pratio pejsmejkera B.B.Best koji je ipak uspeo da se "ugura" u plac. Start High Fly je bio pod znakom pitanja usled lake groznice koja ga je dr�ala van treninga samo �etiri dana pre trke. Zito mo�e biti ponosan uspehom svog dubla sa prva dva mesta u trci. Ovo je peta pobeda u �est startova za High Fly, a posle "Aventura Stakes" i "Fountain of Youth" u svoj impresivan skor dodao je i "Florida Derby". Najavio je da �e oba grla biti pisana za derbi, kao i da je ovo trebalo da bude njihova poslednja provera pred trku ru�a. Poslednji KyDerby pobednik sa �ak pet nedelja pauze je Needles 1956 (ime dobio kao uspomenu na silne injekcije koje je primio kao �drebe zbog �estih zdravstvenih problema).
Nick Zito, trener:
"He (High Fly) showed a lot of courage. I just kept saying "Show your heart,'' because this horse has great heart and great, great determination."
"You can't give him (Noble Causeway) enough credit because he's coming out of an allowance race. And the only horse that beat him was High Fly"
Poslednji "Florida Derby" pobednik koji je dobio i KyDerby je bio Monarchos. Jo� su �etiri grla uspela u tom poduhvatu: Thunder Gulch, Go for Gin, Strike the Gold i Unbridled.
kratke pri�e ("Florida Derby")
Spectacular Bid 1979 :: Monarchos 2001 ::
Beaumont de Lomagne, 03.04.2005 (2:51.07)
�160.000 "Grand Prix du Sud-Ouest " 2.375m / 4-10g. / G II
01 VASTERBO DAYLIGHT(SWE) / A. SVANSTEDT / 2'51"07 / 1'12"00
03 HILDA ZONETT(SWE) / R. BERGH / 1'12"00
05 JOYAU D'URBAIN / O.Raffin / 1'12''80
06 INDIEN DU BOCAGE / P.M.Enault / 1'13''20
07 CANTARE(SWE) / B.Muel / 1'14''00
Dq JARDY / J.M.Bazire / -
pobeda 2.5 / dubl po redu 3.6 / triling po redu HIP 10.4 PMU 11.3

Vasterbo Daylight & Hilda Zonett
komentar trke
Odmah na startu, Cantare je i pre poravnanja bio u galopu, �to je bio uzrok da se Jardy uznemiri i potom odmah i bude diskvalifikovan. Od starta je Vasterbo Daylight preuzela �elo, dok su je pratili Ilster d'Espiens i Daguet Rapide. Takav poredak se odr�ao do drugog prolaza, kada je Hilda Zonett poja�ala tempo a Robert Bergh iskoristio trenutak kada je Joyau d'Urbain bio u konfliktu sa Ilster d'Espiens. Malo je nedostajalo da dve �ve�anke odnesu prve dve nagrade. Vasterbo Daylight �ini se ovoga puta nije bila tako nadmo�na kao u "Grand Criterium de Vitesse de la Cote d'Azur". Obja�njenje mo�emo potra�iti mo�da u planovima za start slede�eg meseca u Napulju u "Gran Premio Lotteria". U fini�u dolaze�i Ilster d'Espiens i Hilda Zonett su potvrdili kvalitet, potonja je kona�no "prona�la sebe". Daguet Rapide o�igledno jo� nije na "svome". Petoplasirani Joyau d'Urbain mo�e biti zadovoljan petim mestom, naro�ito ako se uzme u obzir da je mo�da bio ometen od Ilster d'Espiens u trenutku kada je krenuo napred. Ulo�en je bio i protest nakon trke koji je odbijen, opravdano jer je duel ipak bio u okvirima redovnih de�avanja na stazi, te je poredak ostao nepromenjen.
pre trke
Jacques-Henri Treich (Ilster d'Espiens):"Svi protivnici su opasni. Bi�e te�ko zaustaviti Vasterbo Daylight ili Daguet Rapide. Ipak, Ilster je u dobroj formi i imao je dobar rad u �etvrtak. U "Grand Criterium de Vitesse de la Cote d'Azur" nisam na vreme odgovorio na napad Vasterbo Daylight. To je mo�da bila gre�ka. Toga dana su �ve�ani nadma�ili konkurenciju."

General du Lupin & Ilster d'Espiens
Alain Merle za bgturf sa "Grand Prix du Sud-Ouest 2004"
11.kolo / week
Santa Anita , 09.04.2005 (1:49.18)
$750.000 "Santa Anita Derby" 1.800m / 3g. / G1
1. Buzzards Bay / M.Guidry (1:48.43) 1/2d
(Marco Bay-Lifes Lass/Seneca Jones)
2. General John B / J.Court
3. Wilko / L.Dettori
4. Giacomo / M.Smith
5.Sweet Catomine 6.Don't Get Mad 7.Go Coyote John 8.Wannawinemail 9.A.P.Arrow 10.Allright 11.Customer
frakcije: 23.60 / 47.32 / 1:11.34 / 1:36.45 / 1:49.18
pobeda 31.1 / dubl po redu 571.4 /triling po redu 6,635.5 /hipo kare po redu 27,460.2
Trener Jeff Mullins ovom pobedom slavi u tre�em izdanju ove trke zaredom: Castendale(2004) i Buddy Gill(2003). Ina�e, najuspe�niji trener Kaliforije je do skoro bio suspendovan zbog nedozvoljenog preparata "milkshake". Radi se o rastvoru sode bikarbone koja se upumpava u �eludac konja i usporava stvaranje mle�ne kiseline u mi�i�ima, pa time i zamora.
"Santa Anita Derby" kratke pri�e
Majestic Prince (1969) :: Sunday Silence (1989)

