gallop around the globe
Pimlico, Baltimore
"Hall of Fame" trener pozira za bgturf
- Milan Milošević & Nick Zito -
Trener Nick Zito, dvostruki KyDerby pobednik od pre par dana je najnoviji član "Hall of Fame" američke galopske asocijacije.
Najznačajnije pobede: Birdstone (2004 Belmont Stakes, Travers); Go for Gin (1994 Kentucky Derby); Louis Quatorze (1996 Preakness); Storm Song (1996 Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies); Strike the Gold (1991 Kentucky Derby); Bird Town (2003 Kentucky Oaks).
ukupna zarada grla: $69,333,163
pobeda: 1.410 (83 grup trka, od toga 24 grup 1)
triple crown:
Kentucky Derby 2-19 / Preakness 1-16 / Belmont S. 1-13
multiple stakes winners:
Blue Grass S. (3) / Champagne S. (4)
"Horse of the Year":
Storm Song (1996 2-yo filly), Bird Town (2003 3-yo filly)
prvi trener sa 5 grla u derbiju od 5 različitih vlasnika (2005)
Uskoro opširan foto izveštaj iz Baltimora...
22.maj 2005 Emerald Downs
Novi svetski rekord na 1.300m 1:13.00 postavio je Sabertooth ( Petersburg - Exit's Baby/ Best Exit ) u trci u kojoj je bio bolji od Best On Tap koji je držao rekord staze 1:13.60 na Emerald Downs postavljen 31.maja 2004. Dosadašnji svetski rekord na ovoj distanci 1:13.24 postavio je Lucky Forever još 20.maja 1995 na Hoolywood Parku.
Sabertooth je 2002 dobio "Longacres Mile"/G3, a ovo mu je druga trka posle 19 meseci pauze. U prošlom startu došao je drugi iza Slewicide Cruise u "Seattle H." na 1.200m. Ovo mu je šesta pobeda u 21 startu uz zaradu od
Očigledno je da je maj pravi mesec za brzince.

frakcije na 400m/800m: 21.80 / 43.20
Nathan Chavez, jahač: " It felt like he was going easy. He didn't even feel like he was going that fast at all. This is really a nice horse. I think he's even better than a couple years ago.
Jim Penney, trener: "
He ran very well. He's an easier horse to train now. Each race, with a horse like this, is paramount.
Bob Sparling, vlasnik: "
In 2003 we never thought he'd run again. He seemed to heal himself in the pasture. I never dreamt it could happen.
$50.000 Yankee Affair Stakes claiming Gufstream Park
Procreate (Mt.Livermore-Broad Smile/Broad Brush, '98) postavio svetski rekord na 1.000m - 53.79
Dvogodac u treningu (Tale of the Cat - Carry All / Devil's Beg) plaćen rekordnih $5,2M i time je oborena rekordna cena od $4,5 koju je dostigao Fusaichi Samurai (Fusaichi Pegasus-Hidden Storm/Storm Cat) prošle godine kada ga je kupio Fusao Sekiguchi. Kupac je Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum.
Scrubs (Dr Caton - Records Stands/American Standard) postavio turf rekord Floride na 1.000m - 55.89!!!
Najnovije vesti ispod rubrike "Top story"
Top story
Ghostzapper je i zvanično Horse of the Year 2004. Rezultat glasanja na kraju je bio: Ghostzapper vs Smarty Jones 174 : 95. Oba grla su u svojiim divizijama nadmoćno proglašeni za Best Older Male tj. Best 3yo.
Smarty Jones je fenomenalnom kampanjom do samog kraja triple krune tada bio "the one and only" ali je porazom za dužinu (Birdstone) u Belmontu i povlačenjem iz trka dva meseca kasnije otvorio vrata sada je jasno trenutno najboljem galoperu.
Ghostzapper (Duško od milja u bgtuf-u) koji je kao trogodac trčao kratke distance, je prelaskom u trening kod Frankela tek pokazao pravo lice. U karijeri za dve godine ima impresivan rekord 10-8-0-1 uključujući 3 Gr-1 i po jednu Gr-2 i Gr-3 trku uz zaradu od $2,996,120.
2004 record
Smarty Jones 7-8-1-0 (Kentucky Derby, Preakness Stakes)
Ghostzapper 4-4-0-0 (Iselin BC H. 128 bsf, Woodward S.,BC Classic rekord trke>>)
Monmouth Park,
$190.000 "Iselin Handicap" 1.800m G3
1. West Virginia 115 / J.Velez Jr. (1:50.83)
2. Zoffinger 114 / E.King Jr.
3. Purge 118 / C.Decarlo
4. Presidentialaffair 5.Cherokee's Boy 6.Billy Allen 7.Go Now 8.Cuba

West Virginia
"Iselin Handicap" -
Prošle godine "Iselin Handicap" dobio je Ghostzapper istrčavši formu po Beyer Speed Figures čak 128, najvišu merenu od kada se BSF koristi.

natpis u novinama posle trke "Washington Park H."
-Billy Allen četvrti, pobednik Perfect Drift (na slici) -
$1M "Travers Stakes" 2.000m G1

Bellamy Road - Flower Alley
1. Flower Alley / J.Velasquez (2:02.76) 51/4d
2. Bellamy Road / J.Castellano
3. Roman Ruler / J.Bailey
4. Don't Get Mad 5. Andromeda's Hero 6. Reverberate 7. Chekov
Posle 2002 kada je Medaglia d'Oro dobio back-to-back "Jim Dandy" i "Travers Stakes", Flower Alley je prvi koji je ponovio takav uspeh.
$250.000 "King's Bishop Stakes" 1.400m G1
Lost in the Fog ostao neporažen i u devetom startu u karijeri.
Kitten's Joy (4g. / El Prado – Kitten's First) Eclipse Award Turf Horse of the Year 2004, povučen u priplod. Neposredno po trčanju u "BC Turf" jesenas, kada je bio drugoplasiran, podvrgnut je operaciji čipa u kolenu. Ove godine je imao dva starta: "Firecracker Handicap" (4.jul, pobeda) i "Arlington Million" (13.avgust, drugoplasiran).
U karijeri je dobio 9 od 14 startova uz zaradu od $2,075,791. U 2004 je dobio 6 od 7 startova; jedini poraz je bio na kraju sezone u "BC Turf". Najimpresivnije pobede prošle godine su mu bile u "Secretariat Stakes" i "Joe Hirsch Turf Classic".
Posle povlačenja iz trka Roses in May, ovo je još jedan set-back za Kena Ramsey-a.
"It's a shame, because he was such a great horse to be around. Who knows if you'll ever have one as good as him?" Dale Romans, trener
Irish Saint Leger 2.800m 3+g. G1 (3:01.20)
1 Collier Hill (GB) (5) G A Swinbank 7 9-8 Dean McKeown 10/1 — —
2 1 The Whistling Teal (GB) (4) G Wragg 9 9-8 W M Lordan 33/1 — —
3 1 Vinnie Roe (8) D K Weld 7 9-8 b P J Smullen 9/4J 119 — —
4 1 Yeats (6) A P O´Brien 4 9-8 K Fallon 9/4J 120 — —
5 21 Gamut (3) Sir Michael Stoute 6 9-8 t K J Manning 10/1 — —
6 21 Mkuzi (GB) (2) John M Oxx 6 9-8 N G McCullagh 25/1 106 — —
7 Shalapour (7) John M Oxx 3 8-12 t C Soumillon 9/2 115 — —
8 Franklins Gardens (GB) (9) M H Tompkins 5 9-8 D Holland 12/1 — —
9 Liss Ard (1) John Joseph Murphy 4 9-8 D M Grant 125/1 95 — —
Od 1984 trka je otvorena i za starija grla. Autsajder Collier Hill 7g. (10-1) je veći deo trke bio na zaelju, da bi furioznim finišem potopio nade Vinnie Roe da će ostati neporažen. Sledeći start pobednika je verovatno Melbourne Cup. Ovaj globtroter j ezabeležio pobede u šest država: Škotskoj, Engleskoj, Irskoj, Emiratima, Švedskoj i Nemačkoj.
Alan Swinbank (trener Collier Hill): " The commentator said we were under pressure from three furlongs out, but I knew we weren't. Ever since we were third to Phoenix Reach in the Dubai Sheema Classic, I thought a mile and six furlongs was his trip. I've never doubted his ability and nor has Dean. "
Keeneland - rekordna cena na aukciji jarlinga
Sheik Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum je otvorio novčanik na jesenjoj aukciji jarlinga u Keeneland-u i za 23 grla ukupno platio $40,99M! Očigledno da princ ne žali para u želji da ispuni davnašnji san i konačno osvoji Kentucky Derby.
Među akvizicijama su i četiri jarlinga čiji je otac Storm Cat. Najskuplje plaćeni je Storm Cat - Tranquillity Lake plaćen čak $9,7M što je rekordna cena u 62 godine dugoj istoriji aukcije jarlinga. Samo tri sata pre ove kupovine, platio je $3,6M jarlinga Storm Cat - Secret Status (majka A.P.Indy-ja).
"šta košta da košta..."
- (Storm Cat - Tranquillity Lake) -
Da se dostigne rekordna cena aukcije pomogao je i John Magnier (Colmoore Stud) koji se uporno nadmetao sa šeikom. O kakvoj je predstavi reč govori i Geoffrey Rusell, Keeneland manager:
" We've always described auction sales as being theater and I don't think anybody would deny that it was, probably, some of the best theater anybody has seen. What makes this sale so important is that the principles are here. You have all the major players in the world. They are here themselves ... making decisions themselves, which opens more purse strings. "
Dubai Turf & Sheema Classic od sada trke na travi sa najvećim nagradnim fondom na svetu. Naime, nagradni fond ovih trka je povećan sa $2M na $5M! (U pitanju je običan uzvičnik, nikako oznaka za faktorijel*) Ukupan nagradni fond za Dubai World Cup je sada $21M. Najbogatiji trkaki dan u SAD Breeders' Cup ima fond od $14M. Do sada najskuplja trka na travi "Japan Cup" je "teška" $4,53M.
Prošlogodišnji pobednici ovih trka su:
Phoenix Reach(IRE) (Turf 2.400m) i Elvstroem(AUS) (Sheema Classic 1.777m).
* n! = n x (n-1) x (n-2) x ... x 2 x 1
"Ja sam sunca sin..."
Sun King (Charismatic-Clever But Costly/Clever Trick) sa 41/2 dužine dobio $750.000 "Pennsylvania Derby" na 1.800m vremenom 1:49.2 (2.South Africa / 3.Smokescreen). Posle drugog mesta u "Haskell Invitational H." kada je poražen od Roman Rulera, zabeležio je i treću grup pobedu ove godine.