Buzzards Bay & General John B
Meadowlands , 10.04.2005 (1:53.1)
$150.000 "Su Mac Lad - Final " 1.609m
01 DON BOSS VITA / B.Sears / 1:52.1 / 27.4 * vrat
02 MR MUSCLEMAN / R.Pierce / 1:52.1 / 26.4 vrat
03 HURRI KANE BILLY / Y.Gingras / 1:53.1 / 27.2 3/4d
04 CORDIAL MARTINI / G.Brenan / 1:53.1 / 27.4
05 MOHAMMED MALI / D.Miller / 1:53.1 / 27.3
06 HUNT M DOWN / E.Ledford / 1:53.1 / 27.3
07 DINK ADOO / C.Manzi / 1:53.2 / 27.3
08 ENS SNAPSHOT / M.Lachance / 1:53.4 / 28.3
09 CHUCARO AHIJUNA / J.Campbell / 1:53.4 / 28.3
10 HP PAQUE / T.Smedhammer / 1:56.1 / 31.1
* 1:52.1 / 27.4 = vreme u trci / vreme poslednjih 400m
pobeda 3.4 / dubl po redu 9.1 / triling po redu 87.7
Don Boss Vita je u poslednjim metrima odbio napad i sa�uvao prvo mesto, iako je Mr.Muscleman silovito napao. Margina u cilju je bila samo za vrat, dok je Hurri Kane Billy do�ao samo 3/4 du�ine iza drugoplasiranog.
Ovo je ujedno i novi rekord trke. Prethodni 1:53.4 postavio je �uveni Magician u svojoj tre�oj uzastopnoj pobedi u "Su Mac Lad" 2002. Za njega je danas uprili�ena i sve�anost opro�taja od publike.
Trofej je predao sekretar hipodroma Solvalla gde �e se 29.maja tr�ati "Elitloppet". Don Boss Vita je tr�ao pod Lasix-om koji je zabranjen u �vedskoj; Mr.Muscleman ovoga puta nije bio tretitan Lasix-om za razliku od prve kvalifikacione trke koju je i dobio, upravo zbog starta u �vedskoj.
Virginia Louthan, trener: "He's got the biggest heart. As soon as I saw them leave easy and there was no crazy speed duel, I was happy. Once he gets a good opening quarter and clears like that, he will fight them off the distance and he won't give up. God made a truly magnificent animal when He made him. He has old injuries; he's an old warhorse. We want to keep him together and preserve him. If we do, it could be a really good summer. "
Hans G. Lindskog, Solvalla: "What I saw today was a very impressive performance by Mr Muscleman and by Don Boss Vita,� said Lindskog. �Mr Muscleman was the best in the race. He was very fast in his last quarter. He had a very unlucky race. But the time is superior.

Don Boss Vita
12.kolo / week
Keeneland, 17.04.2005 (1:50.16)
$750.000 "Blue Grass Stakes" 1.800m / 3g. / G1
1. Bandini / J.Velasquez (1:50.16)
(Fusaichi Pegasus-Divine Dixie/Dixieland Band)
2. High Limit / R.Dominguez
3. Closing Argument / C.Velasquez
4. Sun King / E.Prado
5.Consolidator 6.Spanish Chestnut 7.Mr.Sword
frakcije: 23.41 / 46.65 / 1:10.56 / 1:36.76 / 1:50.16
pobeda 4.0 / dubl po redu 17.4 / triling po redu 108.9 / hipo kare po redu 331.1
Tod Pletcher, trener: " With all the trouble we had, I was still quietly confident. I wasn't concerned about his fitness. I was more concerned about the outside post. He we more focused today. He was all business and it showed in the race. "

"Blue Grass Stakes" kratke pri�e
Aby, 16.04.2005 (1:12.9)
�156.100 Olympiatravet 2.140m/A 3+g. / G I
1. GIDDE PALEMA A. SVANSTEDT 1'12"90 0'34"00
2. KART DE BAUDRAIRIE J.M. BAZIRE 1'13"40 0'34"20
3. SPRING RAY B. GOOP 1'13"60 0'34"30
pobeda 2.4 / dubl po redu 6.2 / triling po redu PMU 19.6 HIP 17.3
Jägersro, 19.03.
01 Spring Ray 1:14.3
02 Aircraftman 1:14.7
Rome, 26.03.
01 Flying Hercules 1:13.7
02 Prince of North 1:13.8
F�rjestad, 02.04.
01 Gidde Palema 1:13.9
02 Smashing Victory 1:14.1
po pozivu
G�n�ral du Lupin, Hilda Zonett, Steinlager, Kart du Baudrairi

13.kolo / week
Keeneland, 24.04.2005
$325.000 "Lexington Stakes" 1.700m / 3g. / G2
1. Coin Silver / J.Castellano (1:45.76) 31/2d
(Anees-Beyond A Doubt/Conquistador Cielo)
2. Sort It Out / B.Blanc 31/2d
3. Storm Surge / R.Albarado
4. Forever Wild / J.Chavez
5.Going Wild 6.Rockport Harbor 7.Actxecutive *** Skye'n Thunder
frakcije: 23.19 / 46.50 / 1:12.01 / 1:39.25 / 1:45.76
pobeda 14.4 / dubl po redu 63.7 / triling po redu 319.1 / hipo kare po redu 1,617.8

Poslednji voz za derbi izgleda da je uhvatio trener Todd Pletcher. Coin Silver je odista na�inio iznena�enje kada se ciljnom pravcu izdvojio iz grupe i dobio trku. Pro�le nedelje Pletcher je na sli�an na�in dobio jo� jedno grlo u derbiju kada je Bandini u pravcu odlu�io "Blue Grass". Tako�e, Flower Alley je u�ao me�u 20 za derbi zavr�iv�i "Arkansas Derby" na drugom mestu. Pletcher do sada nije dobio KyDerby.
Prvi favorit trke, Rockport Harbor je ipak ostavio glavni utisak, razo�arav�i tek �estim mestom. Tokom �itave trke nije bio u elementu, da bi u pravcu potpuno podbacio.
Posle debakla u "Wood Memorial", Going Wild ovim tr�anjem je vidno daleko od bilo kakve pristojne forme. Njegov trener Lukas je objavio da �e samo Consolidator i�i u derbi.
Coin Silver je zabele�io drugu pobedu u pet startova.
"Lexington Stakes" kratke pri�e Old Rosebud (1914)
Istorijat "Lexington Stakes" ::
Enghien, 23.04.2005
�180.000 "Prix de l'Atlantique" 2.150m/A 4-10g. / G I
01 JAG DE BELLOUET CH. GALLIER 2'33"42 1'11"40
02 JARDY J.M. BAZIRE 2'34"22 1'11"70
03 VASTERBO DAYLIGHT J. KONTIO 2'34"79 1'12"00
04 LIKABLE RIVER W. PAAL 2'34"99 1'12"10
05 KEED TIVOLI M. BEZIER 2'35"17 1'12"20
06 JOYAU D'AMOUR J.PH. MARY 2'35"22 1'12"20
07 KUZA VIVA S. LEVOY 2'35"28 1'12"20
pobeda 1.6 / dubl po redu 6.0 / triling po redu PMU 5.1 HIP 5.9

14.kolo / week
Newmarket, 01.05.2005 (1:36.10)
£320.000 "2.000 Guineas " 1.609m / 3g. / G1
01 Footstepsinthesand (17) A P O�Brien 3 9-0 K Fallon 13/2 � �
02 11 Rebel Rebel (IRE) (6) N A Callaghan 3 9-0 O Urbina 100/1 103 � �
03 3 Kandidate (4) C E Brittain 3 9-0 E Ahern 100/1 105 � �
04 3 Oratorio (IRE) (15) A P O�Brien 3 9-0 J P Murtagh 8/1 � �
05 hd Dubawi (IRE) (5) Saeed Bin Suroor 3 9-0 L Dettori 11/8F � �
06 nk Democratic Deficit (IRE) (11) J S Bolger 3 9-0 K J Manning 20/1 � �
07 11 Mister Genepi (19) W R Muir 3 9-0 S Drowne 100/1 106 � �
08 shd Tony James (IRE) (10) C E Brittain 3 9-0 M Hills 66/1 112 � �
09 shd Satchem (IRE) (14) Saeed Bin Suroor 3 9-0 t K McEvoy 40/1 � �
10 nk Tucker (1) D R C Elsworth 3 9-0 T Quinn 33/1 103 � �
11 hd David Junior (USA) (8) B J Meehan 3 9-0 R Hills 100/1 82 � �
12 11 Party Boss (9) C E Brittain 3 9-0 D Holland 25/1 109 � �
13 5 Iceman (16) J H M Gosden 3 9-0 J Fortune 7/1 116 � �
14 11 Capable Guest (IRE) (7) M R Channon 3 9-0 C Catlin 100/1 103 � �
15 13 Diktatorial (13) A M Balding 3 9-0 Martin Dwyer 25/1 107 � �
16 3 Solent (IRE) (18) R Hannon 3 9-0 R Hughes 100/1 93 � �
17 5 Pivotal Flame (2) E S McMahon 3 9-0 S Sanders 100/1 97 � �
18 nk Elliots World (IRE) (12) M Johnston 3 9-0 K Darley 50/1 107 � �
19 7 Rob Roy (USA) (3) Sir Michael Stoute 3 9-0 M J Kinane 6/1 106 �

Helsinki, 30.04.2005
�180.000 "Finlandia Ajo " 1.609m/A 4-14g. / G I
01 7 Kart De Baudrairie / Jean-Michel Bazire 12,2
02 9 Classico Merett / Pekka Korpi 12,5a
03 3 Likable River / Wilhelm Paal 12,5a
04. 2 Cold Hard Wind / Joseph Verbeeck 12,6a
05 8 Prime Prospect / Andrea Guzzinati 12,8a
06 4 Scarlet Knight / Stig H Johansson 12,9a
07 1 Norvelous Hanover / Olav Mikkelborg 13,0a
08 6 Mike Malibu / Veijo Heiskanen 13,5a
08 5 Inspiration Ride / Tuomas Korvenoja hml 5 12,8a

15.kolo / week
Churchill Downs , 07.05.2005 (2:02.75)
$2M "Kentucky Derby " 2.000m / 3g. / G1
01 Giacomo / M.Smith
02 Closing Argument / C.Velasquez
03 Afleet Alex / J.Rose
04 Don't Get Mad / T.Baze
5.Buzzards Bay, 6.Wilko, 7.Bellamy Road, 8.Andromeda's Hero, 9.Flower Alley, 10.High Fly, 11.Greeley's Galaxy, 12.Coin Silver, 13.Greater Good, 14.Noble Causeway, 15.Sun King, 16.Spanish Chestnut, 17.Sort It Out, 18.Going Wild, 19.Bandini 20.High Limit
pobeda 51.3/dubl po redu 4,907,4/triling po redu 66,567.4/ HK po redu 864,253.5
01 SORT IT OUT / B.Blanc 50-1
(Out of Place - Vex/ Kris S)
02 ANDROMEDA'S HERO / R.Berajano 50-1
(Fusaichi Pegasus - Marozia/Storm Bird(CAN))
03 SUN KING / E.Prado 15-1
(Charismatic - Clever But Costly/Clever Trick)
04 NOBLE CAUSEWAY / G.Stevens 12-1
(Giant's Causeway - Mimi's Golden Girl/Seeking the Gold)

05 COIN SILVER / P.Valenzuela 20-1
(Anees-Beyond A Doubt/Conquistador Cielo)
06 HIGH LIMIT / R.Dominguez 12-1
(Marias Mon-Known Romance/Known Fact)
07 FLOWER ALLEY / J.Chavez 20-1
(Distotred Humor-Princess Olivia/Lycius)
08 GREATER GOOD / J.McKee 20-1
(Intidab - Gather the Clan/General Assembly)

09 GREELY'S GALAXY / K.Desormeaux 15-1
(Mr.Greeley-Ascot Starre/Ascot Knight(CAN))
10 GIACOMO / M.Smith 50-1
(Holy Bull - Set Them Free/Stop the Music)
11 HIGH FLY / J.Bailey 8-1
(Aticus - Verbasle / Slewpy)
12 AFLEET ALEX / J.Rose 9-2
(Northern Afleet - Maggy Hawk/Hawkster)

13 SPANISH CHESTNUT / J.Bravo 50-1
(Horse Chestnut(SAF) - Baby Rabbit/ No Sale George)
14 WILKO / C.Nakatani 20-1
(Awesome Again - Native Roots(IRE)/Indian Ridge(IRE))
15 BANDINI / J.Velasquez 6-1
(Fusaichi Pegasus-Divine Dixie/Dixieland Band)
16 BELLAMY ROAD / J.Castellano 5-2
(Concerto-Hurry Home Hillary/Deputy Testimony)

17 DON'T GET MAD / T.Baze 30-1
(Stephen Got Even - Class on Class/Jolies Halo)
18 CLOSING ARGUMENT / C.Velasquez 30-1
(Successful Appeal - Mrs Greeley/Mr Greeley)
19 GOING WILD / J.Valdivia Jr 50-1
(Golden Missile - Pola/ Strawberry Road(AUS))
20 BUZZARDS BAY / M.Guidry 20-1
(Marco Bay-Lifes Lass/Seneca Jones)