Sun King & Rafael Berajano
- $750.000 "Pennsylvania Derby" 1.800m -
" He really is a horse that responds to what you ask of him. I wanted a little more at the half, he gave it to me, and now I had the leaders in sight. "
(jahač Rafael Berajano, Sun King)
" Grosser Volkswagen Award "
Iffezheim, Nemačka 4.septembar

Warrsan(K.McEvoy/centar) dobija finiš trke, u drugom planu Prospect Park (O.Peslier/levo) i Simonas (desno)
$1,286,800 "Irish Champion Stakes" 2.000m (Ire-G1)
01 Oratorio (8) A P O´Brien 3 8-11 K Fallon 7/1 121 — —
02 1 Motivator (GB) (10) M L W Bell 3 8-11 K Darley 3/1 — —
03 hd Alexander Goldrun (2) J S Bolger 4 9-1 K J Manning 9/1 116 — —
04 1 Ace (3) A P O´Brien 4 9-4 J A Heffernan 20/1 120 — —
05 1 Azamour (9) John M Oxx 4 9-4 C Soumillon 6/4F 128 — —
06 41 Grey Swallow (6) D K Weld 4 9-4 P J Smullen 5/1 123 — —
07 Mona Lisa (GB) (1) A P O´Brien 3 8-8 C O´Donoghue 100/1 109 — —
08 Norse Dancer (7) D R C Elsworth 5 9-4 J F Egan 20/1 — —
09 Hazarista (5) John M Oxx 4 9-1 D P McDonogh 200/1 109 — —
10 Temple Place (4) M L W Bell 4 9-4 b 1 N G McCullagh 500/1 —
" Oratorio is an amazing horse. He has everything - speed, stamina and a big heart, and Kieren was brilliant on him. " (trener Aidan O'Brien, Oratorio)
"Saint Leger" 2.900m G1
01 Scorpion (IRE) (2) A P O´Brien 3 9-0 L Dettori 10/11F — —
02 1 The Geezer (1) D R C Elsworth 3 9-0 T Quinn 7/2 114 — —
03 5 Tawqeet (USA) (3) J L Dunlop 3 9-0 v R Hills 11/1 100 — —
04 31 Kong (IRE) (6) J L Dunlop 3 9-0 R Hughes 20/1 107 — —
05 2 Hard Top (IRE) (5) Sir Michael Stoute 3 9-0 R L Moore 4/1 115 — —
06 18 Hattan (IRE) (7) C E Brittain 3 9-0 A Munro 22/1 107 —
" It's weird. We knew that Motivator was 50-50 to run on Tuesday and I knew that this horse was going spare. Aidan wanted an answer, so I went for Scorpion. I've got to say thanks to Sheikh Mohammed for letting me ride the horse and also thanks to Coolmore. I've got mixed emotions as I usually win these races for Godolphin and Sheikh Mohammed, and it feels peculiar to win for the main opposition. Hopefully, I will be back to win it for Godolphin next year. "
(jaha Lanfranco dettori, Scorpion)
by mladenr
Rezultat 60.češkog St. Legera, 28.08.2005. Prag
Ready For Life, posle pobede u češkom Derby-u, pobedio i u St. Legeru.
Rovina L - 2800 m
600000 Kc (300000 - 138000 - 90000 - 42000 - 30000)
Maj. prémie: 18000 Kc (18000 - 0 - 0)
3letí (klisny a hrebci) - Zápisné: 6000 + 12000 Kc, Start: 16:37
photo finish
por. jméno kone váha jezdec výrok st.c. evq
01 READY FOR LIFE, 3 57 z Rája Jan JISTE 8 30
02 TEMPELTÄNZER(GER), 3 58 z Kubík Petr 1 1/4 12 80
03 MIRZA(SLO), 3 58 z Kobzarev Konstantin 1 6 130
04 ARRINAO(GER), 3 58 z Kovarík Jaroslav krk 3 80
05 ROYAL MOUGINS(GB), 3 58 z Andrés Dusan 3/4 7 30
06 MOVIESTORE(GB), 3 58 z Resulov Artur 1 1/4 14 150
07 BLACK DIAMOND(IRE), 3 58 z Demele Jan hlava 2 120
08 SHADOW DAY, 3 58 z Chaloupka Jirí 6 13 160
09 RIO GALLEGOS(FR), 3 58 z Minarík 2 Ferdinand hlava 5 60
10 IMPOSANT BIN, 3 58 z Milicková Iva 1 9 120
11 PEINTURE NAIVE(FR), 3 56.5 z Korpas Jan 12 11 30
12 OZERMES(SLO), 3 58 z Srnec Martin 16 10 100
13 SHARCAN, 3 58 Misún Pavol 12 4 230
14 BACCARAT, 3 58 Lukásek Tomás 1/2 1 220
Výrok: JISTE 1 1/4-1-krk-3/4-1 1/4-hlava-6-hlava-1-12-16-12-1/2
Cas: 02:56,33 ()
Majitel: Buc-Film, Trenér: Josef Vána 2, Chovatel: BUC-Film Boucek J.
OTP Banky Slovensko (13. slovenské derby) / by mladenr
Dráha: 4,1 (dobrá) (min. 3,9 - max. 4,2), teplota: 29°C, jasno, štart o 17:45 hod. Z boxov. Pre 3-roené kobyly a žrebce, rovina Gd-3 kat., 2400 m. Zápisné 38000 + 23000 Sk. 57 prihlášok, 41 škrtov. 1 900 000 Sk (950 000 – 437 000 – 285 000 – 133 000 – 95 000)
01 ROSENBLATT (GER) 3 hd 58.0 Heugl Peter / Gestüt Wittekindshof (GER)
(Dashing Blade (GB)-Roseraie (GER) (Nebos (GER)) ) f
02 SET IN MOTION (IRE) 3 r 58.0 McKeown Dean Russel / Pegas Znojmo (CZE)
03 VETO (CZE) 3 r 58.0 dž. Andrés Dušan / DC Zámrsk MUDr. Bruna V.(CZE)
04 ROYAL MOUGINS (GB) 3 thd 58.0Krowicki Piotr / Dr.Charvát (CZE)
05 TEMPELTÄNZER (GER) 3 hd 58.0 dž. Kubík Petr / OMS (SVK)
06 RAINBOW DASH (GER) 3 hd 58.0 dž. Línek Jaroslav / MPL Racing (SVK)
07 BAGGIO (POL) 3 thd 58.0 Eddery Paul / Wrbna Racing (CZE)
08 VADUAL 3 hd 58.0 Korpas Jan / Vadual (SVK)
09 ARRINAO (GER) 3 thd 58.0 dž. Kovaoík Jaroslav / Blue Blue Sky (CZE)
10 MIDEROS (CZE) 3 hd 58.0 dž. Šmida Zdenko / MPL Racing (SVK)
11 MASTMAN (IRE) 3 r 58.0 dž. Bartoš Josef / Dr.Charvát (CZE)
12 STAR´S SONG (GER) 3 r 58.0 Schadler Günter / Stall Allegro (AUT)
13 RED RIOT (USA) 3 hd 58.0 dž. Kobzarev Konstantin / Stáj Turan (CZE)
Z GEORGE WAFER (USA) 3 hd 58.0 Ochocki Jerzy / Gennadi Dorochenko (USA)
Výrok: iste 3 3/4 – hlava – krk – 1 1/4 – krk – 2 3/4 – 1 1/4 – 2 – 1 1/4 – krk – 2 – ialeko
Eas: 2:29,61 (25,9 – 24,5 – 25,2 – 24,1 – 25,5 – 24,0)
Sankcia: Paul Eddery 1500,- Sk za tiesnenie v priebehu dostihov pod3a el. 258/c DP.
Poplatky: Tréner Gennadi Dorochenko 350,- Sk za nenahlásenie použitia tienidiel na OŠK u kooa e. 2 GEORGE WAFER (USA).
Majite3ské prémie: OMS – 110 000,- Sk (TEMPELTÄNZER (GER)), MPL Racing – 75 000,- Sk (RAINBOW DASH (GER)), Vadual – 35 000,- Sk (VADUAL).
Chovate3ská prémia: Ing. Milan Dúnar – 20 000,- Sk (VADUAL).
Príloha k dostihovej správe: DK vybrala kooa e. 8 ROSENBLATT (GER) na dopingovú kontrolu. Pri odbere dopingovej vzorky bola prítomná Monika Takácsová. DK vybrala kooa e. 7 SET IN MOTION (IRE) na dopingovú kontrolu. Pri odbere dopingovej vzorky bol prítomný M. Liška. DK vypoeula J. Ochockého k zadržaniu kooa e. 2 GEORGE WAFER (USA) a jeho vysvetlenie vzala na vedomie.
TOTO: Ví ? az: 18:10, Miesto: 16, 115, 33:10, Malé poradie: 376:10, Ve3ké poradie: prevod
holandski & poljski derbi rezultati, slovački derbi upis / by mladenr
Holandski galopski derby, Deelnemers Duindigt
2400m. (Rezultat)
1. Lalapanzi 56,0kg R.G.Arnold/Niederlande(J.Pubben) I.Ferguson
2. Cool Concept 58,0kg Frau J.W. Bloem/Niederlande(E.Bloem/Niederlande) T.Cain
3. Classic Night 56,0kg Biesdeel Stud(Chr.Frhr.v.d.Recke) M.O'Callaghan
4. Flying Sensation 56,0kg L.v.d.Meulen(A.Trybuhl) Vries
5. Kahn Summerland 58,0kg Ecurie Des Dunes/Frankreich(J.Naouri) P.van De Keere
6. Withflyingcolors 56,0kg C.M.H.Wijnschenk/Niederlande(J.Pubben) G.Batistic
7. Blue Summerland 58,0kg A.Kooy Holding Barendrecht BV/NL(J.Pubben) D.Klomp
8. Keytaro 58,0kg Dutch Racing Circle/Niederlande(K.Davies/Niederlande) K.Davies/Niederlande
9. Trendy Touch 58,0kg Biesdeel Stud(Chr.Frhr.v.d.Recke) R.Chang
10. Eagle Summerland 58,0kg A.Kooy Holding Barendrecht BV/NL(J.Pubben) M.Suerland
11. Verona Rheinberg 56,0kg Verdijk Logistiks Boxmeer/Niederlande(Chr.J.M.Wolters/Niederlande) A.Deau
12. Vivelavie Colete 56,0kg M.van Gisteren/Niederlande(M.van Gisteren/Niederlande) B.Hadjeb
Slovacki derby-Hipodrom Bratislava, upis za 17.04.2005.
17:40 7. "OTP Banky Slovensko - 13. slovenské derby"
(rovina Gd-3, 3kz, 2400 m, Start.: 14, 1 900 000,- Sk)
01 RAINBOW DASH (GER) 3 dz. Línek Jaroslav 58.0
02 GEORGE WAFER (USA) 3 Ochocki Jerzy 58.0
03 LE MEDAALY (GER) 3 Lopez Jean-Pierre 58.0
04 MASTMAN (IRE) 3 dz. Bartos Josef 58.0
05 ARRINAO (GER) 3 dz. Kovaoík Jaroslav 58.0
06 TEMPELTÄNZER (GER) 3 dz. Kubík Petr 58.0
07 SET IN MOTION (IRE) 3 McKeown Dean Russel 58.0
08 ROSENBLATT (GER) 3 Heugl Peter 58.0
09 BAGGIO (POL) 3 Eddery Paul 58.0
10 ROYAL MOUGINS (GB) 3 Krowicki Piotr 58.0
11 VADUAL 3 Korpas Jan58.0
12 STAR´S SONG (GER) 3 Schadler Günter 58.0
13 VETO (CZE) 3 dz. Andrés Dusan 58.0
14 MIDEROS (CZE) 3 dz. Smida Zdenko 58.0
15 RED RIOT (USA) 3 dz. Kobzarev Konstantin 58.0
16 AUENKAISER (GER) 3 Werning Pascal Jonathan 58.0
Rezultati Poljskog derby-a 03.07.2005.
DERBY 2005 - G3 (kat. A) 2.400m
81 600 zl (48 000-19 200-9600-4800)
1. Dzesmin (2) A. Reznikov 59
og. gn. 3 l. (Professional - Dzakarta),
hod. i wl. M. Pokrywka, St. River Chanter, tr mgr A. Walicki
2. Sodana (1) S. Wasiutow 57
3. Night Express (14) P. Piatkowski 59
4. Tetriks (5) J. Egan 59 (6,10)
5. Mosci Panna (7) F. Branca 57
6. Nebbia (8) M. Pilich 57
7. Kobuz (10) J. D. Hillis 59
8. Bessos (13) A. Turgaev 59
9. Dunczyk (17) R. Skrzydlo 59
10. Dobron (12) V. Popov 59
11. Jemen (20) J. Ochocki 59
12. Conti Power (11) O. Nowak 59
13. Dzeni Lady (18) E. Zahariev 57
14. Amon (9) D. Petryakov 59
15. Despinado (19) G. Hind 59
16. Kanadian (6) W. Szymczuk 59
17. Darbi (4) M. Maroszek 57
18. Dancing Wind (3) T. Rejek 59
19. Posejdon (15) M. Gajowiak 59
Wycofany Kramer.
Vreme: 2'29.4" (25.1-30.9-32.1-30.4-30.9);
w wal., szy. - 1 1/2 - k.leb - 1/2 -szy. - 3/4 - k.leb - szy. - nos - szy. - leb -szy. - 1/2 - 3/4 - 1 1/4- 11 - 3 - 7.
Belmont Park
$500.000 "Suburban Handicap" 2.000m G1
1. Oflee Wild 116 / E.Prado (2:00.50)
(Wild Rush - Alvear / Seattle Slew)
2. Tap Day 118 / E.Coa
3. Pollard's Vision 118 / J.Velasquez
4. Sir Shackleton 116 / R.Berajano
5. Evening Attire 6. Funny Cide 7. Runaway Russy 8. Record Buster
frakcije: 23.92 / 46.51 / 1:09.81 / 1:34.73 / 2:00.50
pobeda 4.6 / dubl po redu 76.7 triling po redu 229.2 / hk po redu 1,488.0