Kentucky Derby past performances (pdf 531 KB)
Vincennes, 07.05.2005
�240.000 "Criterium des 4 ans " 2.850m/A 4g. / G I
01 17 NIKITA DU RIB J.L.CL. DERSOIR 3'28"06 1'13"00
02 03 NEUTRON DU CEBE J. LEPENNETIER 3'28"71 1'13"20
03 10 NOBODY DU CHENE P. LEVESQUE 3'29"65 1'13"60
04 08 NUAGE DE LAIT J.ET. DUBOIS 3'29"68 1'13"60
05 05 NADAILLAC J.W. HALLAIS 3'30"23 1'13"80
06 04 NIJINSKI BLUE Y. DREUX 3'30"42 1'13"80
07 12 NAIF PHI F. NIVARD 3'30"67 1'13"90
pobeda 8.9 / dubl po redu 50.0 / triling po redu HIP 6,422.1
16.kolo / week
Newbury , 14.05.2005
£320.000"Juddmonte Lockinge Stakes" 1.609m / 4+g. / G1
1 Rakti (5) 6 P Robinson 7/4F (1:33.59)
(Polish Precedent(USA) - Ragera(IRE))
2 5 Mac Love (1) 4 G Carter 50/1 5
3 1 Hurricane Alan (IRE) (11) 5 P Dobbs 16/1
4 nk Elvstroem (AUS) (8) 5 N Rawiller 7/1
5 1 Arakan (USA) (7) 5 M J Kinane 16/1
6 3 Le Vie Dei Colori (6) 5 J P Murtagh 9/2
7 shd Grand Emporium (SAF) (3) 5 L Dettori 12/1
8 1 Antonius Pius (USA) (10) 4 K Fallon 9/2
pobeda 2.5 / dubl po redu 74.5 / triling po redu 82.9
Rakti je za 4.01" oborio dosada�nji rekord trke. Na startu je poveo Elstroem, da bi posle 200m na �elo do�ao Rakti. Do 200m pre cilja Elstroem se dr�ao na drugom mestu da bi tada popustio u tempu. Autsajder Mac Love(50-1) je sve vreme trke bio u grupi koja je pratila vode�eg i u zavr�nici napravio iznena�enje. Ipak, Rakti se sam istr�ao ovu trku, jostala grla su do�la u grupi �itavih pet du�ina iza vode�eg. Sopstvenik pobedni�kog grla je nama dobro znani Gary Tanaka, za �iju �talu od nedavno tr�i i Billy Allen.

- "Lockinge Stakes" -
Philip Robinson, jaha�: " This just shows how good he is on his day. This is the best horse I've sat on- and I've been on some good ones. They put the old snaffle bit back on today and he was really confident in it. The plan was that if they went slow I would go on, and he relaxed lovely in front. I am very pleased with him. If we can keep him in that frame of mind, he's a very hard horse to beat."
Michael Jarvis, trener: " He's a wonderful horse. We have our moments with him but Philip has long said that if he gets the horse in front and just relaxes him, switches him off, he will pick up. We worked him round Lingfield a couple of weeks ago and he was by his lead horse in a couple ofyards and just switched off. I think he would have broken the track record round Lingfield the other day! It was different to how we had been riding Rakti as obviously over a mile and a quarter they don't go that quickly anyway. But all credit to Philip. He has always said a mile is his best trip. He's such a versatile horse. When you think he's won an Italian Derby over a mile and a half, he's just a wonderful, wonderful horse. I would say he will probably go for the Queen Anne(Royal Ascot) next."
Oslo, 015.05.2005
�250.000 "Oslo Grand Prix" 2.100m 3-12g. / G I

19.kolo / week
Epsom , 4.06.2005
£1.500.000 "Vodafone Derby" 2.400m / 3g. / G1
01 MOTIVATOR / J.Murtagh / 5d / (2:35.69)
03 DUBAWI / L.Dettori
04 FRACAS / J.P.Spencer

20.kolo / week
Belmont Park , 11.06.2005
$1.000.000 "Belmont Stakes " 2.400m / 3g. / G1
1. Afleet Alex / J.Rose (2:28.75) 7d
(Northern Afleet-Maggy Hawk/Hawkster)
2. Andromeda's Hero / R.Berajano
3. Nolan's Cat / N.Arroyo Jr.
4. Indy Storm / E.Prado
Charlottelund , 12.06.2005
�1.500.000 "Copenhagen Cup" 2.011m/A / G I
1 7 Steinlager (s) Per O. Midtfjeld 2011 13,0 625.000 0022
v. Good As Gold (s) - Keystone Jazzy (us)
Ejer: Knut Olausson
Opdr: Opdrattet I Sverige
2 6 Gidde Palema (s) Ake Svanstedt 2011 13,3 300.000 0025
3 5 Giant Diablo (s) �rjan Kihlstr�m 2011 13,4 120.000 0051
4 4 Dumle Loss (s) Erik Adielsson 2011 13,9 45.000 0378
5 2 Gatsby (f) Lutfi Kolgjini 2011 14,1 25.000 0257
6 3 Good Guy D K Bent Svendsen 2011 15,0 0909
7 1 Frakke Frederik Pr. Kjarsgaard 2011 OPG g 0076
91 8 Lukas Farming (s) Bj�rn Goop 2011 udg.
21.kolo / week
Churchill Downs , 19.06.2005
$750.000 "Stephen Foster Handicap" 1.800m / 3+g. / G1
1. Saint Liam 121 / E.Prado (1:47.52)
(Saint Ballado-Quiet Dance/Quiet American)
2. Eurosilver 113 / R.Berajano
3. Perfect Drift 117 / G.Stevens
4. M B Sea 113 / P.Day
5. Gouldings Green 6. Badge of Silver 7. Colonial Colony 8. Presidentialaffair
frakcije: 23.26 / 46.77 / 1:11.26 / 1:36.04 / 1:47.52
pobeda 1.9 / dubl po redu 20.3 / triling po redu 67.8 / hk po redu 518.4
Vincennes , 19.06.2005
�200.000 "Prix Rene Balierre" 2.100m/A / G I
pobeda 1.5 / dubl po redu 2.6 / triling po redu 32.5 / hk po redu 76.7
22.kolo / week
Curragh , 26.06.2005
�750.000 "Irish Derby" 2.400m / 3g. / G1 (2:29.40)
1 Hurricane Run (6) A Fabre 3 9-0 K Fallon 4/5F � �
2 1 Scorpion (3) A P O�Brien 3 9-0 C O�Donoghue 25/1 106 � �
3 4 Shalapour (9) John M Oxx 3 9-0 t F M Berry 16/1 � �
4 4 Brahminy Kite (USA) (7) M Johnston 3 9-0 K Darley 33/1 � �
5 2 Bahar Shumaal (8) C E Brittain 3 9-0 T E Durcan 20/1 � �
6 2 Helvetio (GB) (4) D K Weld 3 9-0 P J Smullen 50/1 103 � �
7 Fracas (5) David Wachman 3 9-0 J P Spencer 8/1 113 � �
8 Walk In The Park (1) J E Hammond 3 9-0 t A Munro 100/30 � �
UR Gypsy King (2) A P O�Brien 3 9-0 J A Heffernan 9/1 111 �
pobeda 2.2 / dubl po redu 40.0 / HK po redu 32.6
Kieren Fallon, jaha�: " It means a lot to win this race, especially after thinking I'dwin it on North Light last year only to finish second. For years I have dreamed about winning this race, ever since I was an apprentice with Kevin Prendergast - it means everything.
I did come wide from the back as I hadn't riddenHurricane Run before. I thought I was on the best horse, but I wanted to get a clear run. He is still something of a baby and when I gave him one flick of the whip he picked up lovely. He travels for fun under you, but he idled a bit when he got to the front, just like his father used to. "
Enghien , 25.06.2005
�90.000 "Prix de New York" 2.150m/A
01 JEANBAT DU VIVIER P. VERCRUYSSE 2'35"13 / 1'12"10
02 JOYAU D'AMOUR P. LEVESQUE 2'35"90 / 1'12"50
03 STRAIGHTUP D. LOCQUENEUX 2'36"00 / 1'12"50
04 KITO DU VIVIER J. VERBEECK 2'36"26 / 1'12"60
pobeda 1.8 / dubl po redu 14.6 / triling po redu 95.0 /
23.kolo / week
Sandown , 02.07.2005 (2:07.00)
�560.000 "Eclipse Stakes" 2.000m / 3+g. / G1
1 Oratorio (IRE) (1) A P O�Brien 3 8-10 K Fallon 12/1 � �
2 1 Motivator (2) M L W Bell 3 8-10 J P Murtagh 2/5F 127 � �
3 21 Altieri (8) V Caruso 7 9-7 R Hughes 22/1 � �
4 1 Hazyview (4) N A Callaghan 4 9-7 v D Holland 50/1 112 � �
5 5 Hurricane Alan (IRE) (5) R Hannon 5 9-7 P Dobbs 40/1 112 � �
6 2 Starcraft (NZ) (6) L M Cumani 5 9-7 P Robinson 5/1 � �
7 18 Diamond Green (FR) (7) A Fabre 4 9-7 C Soumillon 16/1 �
pobeda 9.5 / dubl po redu 24.7
Kieren Fallon, jaha� (Oratorio): " He is a lazy horse but the thing is he tries and he responds. He is a sort of horse who will only give you half of what he's capable of. If I could have had him handy in the St James's Palace I think he would have won that and he didn't suit Epsom in the Derby.
I've always defended this horse. He flew home in the Guineas and in Ireland he nearlyclipped Dubawi's heels on the line. I was never worried about Motivator as such. I knew I could beat the Godolphin horse and I knew there wasn't much between him and Motivator. I was full of confidence in this little fellow. I always thought I was going to get him. I just had to get him out of a pocket. "
Michael Tabor, vlasnik (Oratorio): " I wasn't surprised. Aidan gave myself and everybody tremendous encouragement as, and I know this sounds strange, he thought the horse was just starting to come to himself. I heard one pundit say that we were running Oratorio as an afterthought, which amazed me. You don't have afterthoughts like that. "
Johnny Murtagh, jaha� (Motivator): " It was a bit stop-start - the pace wasn't that genuine. He was a bit on and off the bridle with me, but I thought in the straight he really picked up the bridle and cruised up to Darryll [Holland, on Hazyview].
At the two marker I thought I was going to pick up and do something similar to the Epsom Derby, but a furlong out he kind of changed his legs and threw his head in the air.
Basically I always thought this horse wanted a mile and a half and cut in the ground.
The winner is a good horse and has run in all the top mile races. He probably has a bit of speed, and I'd say he is apretty good horse.
My horse didn't win today, but I'm sure there is still plenty to more to come when he steps back up to a mile and a half.
My first comment when I first rode him was that he would be a lovely horse to ride in the Arc.
The ground has dried out since yesterday. It's genuinely good to firm and it's just too fast for this horse. "
Michael Bell, trener (Motivator): " It was a narrow defeat. He hasn't been trounced, he was beaten in the last 100 yards of the race so I'm obviously disappointed but I'm not distraught. He may be off his pinnacle but he may get back on it. "
Enghien , 02.07.2005
�100.000 "Prix de Washington" 1.609m/A
01 Jag de Bellouet 1.2 Ch. Gallier Ch. Gallier 1'52"50 1'09"9
02 Jeanbat du Vivier 1.6 P. Vercruysse Ph. Allaire 1'53"93 1'10"8
03 Straightup (Se.) 1.8 D. Locqueneux S. Melander 1'54"86 1'11"4
04 Mon Bellouet 1.1 F. Souloy F. Souloy 1'55"00 1'11"5
05 Ni Ho Ped d'Ombr�e 1.4 M. Lenoir J.R. Dehayes 1'55"04 1'11"5
06 Love You 1.3 J.P. Dubois J.P. Dubois 1'55"22 1'11"6
07 Java Darche 1.5 B. Piton Ph. Lambert 1'56"56 1'12"4
08 L'Amazone du G�te 2.1 S. Lelievre S. Lelievre 1'57"54 1'13"1
Dq Joyau d'Amour 1.3 J. Verbeeck M.J. Ruault
24.kolo / week
Hollywood Park , 09.07.2005
$750.000 "Hollywood Gold Cup " 2.000m / 3+g. / G1
1. Lava Man 118 / P.Valenzuela (1:59.63) 83/4d
2. Borrego 115 / G.Gomez
3. Congrats 117 / T.Baze
4. Musique Toujours 114 / V.Espinoza
5. Limehouse 6. Keep On Punching 7. Deputy Lad 8. Anzyan Royalty 9. Pt's Grey Eagle
Halmstad , 09.07.2005
SeK400.000 "Gulddivisionen" 2.140m/A
1. Spring Ray / Bj�rn Goop 12.9 2.73
(Gentle Star-Springtime Gelj)
2. Papa Qui / J�rgen Sjunnesson 12.9
3. Solero Briljant / Peter Untersteiner / 12.9
4. Super Light / J�rgen Westholm 13.0
5. Pirate Copy 13.2 6. Thai Tanic 13.2 7
Dq Tag the Devil, Half Moon, Mr Eero, Optimus Sund
25.kolo / week
Delaware Park , 16.07.2005
$300.000 "Leonard Richards Stakes" 1.700m / 3g. / G3
1. Sun King 122 / R.Berajano (1:43.33) 53/4d
(Charismatic - Clever But Costly / Clever Trick)
2. Golden Man 115 / R.Velasquez
3. High Limit 122 / E.Prado
4. Letterman's Humor 155 / C.Potts
5.Sort It Out 115 / J.Bailey
frakcije: 24.04 / 46.74 / 1:11.52 / 1:36.84 / 1:43.33
pobeda 3.5 / dubl po redu 23.3 / triling po redu 38.1
Igra�ima koji su u kombinaciji imali grlo Scrappy T uva�ili smo brisanje grla i izostavili ga, a sva ostala iza igranog pomerili za poziciju unapred.
NIck Zito,trener (Sun King): " High Limit didn't break and Rafael did the right thing by going to the lead. When you're in a race and the favorite doesn't break, that's what you've got to do. When a horse isn't running well, you've got to try something. I didn't use severe blinkers. He had a lot of space where he could see, but it was enough of a blinker to make him concentrate. "
Nick Zito o tr�anju grla Golden Man koji je imao dva starta u samo 24 sata: " What's even more amazing is that he had to travel to do it. If you watch the replay, he really galloped out strongly. If the race was a mile and an eighth, he probably would have won. "
Meadowlands , 16.07.2005
$1M "Meadowlands Pace" 1.609m/A
5 5 Rocknroll Hanover 3 1 1 1-2 1/2 1-3 1:48.3 27.0 *.70 B Sears B Pelling
1 1 Village Jolt 1 3 2 2-2 1/2 2-3 1:49.1 27.2 13.10 R Pierce B Pelling
3 3 Stonebridge Regal 5 2o 3o 3-4 1/2 3BE-6 1:49.4 27.4 2.80 J Moiseyev R Mc Intosh
10 10 American Ideal 10o 9o 6oo 4-5 1/2 4-6 1/4 1:49.4 27.1 43.50 G Brennan C Coleman
8 8 Team Hutch 2 4 4 5-5 1/2 5-8 1/4 1:50.1 28.0 17.60 C Manzi H Hochstetler
4 4 George At Bigs 6o I5o 5o 6-5 3/4 6-8 1/2 1:50.1 27.4 29.10 J Morrill Jr M Harder
7 7 Load The Dice 7 6 7 8-7 1/2 7-10 1/2 1:50.3 27.4 69.40 M Lachance C Ryder
9 9 Allamerican Inca(L) 9 8 9 9-8 8-11 1:50.4 27.4 79.80 D Miller N Daley
6 6 Cam 's Fool 8o I7oo 8o 7-7 9-12 1:51.0 28.1 16.10 J Campbell B Pelling
2 2 Leading X Ample 4 X10o 10 10-DIS 10-DIS 00.0 00.0 7.50 E Ledford W Elliott
Time: 26.2 54.3 1:21.3 1:48.3