Oflee Wild se vratio u velikom stilu
- "Suburban Handicap" -
Edgar Prado, jahač: " I didn't want Pollard's Vision to get away from me. I looked back a couple of times and didn't see Funny Cide, so I stopped worrying about him. My horse was definitely getting a little tired, but he had enough left. "
Eddington (Unbridled-Fashion Star/Chief's Crown) završio je trkačku karijeru usled povrede mekog tkiva prednje desne noge tokom priprema za "Suburban Handicap". U poslednjem startu je zabeležio svoju prvu G1 pobedu u trci "Pimlico Special" dan pre "Preakness Stakes". Kao jarling kupljen je za $450.000 za Claiborn Farm, odakle je i njegov otac Unbridled. Kasno je sazreo kao trkač i tek se očekivalo da pokaže pun potencijal. U karijeri je pobedio u 6 od 17 startova; čak 10 puta u plasmanu uz zaradu od $
Bernie Sams, Claiborne's stallion director: "Obviously, we would have liked to see him run a few more times. However, we are thrilled he's coming to Claiborne. He is as much like his father as any son of Unbridled I've seen. "

pobeda u poslednjem startu
- "Pimlico Special" -
Curragh ,
€750.000 "Irish Derby" 2.400m / 3g. / G1 (2:29.40)
01 Hurricane Run (6) A Fabre 3 9-0 K Fallon 4/5F — —
02 1 Scorpion (3) A P O´Brien 3 9-0 C O´Donoghue 25/1 106 — —
03 4 Shalapour (9) John M Oxx 3 9-0 t F M Berry 16/1 — —
04 4 Brahminy Kite (USA) (7) M Johnston 3 9-0 K Darley 33/1 — —
05 2 Bahar Shumaal (8) C E Brittain 3 9-0 T E Durcan 20/1 — —
06 2 Helvetio (GB) (4) D K Weld 3 9-0 P J Smullen 50/1 103 — —
07 Fracas (5) David Wachman 3 9-0 J P Spencer 8/1 113 — —
08 Walk In The Park (1) J E Hammond 3 9-0 t A Munro 100/30 — —
UR Gypsy King (2) A P O´Brien 3 9-0 J A Heffernan 9/1 111 —
pobeda 2.2 / dubl po redu 40.0 / HK po redu 32.6
Andre Fabre, trener: "
The plan now is to save Hurricane Run for an autumn campaign. He will probably go for the Arc with one run somewhere before then.
There are always anxious moments when you have a runner in a Derby and Hurricane Run was still very green and immature today. You never win a Derby easily, but I wasn't too worried and I felt that he had everything to pass Scorpion. It means a lot to come to such a nice racecourse like The Curragh and win a Derby in the country of the thoroughbred. "
Kieren Fallon, jahač: "
It means a lot to win this race, especially after thinking I'dwin it on North Light last year only to finish second. For years I have dreamed about winning this race, ever since I was an apprentice with Kevin Prendergast - it means everything.
I did come wide from the back as I hadn't riddenHurricane Run before. I thought I was on the best horse, but I wanted to get a clear run. He is still something of a baby and when I gave him one flick of the whip he picked up lovely. He travels for fun under you, but he idled a bit when he got to the front, just like his father used to. "
Saint Cloud
€400.000 "Prix de Saint Cloud" 2.400m (2:31.30)
01 ALKAASED USA M. 5 ans
L DETTORI 58 kg - (2.L) Ent.: CUMANI LM Prop.: CHARLTON M MR
02 POLICY MAKER (IRE) M. 5 ans
03 BAGO M. 4 ans
05 REEFSCAPE GB M. 4 ans
C SOUMILLON 58 kg - (2.5) Ent.: FABRE A Prop.: ABDULLAH K MR
06 VOIX DU NORD M. 4 ans
T THULLIEZ 58 kg - (1.5) Ent.: BEGUIGNE JM Prop.: ELBAZ R MR
09 YEATS IRE M. 4 ans
Cumani, trener: "
We are already thinking about the Arc de Triomphe with a run before in the Prix Foy. We will have to think about the King George now and I will be speaking with the owner but he is a horse that must have good or firmer ground to show his best.
Today Alkaased proved that the race at Epsom was not a true one. I have always thought him to be a good horse and he's improved at four and five.
There was a true pace in the Grand Prix and conditions were perfect. He beat a high-class field and I just hope the ground stay good for later in the season. Frankie made a great decision to remain on the rail. "
Lanfranco Dettori, jahač: " Alkaased has always been a good horse in his own right and he's never had the credit he deserves. I was surprised that nobody really wanted the rail which gave us all the gaps we needed. Once we caught the leader I knew the race was over. "
Češki derbi 2.400m / by mladenr
vreme: 2:37.93
01. READY FOR LIFE, 3 Palík Jirí 56,5 BOJ
02. ARRINAO(GER), 3 Kovarík Jaroslav 58,0 1
03. DO IT(GER), 3 Fanning Joe 58,0 3/4
04. MASTMAN(IRE), 3 Dwyer Martin 58,0 1 3/4
05. BAGGIO(POL), 3 Eddery Paul 58,0 1/2
06. ROYAL MOUGINS(GB), 3 Rája Jan 58,0 1 3/4
07. VETO, 3 Andrés Dušan 58,0 4 1/4
08. LAUREG, 3 Chaloupka Jirí 58,0 1
09. RIO GALLEGOS(FR), 3 Minarík 2 Ferdinand 58,0 krk
10. OZERMES(SLO), 3 Srnec Martin 58,0 3/4
11. PEINTURE NAIVE(FR), 3 Mackay Nicky 56,5 1/2
12. MAN O WORLD(IRE), 3 Korpas Jan 58,0 1
13. ECOLOGICALLY RIGHT(GB), 3 Egan John Francis 56,5 16
dosadašnji pobednici
2004 DARSALAM (IRE) Stanley "Kim Ming" Chin Arslangirej Šavujev 2:30,3
2003 OHNE SORGE (GER) Jaroslav Donoval Filip Neuberg 2:29,5
2002 PODEROSO (GER) Philip Robinson Pavla Vánová 2:30,6
2001 TRIBAL INSTINCT (IRE) John Francis Egan František Holcák 2:30,6
2000 INDURAIN (GER) Jozef Bojko Hubertus Fanelsa 2:34,1
1999 RAY OF LIGHT(IRE) Kamil Píchal František Holcák 2:30,7
1998 TEMIRKANOV(GB) Dušan Andrés Arslangirij M.Šavujev 2:30,4
1997 NORA JEANE(IRE) Karol Šarina Tomáš Šatra 2:34,1
1996 GLOWING(FR) William Lord František Holcák 2:33,4
1995 REGULUS Libor Šindar František Vítek 2:42,8
1994 PROGRESSION(GB) Karol Šarina Tomáš Šatra 2:34,9
1993 MANHATTAN PROJECT(GB) Piotr Piatkowski Gérard Martin 2:35,5
1992 BARBAKAN(POL) Stanislav Koubek František Holcák 2:30,7
1991 LYKEION Vlastimil Smolík František Vítek 2:32,8
1990 GIMT Vlastimil Smolík Jirí Janda 2:33,2
1989 LANCELOT Vlastimil Smolík František Vítek 2:32,6
1988 ARVA William Lord František Vítek 2:35,4
1987 DOX Josef Dolejší Václav Chaloupka 2:33,5
1986 DYNAMIT Vlastimil Smolík Ladislav Šilhavý 2:32,8
1985 TROCADERO Joachim Potempa Jaroslav Drlík 2:33,4
1984 JUROR(POL) Mieczyslaw Melnicki Staszek Dziecina 2:32,0
1983 TARAN Vratislav Kubát Jaroslav Drlík 2:32,9
1982 CEDROS Milan Klucka Jaroslav Mašek 2:39,6
1981 NELSON Vlastimil Smolík Jaroslav Mašek 2:32,4
1980 LATINA Vlastimil Smolík František Vítek 2:36,8
1979 VALDAJ József Vas František Vítek 2:34,2
1978 BELLER(SU) Milan Klucka František Held 2:37,4
1977 BOHATIER József Vas Miroslav Šusta 2:35,4
1976 SUDAN František Huleš Jaroslav Mašek 2:35,8
1975 VERONAL Josef Šach Jaroslav Mašek 2:35,7
1974 ELITA František Huleš Jaroslav Mašek 2:40,5
1973 SEAL CS(GB) Vladislav Fedorowicz Jaroslav Mašek 2:38,4
1972 CRAPOM Míla Hermansdorferová Josef Krištufek 2:33,9
1971 HVIEZDAR Miroslav Šusta Miroslav Šusta 2:35,7
1970 NORBERT(HUN) József Vas József Kiss 2:31,3
1969 RELIEF František Huleš Josef Krištufek 2:36,3
1968 SEBESTYÉN(HUN) Mihály Pintér Jaroslav Houra 2:32,9
1967 SILVER Nikolaj M. Laks Nikolaj M. Laks 2:33,5
1966 CORVET Tibor Farkas Josef Šach 2:33,8
1965 MYJAVAN František Huleš Bretislav Karel 2:32,4
1964 RIH(AUT) Károly Csincserak Paul Anthoine 2:37,3
1963 NIL Josef Šach František Hofbauer 2:38,0
1962 LYON Josef Borík František Hurban 2:34,4
1961 CORVETTA Josef Šach František Hofbauer 2:34,5
1960 CEJLON Miroslav Šusta Karel Truhlár 2:36,9
1959 CENT František Toušek František Hurban 2:33,9
1958 VÁLEK František Huleš Josef Koloc 2:33,7
1957 KORBEL Josef Šach Josef Celler 2:33,6
1956 BLYSKAC František Toušek František Hurban 2:38,1
1955 MASIS Karel Havelka Josef Celler 2:32,3
1954 SYMBOL Jaroslav Mašek Karel Truhlár 2:35,4
1953 MAKAR Josef Borík Jaroslav Houra 2:36,4
1952 HÁJEK Oldrich Merta Josef Celler 2:33,3
1951 PINK PEARL(POL) Wladyslaw Biesiadzinski Konstanty Chatizow 2:43,5
1950 SVATAVA Josef Borík Jaroslav Houra 2:34,1
1949 BOSNA Josef Šach František Hurban 2:39,8
1948 LIBERÁL Josef Borík Jaroslav Houra 2:44,2
1947 PANOŠ František Hofbauer Josef Celler 2:35,0
1946 VANDAL Josef Krištufek Josef Strouhal 2:43,0
1945 RAVELLO Leslie Lomax Josef Celler 2:42,2
1944 DIVA Bohumil Klecka Karel Šmejda 2:40,6
1943 SAINT-AMOUR János Gutai Ferdinand Szigeti 2:34,4
1942 LIONEL Leslie Lomax Leslie Lomax 2:34,4
1941 PILOT Štefan Takács Richard Richter 2:35,6
1940 JÁNOŠÍK Jan Vrábel Richard Richter 2:37,8
1939 SIMONEL Viktor Esch Ondrej Kereszturi 2:34,1
1938 ALCAZAR Jirí Esch Josef Slepeczky 2:41,7
1937 TORNADO Oldrich Merta Jaroslav Rosák 2:33,0
1936 NAPOLI Jirí Esch František Puck 2:36,4
1935 PREMYSL Jindrich Teltschik William Lomax 2:34,0
1934 SIMPLON Viktor Tausz Ondrej Kereszturi 2:38,6
1933 FAMOS Viktor Tausz Ondrej Kereszturi 2:36,2
1932 REK Jaroslav Houra Jaroslav Rosák 2:39,0
1931 OSKAR Jirí Esch Antonín Neumann 2:35,9
1930 PHÖNIX František Szilágyi Marian Zangen 2:35,0
1929 PERLE Géza Janek William Geoghegan 2:36,0
1928 BLUE STAR Karel Holoubek soukr. trénink 2:44,8
1927 DAGOBERT Karel Holoubek Karel Šmejda 2:47,2
1926 VALCÍK Václav Mildorf Jaroslav Rosák 2:52,7
1925 RENOMMÉ Joseph Cockeram William Lomax 2:34,8
1924 CLÉOPATRA Bernard Wenzel William Lomax 2:39,0
1923 WALLADA Jan Pintér Stanislav Machac 2:46,0
1922 SZEGED Géza Nagy Jirí Hitsch 2:43,8
1921 BOXERL Jakub Vinzenz Jindrich Marsh 2:38,0
Belmont Park 25.jun - upis
$300.000 "Mother Goose" 1.800m
1. Smuggler / E.Prado (1:48.55)
(Unbridled-Inside Information/Private Account)
2. Spun Sugar / J.Castellano / vrat
3. Summerly / J.Bailey / 2d
4. Seeking the Ante 5. Lady Pegasus 6. Wining Season
pobeda 3.3 / Dubl po redu 8.8 / triling po redu 18.3
19.06.2005 16:50 upis
VII. MAGNA Austrian Derby , Gr. I (AUT)
Distanz:2200, Dotation:150000
by mladenr
01 09 Montalegre Ivan Rossi 2:15.1
(Montjeu - Alma Alegre / Lahib) / Scuderia Siba
02 02 Kelim Jean Pierre Carvalho 2:15 ,5
03 01 Le Medaaly Peter Heugl 2:15 ,6
04 07 Fuego Gordon Batistic 2:15 ,2
05 11 Lord Nelson Erwin Dubravka 2:15,7
06 04 Avas Pasquale Borelli 2:15,9
07 06 Pearl Island Karoly Kerekes 2:16 ,1
08 05 Adios Amigos Gary Hind 2:16 ,4
09 03 Scalenus Eduardo Pedroza 2:17,3
10 10 Mozafin Jean Pierre Lopez 2:18,8
11 08 Red Riot John David Hillis 2:18 ,9
Royal Ascot
"Ascot Gold Cup" 4.000m
vreme: 4:19.49
1 Westerner (4) E Lellouche 6 9-2 O Peslier 7/4F — 122+
2 nk Distinction (IRE) (15) Sir Michael Stoute 6 9-2 J P Murtagh 33/1 111 — 121
3 5 Vinnie Roe (IRE) (17) D K Weld 7 9-2 b P J Smullen 9/2 — 116
4 21 Wolfe Tone (IRE) (8) A P O´Brien 4 9-0 K Fallon 20/1 — 113
5 shd Winged D´Argent (IRE) (5) M Johnston 4 9-0 b K Darley 50/1 104 — 113
6 11 Franklins Gardens (7) M H Tompkins 5 9-2 R Hills 20/1 111 — 111
7 11 Fight Your Corner (12) Saeed Bin Suroor 6 9-2 T E Durcan 16/1 108 — 110
8 5 Mr Dinos (IRE) (2) P F I Cole 6 9-2 T Quinn 20/1 117 — 104
9 3 Darsalam (IRE) (18) A Shavuyev 4 9-0 A Starke 33/1 — 101
10 6 Barolo (10) W R Swinburn 6 9-2 D Holland 14/1 110 — 94
11 dist Corrib Eclipse (1) Jamie Poulton 6 9-2 J F Egan 100/1 104 — —
12 11 Percussionist (IRE) (6) J Howard Johnson 4 9-0 R Winston 12/1 110 — —
13 4 Darasim (IRE) (11) M Johnston 7 9-2 v J Fanning 66/1 111 — —
14 11 Razkalla (USA) (3) Saeed Bin Suroor 7 9-2 t M J Kinane 33/1 113 — —
15 6 Jardines Lookout (IRE) (14) A P Jarvis 8 9-2 J P Spencer 100/1 110 — —
16 16 Papineau (13) Saeed Bin Suroor 5 9-2 t K McEvoy 6/1 119 — —
17 8 Sun Bird (IRE) (9) R Allan 7 9-2 P Hanagan 100/1 100 — —
pobeda 2.7 / dubl po redu 86.3 / HK po redu 80.1
Olivier Peslier, jahač: "I did not plan to be too far back, but in the middle, and to stay inside. When I got my position I knew not to move. I waited a minute. He has a good turn of foot, but the second was doing well, too, and we had a fight with him."
Franklin's Garden je "vukao" trku do nekih 600m pre cilja kada na čelo uz barijeru izlazi Distinction. Ipak na oko 400m do cilja munjevit napad Wersterner- i pobeda Peslier-a. Komonveltska uzdanisa Vinie Roe je treim mestom malo utešio ostrvljane koji ove godine trpe teror rivala iz Francuske.