H Horse Driver Win Place Show
5 Rocknroll Hanover B Sears 3.40 2.60 2.40
1 Village Jolt R Pierce 6.80 4.40
3 Stonebridge Regal J Moiseyev 2.60
Winning Owners: Jeffrey Snyder & Lothorien Equestrian Center
(W-P-S Pool $256,485)
Exacta (Pool $237,395) (5-1) Paid $27.80
Trifecta (Pool $250,252) ( 5-1-3 ) Paid $64.00
Superfecta (Pool $55,735) (5-1-3-10) Paid $538.30
Brian Sears, voza�(Rocknroll H.) " We had a lot of confidence in him going in. This is the best he's ever raced. He was super sharp tonight. You never know how the trip is going to work out. I expected someone would be leaving from the outside. He went forward and went to the front [before the half]. The horse just swelled up and felt better and better as he went on. "
Ovo je prva pobeda u "M Pace" za Sears-a.
Brett Pelling, trener (Rocknroll H.) "I just saw Rocknroll being more relaxed tonight. He was over-pacing last week. Rocknroll was pretty psyched; he knows what he's here to do. Tonight when he goes home, he'll go down and go to sleep. He's not a wired horse. Tonight was just awesome. "
Ovo je rekordna �etvrta pobeda trenera Pellinga u ovoj trci ( 1995 David's Pass, 1997 Dream Away, 1999 The Panderosa ). Rocknroll Hanover sada ima 6 pobeda u 7 startova. Jedini poraz je imao u eliminacijama za "M Pace" kada je stigao drugi.
26.kolo / week
Newbury , 23.07.2005 (2:28.26) rekord trke
�1.100.000 "King Gerge and Queen Elizabeth Stakes" 2.400m 3+g. G1
01 Azamour (IRE) (12) John M Oxx 4 9-7 M J Kinane 5/2F � �
02 11 Norse Dancer (IRE) (8) D R C Elsworth 5 9-7 J F Egan 50/1 117 � �
03 shd Bago (FR) (2) J E Pease 4 9-7 T Gillet 5/1 � �
04 5 Warrsan (IRE) (6) C E Brittain 7 9-7 S Sanders 66/1 117 � �
05 21 Ace (IRE) (10) A P O�Brien 4 9-7 K Fallon 13/2 � �
06 hd Doyen (IRE) (1) Saeed Bin Suroor 5 9-7 b 1 K McEvoy 16/1 125 � �
07 3 Grey Swallow (IRE) (4) D K Weld 4 9-7 P J Smullen 100/30 � �
08 6 Eswarah (7) M A Jarvis 3 8-6 R Hills 9/1 117 � �
09 3 Gamut (IRE) (9) Sir Michael Stoute 6 9-7 t J P Murtagh 14/1 118 � �
10 nk Phoenix Reach (IRE) (5) A M Balding 5 9-7 Martin Dwyer 20/1 116 �
11 1 Mubtaker (USA) (3) M P Tregoning 8 9-7 W Supple 40/1 117 � �
12 3 Policy Maker (IRE) (11) E Lellouche 5 9-7 O Peslier 33/1 �
Michael Kinane (jaha�, Azamour): " He is a very high class horse. This fellow is ultra consistent and very sound. He never misses a beat and is a pleasure to be around. I haven't missed a day of fast work on this horse since Ijoined John Oxx. From a mile to a mile and a quarter to a mile and half it would take some horse to be as equally effective.
I have no doubt he is one of the best I have ridden. He's only been once out of the three and that was my fault, he should have won ten minutes but everything got in my way that day. I said to John Oxx that whatever beat him would never beat him again.
They were going very quick and to break from stall 12 and to be handy I would have been seven wide and competing and I didn't want to compete so I let them at it and let them sort themselves out. He actually slipped into the race too quick and then arrived there going too good and then he just dossed in front as he does when he gets to the front. "
John Oxx (trener, Azamour): " Michael has been saying it since well into last year. He said he thought he could win at all the distances. You had to be bit wary because of the pedigree and he was a Group 1 winner at a mile as well. Not many horses can do it. When we got to July of his four-year-old year, there was no twisting of the arm. It was the obvious thing todo.
You don't like the commentator saying he has to pass everything to win but he's done it before in the Champion Stakes and with five furlongs to go it is still a long way. When he started to pass them it was all over. You could see the way hecruised up. He was just in a different league.
I think the Irish Champion Stakes and the Arc would be obvious targets if the ground wasn't bottomless. The Aga has Shawanda of course. Then there are the Champion Stakes at Newmarket or the Breeders' Cup but nothing else. "
Enghien , 23.07.2005
�140.000"Prix Jean-Luc Lagardere - Prix d'Europe " 2.875m/A
1 Joyau d'Amour +25 J. Verbeeck M.-J. Ruault 3:35.40 1:14 ,3
2 Kazire de Guez J.-M. Bazire J.-M. Bazire a enc. 1:14,9
3 Lady d'Auvrecy S. Baude F. Harel a 2 1:15 ,1
4 Kito du Vivier F. Nivard F. Boismartel a 3 1:15,2
5 Jalba du Pont J.-Y. Rayon A. Rayon a 4 1:15,3
6 Krysos Speed L.-Cl. Abrivard J.-M. Bazire a 4 1/2 1:15 ,3
7 Ni Ho Ped d'Ombr�e M. Lenoir J.-R. Deshayes a 6 1:15 ,5
8 Joyau d'Urbain O. Raffin J. Raffin a 6 1:15,5
9 Mara Bourbon +25 J.-P. Dubois J.-P. Dubois 1:16.9
D Jackal D. Locqueneux J. Kruithof
D Jeanbat du Vivier +25 P. Vercruysse Ph. Allaire
27.kolo / week
Arlington Park , 30.07.2005
$300.000 "Washington Park Handicap" 1.900m 3+g. G2
01 PERFECT DRIFT 120 / M.Guidry (1:54.27)
02 MAMBO TRAIN 115 / E.Baird
03 HOME OF STARS 114 / J.Graham
04 BILLY ALLEN (IRE) 116 / S.Bridgemohan
05 FREEFOURINTERNET 113 / B.Hernandez Jr.
06 FANTASTICAT 115 / E.Martin Jr.
07 CRYPTOGRAPH 116 / D.Pettinger
frakcije: 24.44 / 48.05 / 1:11.82 / 1:36.30 / 1:54.27
pobeda 1.5 / dubl po redu 12.9 / triling po redu 85.8 / hk po redu 279.4
Meadowlands , 30.07.2005 (1:58.4)
$250.000"Trotting Classic" 1.609m/A 3+g.
1:58.4 - svetski rekord na milju
01 Mr Muscleman 4 4o 2o 1-1/4 1-2 3/4 / 1:58.4
*.40 R Pierce / N Daley
02 Hellava Hush(L) 6 7o 4o 3-2 3/4 2-2 3/4 / 1:59.2 / 15.60
C Manzi / W Gallagher
03 Hez Striking(L) 3 3 1 2-1/4 3-3 / 1:59.2 / 20.20
D Miller / B Pelling
04 Sand Vic 8 8o 6o 5-4 3/4 4-3 3/4 / 1:59.3 / 2.50
B Sears / T Smedshammer
05 Elegant Man(L) 5 5o 3o 4-2 3/4 5-6 1/4 / 2:00.0 / 26.90
G Brennan / R Bencal
06 Chucaro Ahijuna 7 6 8o 7-10 1/4 6-11 3/4 / 2:01.1 / 80.00
M Lachance / P Bernardo
07 Muscles Marinara(L) 1 2 7o 6-7 1/4 7-11 3/4 / 2:01.1 / 46.60
E Ledford / K Rucker
08 Cash Hall(L) 2o 1 5 8-20 1/4 8-42 / 2:07.1 / 14.80
J Moiseyev / R Mc Intosh
Ron Pierce (voza�, Mr.Muscleman): " It doesn't seem to matter to him too much how you race him. He just seems to get across that wire first. I fell into the hole for just about three steps. I could have stayed in there longer but Mr Muscleman felt really good so I took him back out and didn't really say anything to him until we straightened up, then I chased him a little bit home. Noel [trainer Noel Daley] is just an unbelievable trainer. He does a great job with all his horses and this just happens to be a special horse. He rises to the occasion. I just appreciate him. Noel, [owners] Adam Victor, Senior and Junior gave me the honor to drive this horse, and it's a thrill. I'm very happy. If he's as good as he was tonight, I don't see how anybody can get close to him in the Nat Ray "
Noel Dailey (trener, Mr:Muscleman): " He's very easy to train. He does everything you tell him. He's a pleasure to have. You really get to appreciate a horse like this. He always appears like he's getting better. He's a big, strong horse. He's always been a tall horse. Now he's filled out and come into himself. There's no reason why he can't go on for another couple years. After the Nat Ray, he has three weeks off, he goes to Canada for a month, has a week or two off, then he goes to Lexington. If all things are all right, he still has a lot of racing to do yet. He's a gelding and as long as he keeps coming back the way he is, he's going to be around for a few years. Like Fool's Goal and Magician, great old geldings, they come around for a lot of years, and I think he can do the same thing. "
28.kolo / week
Saratopga , 06.08.2005
$750.000 "Whitney Handicap" 1.800m 3+g. G1
01 Commentator 116 / G.Stevens (1:48.33)
(Distorted Humor-)
02 Saint Liam 122 / E.Prado
03 Sir Shackleton 115
04 Swingforthefences 113 / E.Coa
05 Limehouse 117 / J.Velsquez
06 Eurosilver 114 / R.Albarado
07 Wiggins 112 / M.Guidry
08 Pollard's Vision 117 / J.Bailey *
Rani beg Commentatora je bio odlu�uju� za ishod duela. Saint Liam je na ulasku u pravac imao zaostatak od �ak 10 du�ina, na 300m do cilja prednost je iznosila 3 du�ine, a u samom cilju Commentator je poslednjim trzajem odbio napad i u dobio trku za vrat. Saint Liam ima osobinu da ne trpi da ostane u grupi ve� se tada "ide" pozadi i �iroko, bez obzira na instrukcije jaha�a. To se i ovaj put dogodilo. Svaka �ast pobedniku, dok �e Saint Liam uvereni smo tek prikazati punu snagu.
* Pollard's Vision (Carson City - Etats Unis / Dixieland Band) je istegao ligamente prednje desne noge i za njega je trka�ka karijera zavr�ena. U karijeri je dobio �etiri grup trke me�u kojima su "Illinois Derby" (G2) 2004 i "National Jockey Club Handicap" (G3) 2005. Tako�e, ove godine je bio drugi u "Pimlico Special H." (G1) i tre�i u "Suburban H." (G1). U karijeri je dobio 6 od 23 starta uz zaradu od $1.430.311.
Ime je dobio usled asocijacija na jaha�a popularnog Seabiscuit-a. Naime, kao i Red Pollard, i ovaj rasni galoper je slep na levo oko.
Todd Pletcher, trener: "Pollard was tough, durable, and consistent�a real warrior, the type of horse everyone would want to own. He gave you everything he had every time he went over there. I would love to have a barn full of his kind. "