Wersterner & Olivier Peslier
- "Ascot Gold Cup" -
Prince of Wales's Stakes (Group 1) 1.900m
vreme: 2:08.15
1 Azamour (IRE) (3) John M Oxx 4 9-0 M J Kinane 11/8F 120 128
2 11 Ace (IRE) (6) A P O´Brien 4 9-0 K Fallon 7/1 117 125
3 5 Elvstroem (AUS) (5) T Vasil 5 9-0 t Nash Rawiller 11/1 107 116
4 4 Touch Of Land (FR) (4) H-A Pantall 5 9-0 C-P Lemaire 12/1 99 108
5 5 Warrsan (IRE) (8) C E Brittain 7 9-0 D Holland 14/1 120 89 99
6 5 Norse Dancer (IRE) (1) D R C Elsworth 5 9-0 J F Egan 8/1 121 79 89
7 9 Ouija Board (2) E A L Dunlop 4 8-11 J P Spencer 7/2 58 69
8 11 Hazyview (7) N A Callaghan 4 9-0 v E Ahern 33/1 108 58
pobeda 2.4 / dubl po redu 12.3 / triling po redu 38.3
Michael Kinane, jahač: " He's a very good horse, a lovely horse to be associated with, and he's a pleasure to be around."

Azamour & Michael Kinane
- "Prince of Wales Stakes" -
"St James's Palace Stakes" (Group 1) 1.609m
vreme: 1:37.18
01 Shamardal (USA) (2) Saeed Bin Suroor 3 9-0 K McEvoy 7/4F 123 — —
02 3 Ad Valorem (USA) (4) A P O´Brien 3 9-0 M J Kinane 8/1 — —
03 13 Oratorio (IRE) (7) A P O´Brien 3 9-0 v 1 K Fallon 13/2 — —
04 nk Rocamadour (3) M R Channon 3 9-0 T E Durcan 14/1 107 — —
05 3 Kandidate (9) C E Brittain 3 9-0 S Sanders 9/1 112 — —
06 hd Tucker (5) D R C Elsworth 3 9-0 T Quinn 16/1 105 — —
07 7 Vanadium (8) J G Given 3 9-0 E Ahern 100/1 76 — —
08 26 Indesatchel (IRE) (1) David Wachman 3 9-0 J P Spencer 3/1 —
*** Dubawi
pobeda 2.3 / dubl po redu 14.0 / triling po redu 17.0

Shamardal (desno) izaziva Motivatora
- "St.James Palace Stakes" -
Kris McEvoy, jahač: " It was eas. He travelled well and when I saw a horse come to his girth and I let him quicken and away he went. I couldn't believe how far clear he was. I never gave him a smack. I'm very lucky to have had the ride on him. It's going to be a great race against Motivator. "
Sheikh Mohammad, vlasnik Shamardal: "I think it would be good for racing for the two to meet at Sandown. Motivator is a great mile-and-a-half horse but at ten furlongs, yes, I think Shamardal can beat him. It is great to win these races. He is a tough horse like his sire [Giant's Causeway] and is improving with his races like his sire."
Sheikh Mohammad je novi vlasnik Shamardal, pošto je dosadašnji vlasnik Abdullah Buhaleeba pretrpeo veliki gubitak u londonskom kazinu. Transfer ovog klasnog grla jejoš uvek obavijen misterijom.
"Queen Anne Stakes" (Group 1) 1.609m
vreme: 1:36.64
01 Valixir (IRE) (1) A Fabre 4 9-0 C Soumillon 4/1 — —
02 11 Rakti (5) M A Jarvis 6 9-0 P Robinson 5/6F 124 — —
03 1 Starcraft (NZ) (2) L M Cumani 5 9-0 D Holland 7/1 — —
04 31 Mac Love (6) J Akehurst 4 9-0 G Carter 50/1 114 — —
05 11 Akimbo (USA) (10) H R A Cecil 4 9-0 R Hughes 20/1 95 — —
06 21 Martillo (GER) (7) R Suerland 5 9-0 S Pasquier 14/1 — —
07 6 Pastoral Pursuits (9) H Morrison 4 9-0 S Drowne 20/1 114 — —
08 13 Babodana (8) M H Tompkins 5 9-0 b N Callan 66/1 110 — —
09 7 Prince Kirk (FR) (4) E Borromeo 5 9-0 b M Monteriso 25/1 — —
10 19 Hurricane Alan (IRE) (3) R Hannon 5 9-0 R L Moore 16/1 112 —
pobeda 5.1 / dub po redu 9.8 / triling o redu 144.1
Cristophe Soumillon, jahač: " I wanted to follow Rakti more and was waiting, waiting and waiting and when I wanted to take a breath he wanted to go on so I came too early. I had two or three bumps from the horse on my outside when turning for home which upset his balance a bit but really it was a perfect race. Before the race I didn't think about winning because I knew that Rakti was an unbelievable horse, that's why I was so excited after passing the post and threw my whip into the crowd. "
Blues and Royals (Honour and Glory-Dixieland Blues/Dixieland Band), pobednik "UAE Derby" eutanaziran je usled komplikacija od kolike. Ovo nije prvi slučaj problema sa kolikom štale Godolphin povezan sa transportom grla iz Emirata na udaljene destinacije. Tempera, šampionska omica 2002 je podlegla od kolike pošto je poslata u Kentucky na pripreme za KyOaks. Još jedna omica Baletto, povučena je iz trka usled komplkacija sa kolikom po dolasku na Belmont ovog proleća. Blues and Royals je posle pobede u derbiju Emirata planiran za KyDerby, a potom je sa Churchill Downs prebačen u Belmont.
Simon Crisford, Godolphin manager: "He was great on [Dubai] World Cup (UAE-G1) night. He won really well as you know and we were just hoping he could have a nice career in North America, but he couldn't be saved."
$750.000 "Stephen Foster Handicap" 1800m G1
1. Saint Liam 121 / E.Prado (1:47.52)
(Saint Ballado-Quiet Dance/Quiet American)
2. Eurosilver 113 / R.Berajano
3. Perfect Drift 117 / G.Stevens
4. M B Sea 113 / P.Day
5. Gouldings Green 6. Badge of Silver 7. Colonial Colony 8. Presidentialaffair
frakcije: 23.26 / 46.77 / 1:11.26 / 1:36.04 / 1:47.52
pobeda 1.9 / dubl po redu 20.3 / triling po redu 67.8 / hk po redu 518.4
Ghostzapper (Awesome Again - Baby Zip/Relaunch) top grlo SAD a sigurno i u svetu, povučen je iz trka usled frakture sezamoida koja je otkrivena proše nedelje. Velika šteta za konjički sport, jer smo imali priliku da budemo svedoci i savremenici duge vladavine šampiona o kojem bi buduće generacije čitale kao što mi danas slušamo prie o legendama galopa na pesku kao što su Secretariat, Man O'War, Seattle Slew, Native Dancer...
Ghostzapper je u četiri trčanja ubeležio beyer speed figure od 120 i naviše; najviša ocena od kada se rauna BSF je bila u "Iselin H" od čak 128. Pobednik "BC Classic" 2004 je u poslednjem statu 30.maja lako bez korbača dobio "Metropolitan Mile H." u vremenu 1:33.29.
U ipak kratkoj karijeri prešao je put od sprintera kao trogodac do top handikap grla na distancama do 2.000m. U 11 startova 9 puta je pobedio uz zaradu od
$3,446,120. Prošle godine je ostao neporažen u 4 starta. Biće smešten Adena Farms, a cenu pripusta možemo samo zamisliti.
Robert Frankel, trener: "It's disappointing because Mr. Stronach wanted to show everybody how great a horse he was."
Belmont Park
Lost in the Fog ostao neporažen i u sedmom startu. Ovoga puta je pobedu odneo u trci "Riva Ridge Breeders' Cup" na 1.400m.
€1.500.000 "Prix du Jockey Club" 2.100m
01 SHAMARDAL / L.DETTORI (2:09.00)
05 RUWI / I.MENDIZABAL kr.vrat
* grlo Laverock je u cilj ušlo kao trećeplasirano, ali je naknadnom odlukom sudija distancirano
pobeda 7.8 / dubl po redu 5.6 / triling po redu 135.2 / HK po redu 494.2
usled kvara na kompjuterskom sistemu za klađenje, nije bilo moguće podii dobitke nakon trke, već će to biti omogućeno u ponedeljak (svaka sličnost sa našom stvarnošću je slučajna...)
Shamardal odbio kasni napad Hurricane Run
Shamardal sada ima dobijene prve dve trke francuske triple krune. Hurrican Run je u stilu svog imena zamalo dobio trku, a to bi svakako učinio da je cilj bio koji metar dalje. Nagovešteno je da bi se Hurricane Run mogao sresti sa pobednikom jučerašnjeg Epsom Derby-ja Motivatorom 26.juna kada se trči "Irish Derby". Dettori je već dobio francuski derbi 1992. na grlu Polytain
Lanfranco Dettori, jahač (Shamardal): " That was fantastic and as no-one else wanted to make the pace I did it. Shamardal couldn't really see Hurricane Run but must have picked up when he heard him."
Cristophe Soumillon, jaha (Hurricane Run): " Frankie rode a fantastic race. We went at a hack canter early on and at about two miles an hour. In another couple of strides we would certainly have won and Hurricane Run needs time to become balanced in the straight. "
Simon Crisford, Godolphin manager: " It was a masterful ride on a brilliant horse which doesn't have to make the running unless others fail to do so. The horse and the jockey did it together and if the race had still been a mile and a half we would probably have still run. We decided in March that his big race in the summer would be the Jockey-Club. He has improved enormously since the Poulains and was very relaxed in today's race. We will stick to around this distance which brings in races like the Eclipse and the Juddmonte, although he has plenty of options and a lot of entries. "
Tanaka pušten iz pritvora uz kauciju od $8M uz ličnu garanciju u nepokretnostima da će platiti i razliku do $10M. Njegov partner Vilar Nije uspeo da pribavi $4M u gotovini koja mu ne uz hipoteku nedostajala do iznosa od $10M. U narednih 20 dana se očekuje podizanje optužnice, a zapreena kazna je od jedne do deset godina. Tanaka je takođe morao da preda pasoš i da pristane na elektronsko praćenje.
Gary Tanaka, vlasnik više G1 pobednika ( Rakti, Epalo(Ger), Sarafan, Keltos ) optužen je da je koristio novac svojih klijenata pri kupovini bar tri trkačka grla u periodu novembar 2003 - april 2005. Tanaka je zadržan u pritvoru bez mogućnosti polaganja kaucije do saslušanja 3.juna. Vlasnik je brokerske kuće "Amerindo Investment Advisors Inc.". Takođe, Tanaka je nama postao šire poznat kada je Billy Allen nedavno došao u njegovu trkačku štalu za koju je osvojio dve od ukupno četiri trke u "Winter League". Njegov partner, Alberto Vilar poreklom sa Kube, uhapšen je u četvrtak pod optužbom da je iskoristio $5M iz fondova svojih klijenata pri plaćanju raznih računa i dobrotvornih donacija.

Gary Tanaka
£1.500.000 "Vodafone Derby" 2.400m / turf (2:35.69)
01 Motivator (5) M L W Bell 3 9-0 J P Murtagh 3/1F 117 — —
02 5 Walk In The Park (IRE) (12) J E Hammond 3 9-0 t A Munro 11/1 — —
03 3 Dubawi (IRE) (4) Saeed Bin Suroor 3 9-0 L Dettori 5/1 122 — —
04 1 Fracas (IRE) (13) David Wachman 3 9-0 J P Spencer 8/1 — —
05 11 Gypsy King (IRE) (3) A P O´Brien 3 9-0 K Fallon 7/2 — —
06 3 Hattan (IRE) (8) C E Brittain 3 9-0 S Sanders 25/1 107 — —
07 hd Unfurled (IRE) (14) J L Dunlop 3 9-0 R L Moore 40/1 102 — —
08 13 The Geezer (9) D R C Elsworth 3 9-0 T Quinn 10/1 110 — —
09 2 Grand Central (IRE) (7) A P O´Brien 3 9-0 J Fortune 25/1 — —
10 8 Oratorio (IRE) (10) A P O´Brien 3 9-0 M J Kinane 8/1 — —
11 2 Kings Quay (1) R Hannon 3 9-0 Dane O´Neill 150/1 104 — —
12 3 Almighty (USA) (6) A P O´Brien 3 9-0 P J Smullen 66/1 — —
13 14 Kong (IRE) (11) J L Dunlop 3 9-0 R Hughes 20/1 107 —
pobeda 4.2 / dubl po redu 53.9 / triling po redu 165.1
Motivator je nadmoćno dobio drugu trku za triplu krunu, marginom od 5 dužina. Tako je ponovio najveću razliku u cilju koju je postavio Generous 1991. Tako je ostao neporažen i u četvrtom startu. Sledeći start Motivatora je planiran za "Irish Derby" 26.juna.
Johnny Murtagh je posle ukidanja suspenzije opravdao očekivanja i po treći put u poslednjih pet godina dobio derbi (2000 Sinndar, 2002 High Chaparral).
( Montjeu(IRE) - Out West / Gone West )
Michael Bell, trener: " The horse has improved 100% from the Dante [Stakes], and the way he behaved today I think there is more to come. We are so lucky to have him. For us, a relatively small team, to have a horse of this quality and not to make a mess of it is just fantastic. He's looked a true champion at home, he's looked a true champion at the races. Obviously the next stage is Ireland and then we'll review it. "
Michael Owen (Real Madrid) vlasnik četvrtoplasiranog grla
Evolution Ex u trci "Vodafone Live Stakes" koju je dobio Enforcer
dojava by Cole
Lone Star Park, Texas
$300.000 "Lone Star Park Handicap" 1.700m (1:41.90)
01 Supah Blitz 118 / J.Court
02 Cryptograph 116 / D.Pettinger
03 Absent Friend 115 / R.Chapa
04 Lion Tamer 120 / J.Bailey (fav)
hipo kare po redu 433.0
četiri grla u "pola njuške"
- "Lone Star Park Handicap"-
John Court, jahač: " They came on both sides and were just pouncing on me in the final strides, but we held on with a nose in front. He had to reach within himself and get that little extra to hold on to this race "
$750.000 "Metropolitan Mile H." 1.609m G1 (1:33.29)
He's mean, he's back... Ghostzapper
- "Metropolitan Mile Handicap"-
1. Ghostzapper 123 / J.Castellano 61/4d
(Awesome Again-Baby Zip/Relaunch)
2. Silver Wagon 114 / C.Velasquez
3. Sir Shackleton 116 / R.Berajano
4. Pomeroy 115 / G.Stevens
5. Forest Danger 118 / J.Velasquez
6. Love of Money 116 / E.Prado
frakcije: 22.47 / 44.48 / 1:08.46 / 1:33.29
pobeda 1.6 / dubl po redu 22.1 / triling po redu 87.5
Ghostzapper je lako dobio svoj prvi start posle sedam meseci. Na Belmontu sada ima skor 5-5. Ukupno, ovo je deveta pobeda (šest zaredom) u 11 startova u karijeri uz zaradu od
$3,446,120. Vreme trke je jako blizu rekordu 1:32.80 iz 1996 koji drži
Honour and Glory i ujedno je četvrto najbolje vreme u istoriji trke dugoj 112 godina.
On je tek peti nosilac titule "Horse of the Year" koji je potrčao i sa svojih pet godina. Pre njega su to bili:
Cigar, Ferdinand i dve omice Azeri i Lady's Secret. Samo je Cigar odbranio naslov "Horse of the Year".
Niz od šest pobeda zaredom je utoliko veći jer je ostvaren na distancama u rasponu od 1.300m do 2.000m.
Planirani kalendar za pohod na odbranu naslova "Horse of the Year":
02.07. Suburban Handicap,Belmont
06.08. "Whitney H.", Saratoga
10.09. "Woodward S.", Belmont
29.10. "Breeders' Cup Classic", Belmont
Bobby Frankel, trener: " He's a great horse. He's amazing. He's probably the best sprinter in the country ... and he'd run a mile-and-a-half over the grass if you asked him to."
$2.600.000 "Japan Derby" 2.400m / turf
Deep Impact (Yutaka Take) dobio "Japan Derby" kao prvi favorit sa 5 dužina ispred Inti Raimi (Tetsuzo Sato) u vremenu 2:23.30. Treći je bio Six Sence. Depp Ipmact ostaje neporažen u pet startova i potvrđuje najbolju liniju odgoja u Japanu (Sunday Silence).

Deep Impact & Yutaka Take
(Sunday Silence - Wind in Her Hair(IRE) / Alzao)
$500.000 "Irish 2.000 Guineas" 1.609m (1:41.6)
1 Dubawi (7) Saeed Bin Suroor 3 9-0 L Dettori 7/4J — —
2 2 Oratorio (4) A P O´Brien 3 9-0 K Fallon 7/4J 117 — —
3 6 Democratic Deficit (6) J S Bolger 3 9-0 K J Manning 13/2 112 — —
4 2 Rebel Rebel (9) N A Callaghan 3 9-0 O Urbina 7/1 — —
5 2 Albert Hall (GB) (5) A P O´Brien 3 9-0 J A Heffernan 16/1 112 — —
6 shd Capable Guest (8) M R Channon 3 9-0 b 1 C Catlin 50/1 — —
7 Bobs Pride (3) D K Weld 3 9-0 P J Smullen 14/1 104 — —
8 Hills Of Aran (GB) (1) A P O´Brien 3 9-0 C O´Donoghue 80/1 97 —
Lanfranco Dettori, jahač: "I knew we would see something special today. When I kicked him he quickened really well. I took him to the rail and he produced an unbelievable turn of foot. This was the Dubawi we knew last year. At Newmarket it all went wrong. He was never comfortable on the ground."
$500.000 "Pimlico Special" 1.900m / 4+g. G1
1. Eddington / E.Coa (1:58.05) 51/4d
(Unbridled-Fashion Star/Chiefs Crown)
2. Pollard's Vision / J.Velasquez
3. Presidentialaffair / S.Elliott
4. Funny Cide / J.Santos
5. Eurosilver 6.
Offlee Wild 7. Grand Reward
*** Badge of Silver, Second of June
frakcije: 23.25 / 46.58 / 1:11.30 / 1:38.30 / 1:58.05
pobeda 3.6 / dubl po redu 18.0 / triling po redu 93.3 / HK po redu 323.2
Good bye Star Over the Bay
U trci $1,8M "Singapore Airlines International 2.000m" jedan od najboljih turf grla u SAD Star Over the Bay(1998) je na ulasku u pravac polomio prednju nogu i potom uspavan. Jesenas u "BC Turf" je ostao zapamćen po veoma jakom tempu i koji je nametnuo, da bi posle gubitka čelne pozicije u finišu kroz cilj prošao poslednji. Vratio se na velika vrata u januaru pobedom u "Sunshine Millions Turf". Prošle godine je dobio dve velike trke: "Clement Hirsch Memorial Stakes" /G1, "Sunset Handicap"/G2 i "Del Mar Handicap" /G2. Ovaj majstor turfa nesvakidašnje lepote u svojoj karijeri ima rekord 43-10-4-3 uz zaradu od $917,353.