to the wire
- Saint Liam vs Commentator -
"Up and down game, huh? You just got to keep fighting. . . This is probably the most important victory of my life because of going into the Hall of Fame Monday." Nick Zito (trener, Commentator)
Meadowlands , 06.08.2005 (20:40)
$1.500.000"Hambletonian - Final" 1.609m/A 3+g.
01 Vivid Photo 7 7o 6oo 4-1 1/4 1-2 3/4 4.6
1:52.3 / 27.4 / 7.20 R Hammer / R Hammer
02 Classic Photo 6 6o 4oo 3-1/2 2-2 3/4
1:53.1 / 28.3 / *.50 R Pierce / E Miller
03 Muscle Memory 1 2 2 2-1/2 3-5 1/4
1:53.3 / 29.2 / 12.10 C Manzi / J Takter
04 Strong Yankee 3 1 1 1-1/2 4-6 1/4
1:53.4 / 29.4 / 7.60 B Sears T Smedshammer
05 Self Professed 2 3 5 5-3 5-6 3/4
1:54.0 / 29.2 / 21.00 E Ledford / D Swick
06 10 Mr Dream Om 10 10 10 10-7 6-12
1:55.0 / 29.3 / 23.00 D Miller / J Campbell
07 Gettindownanddirty 9 9 9 9-6 1/2 7DH-13
1:55.1 / 30.0 / 57.00 P MacDonell / P Wellwood
08 Muscle Bound 8 8o 8o 8-5 1/2 7DH-13
1:55.1 / 30.1 / 11.50 M Lachance / R Gurfein
09 Northern Ensign 5 5o 3o 7-4 3/4 10P9233/4
1:57.2 / 33.0 / 16.80 J Campbell / M Harder
10 Racino 4 4 7 6X-3 1/2 X9XP10-20
1:56.3 / 31.4 / 54.30 G Brennan / D Swick