Star Over the Bay
(Cozzene - Lituva Bay / Empery)
Shamardal dobio francuski "Trial Stakes" start-cilj
* Shamardal je odbio napad Indesatchel u poslednjim metrima. Inače, naknadni upis u trku koštao je vlasnike Indesatchel €24.000
01 SHAMARDAL USA M. 3 ans L DETTORI 58 kg - (T )
03 GHARIR IRE M. 3 ans T GILLET 58 kg - (1.L)
04 SALUT THOMAS M. 3 ans C SOUMILLON 58 kg - (3/4)
05 EARLY MARCH GB M. 3 ans CP LEMAIRE 58 kg - (2.L)
07 LAVEROCK IRE M. 3 ans M BLANCPAIN 58 kg - (2.L)
08 TURTLE BOWL (IRE) M. 3 ans D BOEUF 58 kg - (CTE)
09 SILENT NAME (JPN) M. 3 ans O PESLIER 58 kg - (1.L)
10 KAMAKIRI IRE M. 3 ans RL MOORE 58 kg - (CTE)
Sha Tin, HK
Bullish Luck je prekinuo seriju od 17 uzastopnih pobeda koliko je do sada nanizao Silent Witness. U trci $1M "Champions Mile". Izgledalo je da će biti poboljšan rekord u broju uzastopnih pobeda jer je Silent Witness vodio skoro svih 1600m, da bi ga Bullish Luck prestigao u poslednjim skokovima. Inače, oba grla trenira Tony Cruz.
Bullish Luck prekinuo seriju Silent Witness-a... ::
Silen Witness - Bullish Luck
Upis za Mađarski derbi
57 grla, 44 iz Mađarske i 13 iz inostranstva.
83. Magyar Derby Gd-1 (2005. 07. 03.)
(Hungary): Bazsarózsa, Becherovka, Billog, Brumaire, Bukméker, Colne Luro, Crocus, En Passant, Esrar, Estemona, Fire of Hell, Frankly Dancing, Gera, Gina Maxi, Gwen, Hod Eleagnus, Hunter, Kommelin, Korridor, Kulcsár, Mina Alsalaam, Miss Joice, Monszun, Niagara, Oteno, Parisfleur, Politikus, President, Pretty King, Ratalmo, Reborn, Reprint, Revidia, Rohanó patak, Run of Luck, Santoro, Sárkányfog, Sárkányölo, Sissi von Alag, Sonnenkind, Tornádó, Városbíró, Veszedelem, Wilandra
(Germany): Air Force One, Federstar, Mister Classic, Rosenblatt, Sallistro, Trendy Touch, Victorias Groom
(Poland): Duero, Dunab, Emir, Hvytkyj
(Austria): Baltazzi, Zeusz
by mladenr
Longchamp, €200.000 "Prix Ganay" 2.100m G1
(Nashwan(USA)-Moonlight's Box(USA)/Nureyev(USA))
03 ACE KF.FALLON 1 L 1/2
pobeda 1.8 / dubl po redu 10.6 / triling po redu PMU 36.9 HIP 30.0
Sha Tin, $300.000 "Queen's Silver Jubilee Cup" 1.400m G1
01 SILENT WITNESS F Coetzee A S Cruz 126 13/4d (1:21.0)
02 TOWN OF FIONN C Brown A Lee 126
03 PLANET RULER G Mosse D A Hayes 126
13.2 / 21.2 / 23.1 / 24.3
Silent Witness(AUS)
(El Moxie(AUS)-Jade Tiara(NZ)/Bureaucracy(NZ))
Sweep seventeen
Silent Witness, neporažen u :16 startova:, oborio je rekord koji drže Citation(48-50), Cigar(94-96), Hallowed Dream(99-00) svi u SAD i Ribot(54-56) u Evropi. Citation(tripla kruna 48) i Cigar su trčali doduše u mnogo jačoj konkurenciji Severne Amerike i na dužim distancama. Vreme koje je danas istrčao na 1.400m je 1:21.0. Ovo je bio prvi start za Silent Witness preko 1.200m.
Felix Coetze, jahač: " He was just cruising and turning for home I was very, very confident. I didn't get to the bottom of him in the straight. He just did it very easily."
slavlje na hipodromu Sha Tin
Fair play: u ciljnom pravcu Dr.Rockett(Jean Luc Samyn) je odgurnut od strane Exaggerate This (Jose Santos). Tom prilikom Santos je zadržao suparničkog jahača da ne ispadne iz sedla jer je prilikom sudara sazuo uzengije. Ipak, nakon trke, sudije su distancirale Exaggerate This na drugo mesto, te je za pobednika proglašen Dr.Rockett.
Dr.Rockett - Exaggerate This
$500.000 "Oaklawn Handicap" 1.800m
1. Grand Reward 112 / J.McKee (1:49.54)
(Storm Cat-Serenas Song/Rahy)
2. Second of June 113 / P.Valenzuela
3. Eddington 117 / E.Coa
4. Crowned King 110 / L.Quinonez
5. Limehouse 115 / J.Velasquez
Eddington-Crowned King-Second of June-Grand Reward-Limehouse
- ulazak u ciljni pravac "Oaklawn Hancicap" -
Ghostzapper (Horse of the Year 2004) neće za svoj najavljeni debi u 2005 9.aprila imati "Oaklawn Handicap". Usled upale sinusa propustio je ovonedeljne treninge i trener Bobby Frankel je najavio da je planirano da "Duško" startuje 30.maja u "Met Mile". Frankel je u poslednje dve godine dobio "Oaklawn Handicap": Medaglia d'Oro (2003) i Peace Rules (2004).
Aintree, Liverpool
$1,32M "Grand National" 7.236m steeplechase
01 Hedgehunter / Ruby Walsh / 14d
02 Royal Auclair
03 Simply Gifted
04 It Takes Time
05 Forest Gunner
"You'll never run alone..."
Zanimljivo je da je je Clan Royal, drugoplasirani prošle godine imao čak osam dužina prednosti do drugog prelaska prepreke "Becher's" kada su ga dva grla bez jahača omela i on je odbio da preskoči prepreku.
Narodni favorit Forest Gunner je u sedlu imao jedinu damu Carrie Ford, koja je pokušala da bude prva žena koja je dobila ovu trku. Ipak, samo je izjednačila najbolji plasman jedne dame: 1994 51-godišnja Rosemary Henderson se plasirala na peto mesto sa svojim grlom Fiddlers Pike.
Hedgehunter & Ruby Walsh
Jahač pobedničkog grla Ruby Walsh je pre pet godina već osvojio "Grand National" sa grlom Papillon, a sam Clan Royal se iskupio za pad u poslednjem skoku prošlogodišnje trke.
Trka je održana pred 70.000 posetilaca, a računa se da je putem TV pratilo 600 miliona gledalaca. Na kladionicama je odigrano $470M.
Willie Mullins, trener: "It's fantastic. I never dreamed this."
Animirani vodič hipodroma Aintree
Silent Witness pobedom u "Chairman's Sprint Prize" ušao je u red malobrojnih sa 16 uzastopnih stakes pobeda: Citation, Cigar, Hallowed Dreams i Mister Frisky - svi sa područja Severne Amerike.
Silent Witness(AUS)
(El Moxie(USA)-Jade Tiara(NZ)/Bureaucracy(NZ))
Ovoga puta nisu u pitanju pobede u najjačoj ligi, ali veliki nagradni fondovi ovih trka su svakako obezbedili više nego pristojnu konkurenciju. Ujedno, Silent Witness je i neporažen u karijeri. Ovaj petogodac je australijskog odgoja i prvobitno ime mu je glasilo Eltira.
Svetski rekord u neprekidnom nizu pobeda drži
Camarero (Puerto Rico) in 1951 sa 56 pobeda.
veliki dan na hipodromu Sha Tin
Hong Kong Horse of the Year & Champion Sprinter 2003-2004
st:16 16-0-0
2003 Sha Tin Vase(HK-G2)
2004 Hong Kong Sprint(HK-G1), International Sprint Trial(HK-G2), Sha Tin Sprint Trophy(HK-G3)
2005 Chairman's Sprint Prize(HK-G1), Centenary Sprint Cup(HK-G1), Bauhinia Sprint Trophy(HK-G1), International Sprint Trial(HK-G2), Hong Kong Sprint (HK-G1), Bauhinia Sprint Trophy (HK-G1),
Chairman's Sprint Prize (HK-G2)
Makybe Diva, jedina omica koja je dba puta dobila "Melbourne Cup" (2003-2004) dobila je $1.6M "BMW Stakes". Finišom je nadoknadila 12 dužina zaostatka i u cilj ušla ispred favorita Grand Armee i Vouvray.
Glen Boss, jahač: "The harder they go the better for her sprint. I just can't believe what she can do."
Lee Freedman, trener: "She is the best staying mare we've ever seen and if that isn't Horse of the Year, I don't know what is. At the furlong (200m) I thought she was going to run a nice second but Glen Boss is a brilliant judge of pace as he showed last week in the Australian Cup and again today. It's unbelievable what she can do, she's so powerful."
Tony Santic, vlasnik: "The tension becomes high and I couldn't sleep last night. "I dreamt I missed the race. She just gives her all, she's getting better and better with age and I'm looking forward to taking her to Japan to show them how good she is."
Tony Santic(Šantić iz CRO) je inače milioner, vlasnik flote brodova za lov na tune, a i Makybe Diva je dobila ime po jednoj od njegovoj radnica.
$500.000 "New Orleans Handicap" 1.800m
1. Badge of Silver / J.Bailey (1:48.78) 1d
(Silver Deputy-Silveroo/Silver Hawk)
2. Limehouse / R.Dominguez
3. Second of June / E.Coa
4. Pollard's Vision 5.Colonial Colony 6.Alumni Hall 7.Musique Toujours 8.Freefourinternet
frakcije: 22.66 / 45.55 / 1:11.85 / 1:10.15 / 1:35.46 / 1:48.78
pobeda 3.6 / dubl po redu 8.9 / triling po redu 85.8 / hipo kare po redu 239.6
Lep dan za tip Bailey-Frankel. Jerry Bailey je prvi džokej koji je iste godine(dana) dobio "Fair Grounds Oaks" i "New Orleans Handicap", a Frankel trener sa pobedama u "Louisiana Derby" i "New Orleans H." u istoj godini(danu). Raduje povratak Badge of Silver posle povrede. Prošlu godinu je zaključio drugim mestom u "Cigar Mile", a ovo mu je četvrta pobeda u poslednjih pet startova na ovoj stazi.
Bobby Frankel, trener: "They came up to him and it looked like they got a head in front of him, then when Jerry asked him, he took off,"
John Henry 9.marta proslavio 30.rođendan.
Sadašnji cimer Cigar-a je tokom svoje 8 godina duge karijere dobio 39(33 stakes) od 83 starta među kojima je 16 grup trka, a poneo je čak dva puta titulu "Horse of the Year" i to sa 6 i 9 godina.
John Nicolson, Kentucky Horse Park direktor: "It has been such an honor for us to have John Henry all these years because he is, by all accounts, unquestionably one of the greatest racehorses of the century. He is highly intelligent and also happens to be quite a character who has kept us all on our toes for the 20 years he's been living here at the park."
"If there is one thing I could ask of the public on John's birthday, it would be to support Thoroughbred rescue organizations, such as the Secretariat Center here at the Kentucky Horse Park, in honor of John Henry. Many Thoroughbreds are not as fortunate as John, so if we can take this opportunity to do something to help a few at-risk Thoroughbreds, I think that will be a very appropriate, fitting tribute to this champion."
Mileposts: John Henry's toughness and heart recalled as gelding turns 30
When his cause seemed completely lost, John Henry prevailed
If any horse could live to be 30 years old--despite a checkered early career that saw him pass through the hands of multiple trainers and owners, a grueling campaign on crooked legs that earned seven Eclipse Awards (including two Horse of the Year honors), a foul disposition that made other renegades seem like Mister Rogers, and a near-fatal bout with colic at age 27--it would be John Henry, who was to celebrate that milestone on March 9 at his home in the Hall of Champions at the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington.
John Henry retired to the Horse Park in 1985 as the richest Thoroughbred in history with earnings of $6,591,860. In retirement, he has enjoyed the adulation of fans during regular presentations each day, though sometimes he tires of his celebrity and makes his displeasure known by retreating to his stall in a huff at the end of his moment in the spotlight.
John Henry seemed invincible until the frigid morning of January 25, 2002 . The star of the Hall of Champions lay drenched in sweat in his paddock when groom Tammy Siters found him. He was going into shock, his gums pale, and his lips curled back in agony.
The Ole Bob Bowers gelding, who scored 39 victories in 83 career starts from age two to nine , had a formidable foe at his flank: colic.
With crucial minutes ticking away, Siters pleaded with John Henry to get on his feet. Suddenly, the gelding willed himself off the ground with the same grit he had mustered when he stuck his nose in front of The Bart to win the inaugural Arlington Million Invitational in 1981.
An awaiting van quickly carried John Henry from the Hall of Champions to Hagyard Equine Medical Institute, directly across from the Horse Park 's main entrance, where Michael Spirito, D.V.M., wasted no time getting him into surgery. Spirito removed seven feet of gut, including 18 inches of strangulated bowel that had gotten wedged through an internal abdominal hernia, then sutured the healthy sections back together.
Because of his advanced age, John Henry was given only a 7% chance of surviving surgery, but he had enriched many a bettor by beating long odds. Once again, when his cause seemed completely lost, John Henry prevailed. After two weeks' recovery under Spirito's care, John Henry returned to rule the Hall of Champions.
"It was an extreme pleasure to be able to save John Henry's life, a very enjoyable experience," Spirito said.
When asked how he had gotten along with the cantankerous senior citizen during his convalescence, Spirito joked, "When I came into the stall, he said, 'Thank you very much for saving me. I really appreciate it.' And he didn't bite me."
The March 9 birthday celebration marks the first time former owner and trainer Harold Snowden Jr. has seen John Henry since he sold him, for the second time, in April 1978.
"I hope he doesn't hold a grudge against me for castrating him, because I've forgiven him for all of his misgivings and shortcomings," Snowden said before the event. "I remember it vividly. It was so cold on the hill at Keeneland [Race Course], and I wanted to castrate this horse in February, but the vet kept telling me, 'It's too cold, wait until March, wait until it warms up some.' I didn't think March would ever come around!"
Although Snowden never won a race with John Henry, he measures his success with the horse by the profit he made from buying and selling him twice.
"It was a good ride with John," Snowden said. "I'm looking forward to seeing the old boy. When a horse does what John Henry did, you want to respect him. He is quite an exceptional athlete, and I'm glad that I was a small part of him."
Racing Hall of Fame trainer Ron McAnally, under whose tutelage John Henry flourished, was unable to attend the birthday celebration because of a heavy racing schedule but said he is not surprised the gelding made it to 30.
"With as big a heart as he has, there was no question. And the girls take great care of him there [at the Horse Park ]," McAnally said. "We chose for him to stay there on the advice of Ted Bassett at Keeneland, and it was only about ten miles from where he was born [at Golden Chance Farms].
Reminiscing about John Henry's racing career, McAnally said, "He was special. Not often do you get a horse that every time you lead him over there, you know they have him to beat. He was very competitive." McAnally also remembered the lighter times.
"Occasionally, when you were walking him, he would put his left leg out in front of you and try to trip you," McAnally said. "He was just playful. But he would do that with even his regular hot walker or groom or most anybody. He would throw that left leg out in front of me, too.
"He was one of the great ones," McAnally concluded.
John Henry and McAnally both were inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1990. Four of his jockeys also are members: Bill Shoemaker, Laffit Pincay Jr., Angel Cordero Jr., and Chris McCarron.-- Denise Steffanus
I Two Step Too, jedan od konja koji su "glumili" u filmu "Seabiscuit" istoimenog junaka, uspavan je u svojoj dvanaestoj godini, usled komplikacija izazvanih tumorom sinusa. Kako je bio prilično startno grlo, korišćen je u scenama kada Seabiscuit izlazi na čelo trke. Kao deo obrazovnog programa, bio je jedna od atrakcija parka. Tokom svoje trkačke karijere dobio je 7 od 53 starta.
John Nicholson, Kentucky Horse Park executive director: "This is a sad day for all of us at the park. This horse was not only very popular with our visitors, but was greatly loved by everyone who worked with him. I Two Step Too was a kind, gentle animal who gladly received thousands of visitors and never lost his patience."
Santa Anita , 5.03.2005
$1M "Santa Anita Handicap " 2.000m / 4+g. / G1 "Big Cap"
1. Rock Hard Ten / G.Stevens (2:01.20) 13/4d
(Kris S - Tersa/Mr.Prospector)
2. Congrats / T.Baze
3. Borrego / G.Gomez
4. Grand Reward / R.Berajano
5. Lundy's Liability (BRZ) 6.Saint Liam 7.Imperialism 8.Californian(GB) 8.Island Fashion 9.Truly a Judge 10.Supah Blitz
frakcije: 23.05 / 46.33 / 1:10.87 / 1:35.69 / 2:01.20
pobeda 9.6 / dubl po redu 62.1 / triling po redu 950.0 / hipo kare po redu 22,397.4

Hard as a rock: Rock Hard Ten & Congrats (drugi plan)
Trener Richard Mandella je odlično odradio posao. Njegovi puleni su odeli prva dva mesta u nagradnom fondu od $1M. Ovo je ujedno i njegov treći "Big Cap", što je joiš uspeo da načini i Ron McAnally. pokojni Charile Wittingham je rekorder sa čak 9 pobeda. Sa 35.484 posetioca, ovo je druga najbolja poseta ovog trkačkog dana od 1996.
Richard Mandella, trener: " He's accomplished everything now. To win the Malibu and now the Santa Anita Handicap, you've got to have a couple different gears and he's pretty nice. "
Gary Stevens je osvojio "Big Cap" po deseti put, što su još uspeli i Johnny Longden i Don Pierce. Pokojni Bill Shoemaker drži rekord sa 11 pobeda.
Gary Stevens, jahač: " This was a real nice early birthday present. I don't know if it's because I'm getting older or what, but it's getting sweeter. I'm enjoying them more, I'm enjoying my days more "
Rock Hard Ten je ušao široko spolja u ciljni pravac, a na čelo je izbio na poloini pravca. Slično je široko išao i Congrats; može biti da je Mandella dao instrukcije da se izbegne gužva u završnici. Rock Hard Ten, najveći među prošlogodišnjim derbistima sada ima ukupnu zaradu od $1,570,380.
Prvi favorit, Saint Liam ("Donn Handicap") je razočarao tek šestim mestom.
Edgar Prado, jahač:"I was done on the backside. He didn't handle the track very well. When you call him, he responds right away, but today he was kind of shut down.
Dvogodac u treningu (Tale of the Cat - Carry All / Devil's Beg) plaćen rekordnih $5,2M i time je oborena rekordna cena od $4,5 koju je dostigao Fusaichi Samurai (Fusaichi Pegasus-Hidden Storm/Storm Cat) prošle godine kada ga je kupio Fusao Sekiguchi. Kupac je Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum.
5.2 million dollar baby
Tale of the Cat-Carry All 2005 $5.2M
Fusaichi Pegasus-Hidden Storm 2004 $4.5M
Pulpit-In My Cap 2004 $3.3M
Stephen Got Even-Blacktie Bid 2004 $3.1M
Forestry-Rapid Selection 2005 $3.0M
Grand Slam-Dama 2005 $2.9M
Sun King dobio 104 beyer speed figure; najbolje ocenjen trogodac u 2005 na bilo kojoj distanci. Očekuje se da bi do derbija imao sigurno još dva starta, za razliku od većine viđenih favorita koji bi do derbija imali ukupno dva starta u 2005. Sledeći start se očekuje za "Tampa Bay Derby", a potom ili "Wood Memorial" ili "Blue Grass"
Nick Zito, trener: "As a trainer, I may feel that two races is all I can do with a particular horse. I had a horse like that last year in Birdstone [winner of the Belmont and Travers], who did better with a lighter schedule.
What I really wish is that they had kept everything the same. What I'm going to do is keep every possible option open. I owe it to my owner to do that."

Sun King
(Charismatic - Clever But Costly / Clever Trick)
Sun King | Gulfstream Park |
Feb. 26 |
104 |
Only in Reno | Santa Anita |
Jan. 15 |
103 |
Maddalena (f) | Gulfstream Park |
Jan. 16 |
102 |
Lost in the Fog | Gulfstream Park |
Jan. 29 |
102 |
Maddalena (f) | Gulfstream Park |
Feb. 5 |
102 |
High Fly | Gulfstream Park |
Jan. 8 |
100 |
Going Wild | Santa Anita |
Feb. 5 |
100 |
Saint Liam će pokušati da dobije "Big Cap" sa top opterećenjem. Uz to ide i činjenica da je poslednji put grlo koje nije stacionirano u Kaliforniji dobilo ovu trku bilo još 1987. kada je Broad Brush (Merilernd) trijumfovao ispred Ferdinanda(KyDerby '86). Glavni oponenti će mu biti Rock Hard Ten("Strub S") i Lundy's Liability("San Antonio H."). Musique Toujours ("Sunshine Millions Classic") neće biti na startu usled naprsline kopita.
"Santa Anita Handicap" trenutni upis: Saint Liam, Edgar Prado, 122; Lundy's Liability, Valenzuela, 120; Rock Hard Ten, Stevens, 119; Imperialism, Alex Solis, 117; Truly a Judge, Martin Pedroza, 117; Congrats, Tyler Baze, 115; Supah Blitz, Victor Espinoza, 115; Borrego, Garrett Gomez, 113; Island Fashion, John, 113; Grand Reward, Rafael Bejarano, 112
Bye, All Along
Prvi nosilac titule "Hose of the Year" koji nije bio sa teritorije SAD, All Along uspavana je usled komplikacija izazvanih poznim godinama na farmi Three Chimneys.