We did it!
- Vivid Photo & Roger Hammer-
" This worked out perfect for us. I figured everybody thought I'd drive him crazy, so I did the opposite. I know the horse. He's a strong finisher and he wouldn't give it up." Roger Hammer(trener/voza�/ suvlasnik, Vivid Photo)
29.kolo / week
Arlington Park , 13.08.2005 (2:03.38)
$1.000.000 "Arlington Million Atakes " 2.000m 3+g. G1 / turf
01 Powerscourt(GB) / K.Fallon
02 Kitten's Joy / E.Prado
03 Fourty Niners Son / C.Nakatani
04 Better Talk Now / R.Dominguez
05 Touch of Land(FR) / P.Valenzuela
06 Alost(FR) / F.Spanu
07 Sweet Return(GB) / A.Solis
08 Good Reward / J.Bailey
09Cool Conductor / C.Velasquez
10 Whilly / F.Martinez
Powerscourt je pro�le u�ao prvi u cilj "Arlington Million" sa 11/2 du�inom prednosti da bi odlukom sudija bio distanciran na �etvrto mesto. Jednio grlo koje je dva puta dobilo ovu trku je fenomenalni John Henry (1981 - inauguralna trka, 1984).
Kieren Fallon (jaha�, Powescourt): "This little horse deserved this win. He was unlucky last year to be taken down. He proved himself a good horse with back-to-back Arlington Millions. I don't think it's ever been done before but maybe it has.
I was just hoping to be in behind the leaders turning for home. When the splits came in the stretch, he went right through them. I was lucky enough to get the splits right down the middle.
I got the run I wanted down the backstretch. It opened up quite well. I just had to worry about getting through a couple of horses in front of me. He really responded today for me. "
Powerscourt(krajnje desno) naplatio dug od pro�le godine
Solvalla , 13.08.2005 (15:15)
�180.000 "Jubileumspokalen" 2.140mA / G-I Int , Solvalla
1 Gidde Palema (S) 1.5 A. Svanstedt A. Svanstedt 1:13,0
2 Spring Ray (S) 2.2 B. Goop O. Goop 1:13,1
3 Steinlager (S) 1.1 P.-O. Midtfjeld P.-O. Midtfjeld 1:13,3
4 Mr Commissionner ( USA ) 1.2 H.-P. Tholfsen N.-U. Hanssen 1:13,4
5 Classico Merett (It.) 1.3 P. Korpi P. Korpi 1:13,5
6 Giant Diablo (S) 1.7 �. Khilstr�m R. Walmann 1:13 ,5
7 G�n�ral du Lupin (F) 1.8 S. Johansson S. Hultman 1:13,6
8 Cirdan (It.) 1.4 J. Kontio E. Gubellini 1:13,8
9 Face of Speed (S) 1.6 L. Kolgjini L. Kolgjini
D Giant Superman (S) 2.1 F. B. Larsson F. B. Larsson
Ovo je tre�i "Jubileumspokalen" za Gidde Palem i ukupno 14. Gr I pobeda u karijeri.
30.kolo / week
Saratoga , 03.09.2005
$250.000 "Forego Stakes " 1.400m 3+g. G1
01 MASS MEDIA 117 / J.Castellano (1:22.59) 1/2d 16.3
02 BATTLE WON 121 / R.Dominguez
03 SILVER WAGON 117 / C.Velasquez
04 YANKEE MON 117 / E.Prado
05 Forest Danger 06 Keep the Faith *** Swingforthefences
Mass Media (krajnje levo) kre�e na ulasku u ciljni pravac
i napada Yankee Mon (u sredini) i Battle Won (krajnje desno)
Javier Castellano je dobio pet od 11 trka na programu dana u Saratogi.
Cesena, 03.09.2005
�330.000 "Campionato Europeo - I heat " 1.660m/A
1 Smashing Victory 1.2 Olle Goop 1'14"0
2 Java Darche 1.8 Andr�a Guzzinati 1'14"3
3 Pegasus Boko 1.9 Roberto Andreghetti 1'14"3
4 Coralls Sugar 2.12 Roberto Vecchione 1'14"4