All Along
(Targowice - Agujita(FR) / Vieux Manoir(FR))
(1979 - 2005)
Poduhvat koji je ostao zapamćen je njena pobeda u četiri G1 trke u tri države tokom perioda od 41-og dana te sada davne 1983. Prvo je porazila muško društvo u "Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe" - Longchamp, da bi potom dobila i "International Stakes" - Woodbine, "Turf Classic" - Aqueduct i na kraju "Washington D.C. International" - Laurel Park. Trenutak u pobedničkom padoku na slici gore je upravo poslednja od četiri - Laurel Park. Te godine je ponela titulu konja godine u Francuskoj i najbolje omice na travi u SAD.
Daniel Wildenstein, sin vlasnika Aleca Wildensteina: "She took us—my father, my brother and myself—on a joy ride like no other, culminating in an achievement we scarcely dared to dream about, which was Horse of the Year in America. Sad as it is to lose her, I am glad she had such a long and healthy life in return for all the happiness she gave us."
U priplod je povučena sa pet godina kao žensko grlo sa najvećom zaradom ikada, dobivši devet od 21 starta, a uvedena je u Hall of Fame 1990. Dala je 13 ždrebadi od kojih je 11 trčalo, četiri su dobili trke. Jedini stakes pobednik je ždrebe koje je dala sa Mill Reef-om.
Sahranjena je pored Igual, majke Assault-a, osvajača triple krune 1946.
$1M "Santa Anita Handicap - The Big Cap" /5.mart/
prvi upis
Borrego, Congrats, Imperialism, Lundy's Liability, Rock Hard Ten, Saint Liam, Supah Blitz, Truly a Judge, Musique Toujours
Saint Liam, pobednik "Donn H." ipak neće putovati za Dubai. Posle dužeg premišljanja, iako je očigledno da bi imao velike šanse da "odlomi" $3.6M prve nagrade, glavni cilj vlasnika je kako su najavili titula "Horse of the Year" u 2005. Ghostzapper bi trebalo da prvi start ima u 9.aprila u trci $500.000 "Oaklawn Handicap", Roses in May izvesno je sada prvi šans za $6M "Dubai World Cup", a u prvi plan tek treba da izađu junaci priče ovogodišnje triple krune. Sve u svemu za Eclipse Award ima vremena iako po nama Saint Liam je u velikom usponu forme koju smo najavljivali još prošle godine posle "New Orleans H." i "Woodward Stakes".
Lost in the Fog, pobednik "Sunshine Millions Dash" bi trebalo da isto dana startuje u $150.000 "Swale Stakes" na 1.400m gde bi mu glavni rival trebao biti Chandtrue, neporažen u tri starta.
Cagnes sur Mer
Fabrice Chappet, sadašnji trener i od dolaska u Francusku do ove trke po papirima formalni vlasnik grla Billy Allen (tripla kruna 2004 u Srbiji) dao je izjavu za Paris Turf u kojoj se nada dobrom trčanju svoja dva pulena na 2.000m. Red Snake po njemu ima šansi za plasman, dok Billy Alen specijalista za pesak po rečima Chappet-a se dobro pokazao nizom pobeda u Srbiji kao i prošlom pobedom u slabijoj grupi nego što ga očekuje u narednoj trci. Chappet procenjuje da će to biti veliki izazov i posle ove trke će biti jasnije koje su prave mogućnosti ovog grla. Istog dana startuje i Dolce Vita (YUG) na 1.300m.
€20.000 "
Startna lista ::
Santa Anita
$300.000 "Strub Stakes" Gr-2 1.800m 4+g.
1. Rock Hard Ten / G.Stevens (1:49.24) / 121 / njuška
(Kris S - Tersa/Mr Prospector)
2. Imperialism / A.Solis / 119
3. Love of Money / V.Espinoza / 123
4. Good Reward / C.Nakatani / 123
5.Catledale(Ire) 6.My Creed 7.With Destinction 8.Hendix 9.Diamond Fury
*** Skipaslew
frakcije: 22.27 / 45.16 / 1:09.62 / 1:35.64 / 1:49.24
pobeda 1.8 / dubl po redu 5.0 / triling po redu 15.6 / hipo kare po redu 48.3
Sunshine Millions po treći put i premoć floridskog odgoja po treći put. Ovoga puta skor u pobedama 5:3, a u bodovima 44:28. Bodovanje je po principu I mesto 5, II mesto 3, III mesto 1 bod.
Classic 1.800m: Musique Toujours (Cal) (1:49.17) 71.1 2.Zakocity 3.Classic Endeavor
Distaff 1.600m: Sweet Lips(Cal) (1:42.64) 13.8 2.Fencelineneighbor 3.DFream of Summer
Dash 1.200m: Lost in the Fog(Fla) (1:09.96) 1.7 2.Santana Strings 3.Lucky Frolic
Oaks 1.200m: Hot Storm(Fla) (1:09.16) 22.2 2.She's a Jewel 3.Memorette
Turf 1.800m: Star Over the Bay(Fla) (1:48.40) 13.8 2.A to the Z 3.Silver Tree
FM Turf 1.800m: 1.Valentine Dancer
(Cal) (1:47.2) 9.5 2.Marwood 3.Changing World
Sprint 1.200m: Red Warrior(Fla) (1:08.83) 48.5 2.Full Moon Madness 3.Areyoutalkingtome
FM Sprint 1.200m: Alix M(Fla) (1:10.4) 5.7 2.Bear Fan 3.Double Scoop
Empire Maker(Unbridled-Toussaud), pobednik Gr-1 trka "Belmont Stakes", "Wood Memorial", "Florida Derby" i drugoplasirani u KyDerby-ju 2003 dobio je prvo ždrebe. Majka malene je Dokki(19g.) od Northern Dancer-a, polubrat joj je Coastal, pobednik "Belmont Stakes" 1979. Malena je polusestra Aptitude, pobednika Gr-1 trka 2001 "Jockey Club Gold Cup" i "Hollywood Gold Stakes (Gr-1) i drugoplasiranog 2000 u "Kentucky Derby" i ""Belmont Stakes", kao i Sleep Easy, pobednice "Hollywood Oaks" 1995.

Like father like... daughter
(Empire Maker - Dokki/Northern Dancer)
Garrett O'Rourke: "Empire Maker's first foal weighed in at 131 pounds and she's outstanding … with size, scope, and tremendous presence, just like Empire Maker."
Sunshine Millions se trči po treći put. Da podsetimo da je to sada već tradicionalni okršaj odgoja Kalifornije i Floride. Trkački dan se održava paralelno na hipodromima Santa Anita i Gulfstream Park.
Pored trke dana "SM Classic">>, treba obratiti pažnju na "Dash" za trogoda grla. Zanimljiv prvi upis sadrži i par nadamo se značajnih imena za predstojeću derbi kampanju: Iced Out, Lost in the Fog , Proud Accolade, Bushwacker, Dilligent Prospect...
Santa Anita: SM Turf, SM Distaff, SM Sprint, SM Oaks
Gulfstream Park: SM Classic, SM F/M Turf, SM F/M Sprint, SM Dash
Eclipse Award 2004
Ghostzapper je i zvanino Horse of the Year 2004. Rezultat glasanja na kraju je bio: Ghostzapper vs Smarty Jones 174 : 95. Oba grla su u svojiim divizijama nadmoćno proglašeni za Best Older Male tj. Best 3yo.
Smarty Jones je fenomenalnom kampanjom do samog kraja triple krune tada bio "the one and only" ali je porazom za dužinu (Birdstone) u Belmontu i povlačenjem iz trka dva meseca kasnije otvorio vrata sada je jasno trenutno najboljem galoperu.
Ghostzapper (Duško od milja u bgtuf-u) koji je kao trogodac trčao kratke distance, je prelaskom u trening kod Frankela tek pokazao pravo lice. U karijeri za dve godine ima impresivan rekord 10-8-0-1 uključujući 3 Gr-1 i po jednu Gr-2 i Gr-3 trku uz zaradu od
2004 record
Smarty Jones 7-8-1-0 (Kentucky Derby, Preakness Stakes)
Ghostzapper 4-4-0-0 (Iselin BC H. 128 bsf, Woodward S.,BC Classic rekord trke>>)
Two-Year-Old Male
Declan's Moon,188; Afleet Alex, 44; Wilko, 22; Rockport Harbor 17; Roman Ruler, 1. uzdržana, 2.
Two-Year-Old Filly
Sweet Catomine, 273; Runway Model, 1.
Three-Year-Old Male
Smarty Jones, 265; Kitten's Joy, 7; Birdstone, 2.
Three-Year-Old Female
Ashado, 257; Ouija Board (GB), 14; Stellar Jayne, 1.uzdržana, 2.
Older Male
Ghostzapper, 269; Pleasantly Perfect, 4; Roses in May, 1.
Older Female
Azeri,179; Sightseek, 91; Storm Flag Flying 3; Adoration, 1.
Speightstown, 157; Pico Central (BRZ), 101; Ghostzapper, 15. uzdržan 1.
Male Turf Horse
Kitten's Joy, 247; Singletary, 12; Better Talk Now, 9; Soaring Free, 2; Sulamani, 2; Leroidesanimaux, 1; Nothing to Lose, 1
Female Turf Horse
Ouija Board (GB), 235; Ticker Tape (GB), 24; Intercontinental (GB), 6; Light Jig (GB), 2; Megahertz (GB), 2; Wonder Again, 2; Commercante (FR), 1; Lucifer's Stone, 1. uzdržan 1.
Steeplechase Horse
Hirapour (IRE), 216; Sur La Tete, 10; McDynamo, 8; Preemptive Strike, 2; Tres Touche, 2; Cherokee in the Hills, 1. uzdržanih 35.
Horse of the Year
Ghostzapper, 174; Smarty Jones, 95; Ashado, 1; Kitten's Joy,1. uzdržana, 3.
Kenneth & Sarah Ramsey, 100; Michael Gill, 79; Someday Farm, 41; Adena Springs/Stronach Entities, 27; Juddmonte Farms, 12; Gary Tanaka, 2, Eugene & Laura Melnyk, 2; Sam-Son Farm, 2; Robert Bone,1; Robert & Beverly Lewis, 1; Louis O'Brien, 1. uzdržanih, 6.
Adena Springs, 166; Juddmonte Farms 26; John Franks, 18; Someday Farm, 16; Aaron and Marie Jones, 13; Farnsworth Farms, 9; Kenneth and Sarah Ramsey, 9; William S. Farish, 3; Arthur Appleton, 1; Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Wygod, 1. uzdržanih, 12.
Todd Pletcher, 155; Steve Asmussen, 71; Robert Frankel 35; John Servis 12;uzdržan 1.
John Velazquez, 241; Edgar Prado, 14; Rafael Bejarano, 6; Jerry Bailey, 4; Stewart Elliott, 4; Ramon Dominguez, 3; Alex Solis, 1. uzdržan, 1.
Apprentice Jockey
Brian Hernandez, Jr., 164; Pablo Fragoso, 84; Mick Ruis, 5; James Graham, 2; Eric Camacho, 1; Brandon Whitacre, 1. uzdržanih, 17.
* bgturf tip
ostale kategorije:
Two-year-old male—Afleet Alex, Declan's Moon*, Wilko;
Two-year-old female—Balletto (UAE), Runway Model, Sweet Catomine*;
Three-year-old male—Birdstone, Kitten's Joy, Smarty Jones*;
Three-year-old female—Ashado*, Ouija Board (GB), Stellar Jayne;
Older male—Ghostzapper*, Pleasantly Perfect, Roses in May;
Older female—Azeri, Sightseek*, Storm Flag Flying;
Sprinter—Ghostzapper, Pico Central (Brz)*, Speightstown;
Male turf horse—Better Talk Now, Kitten's Joy*, Singletary;
Female turf horse—Intercontinental (GB), Ouija Board (GB)*, Ticker Tape (GB);
Steeplechase—Hirapour (Ire), McDynamo*, Preemptive Strike;
Owner—Michael Gill, Ken and Sarah Ramsey, Stronach Stables*;
Breeder—Adena Springs/Stronach entities*, John Franks, Juddmonte Farms;
Trainer—Steve Asmussen*, Bobby Frankel, Todd Pletcher;
Jockey—Rafael Bejarano, Edgar Prado, John Velazquez*;
Apprentice jockey—Pablo Fragoso, Brian Hernandez Jr.*, Angel Quinones.