there can be only one
USA Triple Crown 2006
Jo� jedna sezona je pred nama. Svi �ele, mnogi se nadaju, mo�da �e samo jedan uspeti.

Mission Impossible?
Belmont Stakes
1.Jazil / F.Jara (2:27.86) 7.2
(Seeking the Gold / Better Than Honour/Deputy Minister)
2. Bluegrass Cat / J.Velasquez 1d
3. Sunriver / R.Bejarano 2d
4. Steppenwolfer / R.Albarado 1/2d
5. Oh So Awesome 6. Hemingway's Key 7. Platinum Couple
8. Bob and John 9. Sacred Light 10. High Finance
11.Deputy Glitters 12. Double Galore
pobeda 7.2 / dubl po redu 46.0 / triling 218.0 / hk po redu 542.5
Fernando Jara ima samo 18 godina i to nas neumoljivo vra�a u 1978 kada je Steve Cauthien(18) bio u sedlu poslednjeg osvaja�a triple krune. Ovo je tek tre�i put od 1970 da "Belmont Stakes" nisu tr�ali "Kentucky Derby" i "Preakness Stakes" pobednici. Ujedno, ovo je �etvrti put u poslednjih sedam godina da pobednik ove trke nije startovao u "Preaknes S." (Commendable -2000, Empire Maker - 2003, Birdstone - 2004). Zanimljivo je da su pobednici sve tri trke za triplu krunu imali startni broj 8 (Barbaro, Bernardini, Jazil).

Jazil & Fernando Jara
- "Belmont Stakes" -
" You don't know how I feel right now. This is amazing. " (Fernando Jara, jaha�, Jazil)
Charles David Anderson (1931-1979) je tokom tv prenosa "Belmont Stakes" '73 za sva vremena ostavio neponovljiv komentar zavr�nice trke:
" They're on the turn, and Secretariat is blazing along! The first three-quarters of a mile in 1:09 and four fifths. Secretariat is widening now! He is moving like a TREMENDOUS machine! Secretariat by twelve, Secretariat by fourteen lengths on the turn! Sham is dropping back. It looks like they'll catch him today, as My Gallant and Twice a Prince are both coming up to him now. But Secretariat is all alone! He's out there almost a sixteenth of a mile away from the rest of the horses! Secretariat is in a position that seems impossible to catch. He's into the stretch. Secretariat leads this field by eighteen lengths, and now Twice a Prince has taken second and My Gallant has moved back to third. They're in the stretch. Secretariat has opened a twenty-two length lead! He is going to be the Triple Crown winner! Here comes Secretariat to the wire. An unbelievable, an amazing performance! He hits the finish twenty-five lengths in front! It's going to be Twice a Prince second, My Gallant third, Private Smiles fourth, and Sham, who had it today, dropped back to fifth. "
Preakness Stakes
good news
Barbaro doru�kuje nakon operacije
Barbaro Lavljeg Srca
(23:20) Operacija je zavr�ena. Prelom je fiksiran sa �ak 37 �rafova i gipsom. Bi�e preme�ten na svoju farmu radi daljeg oporavka. Ne daj se Barbaro!!!
37 & counting...
(20:40) Operacija je bila u toku i posle �etiri sata od po�etka.
(04:15) Poslednje vesti govore da �e operacija ipak biti obavljena u nedelju ujutru.
(00:50) Barbaro pre starta probio start ma�inu, po startu na prvoj krivini povredio zadnju desnu nogu i odustao. Fraktura iznad i ispod zgloba. Veoma te�ka povreda. Barbaro je ve� na putu ka operacionoj sali, do klinike New Bolton ambulantnim kolima je potrebno oko dva sata. Fotografije ovog nemilog doga�aja ne �elimo da objavimo, ve� Barbaru po�elimo najbolje.
Edgar Prado povijen nad sedlom po�to je Barbaro
otpremljen na kliniku
horseracingvideos download of the week
"Preakness Stakes" (wmv 10.9 MB) :: horseracingvideos page
Bernardini i pored impresivne pobede u senci tragedije
"I hadn't realized he got hurt in the first turn. I tried to wait for Barbaro. I couldn't wait for him. I just had to go. I really feel bad for Barbaro. You have to give him a lot of credit. "
(Javier Castellano, Bernardini)
Preakness Stakes
1.Bernardini / J.Castellano (1:54.65) 5 du�ina 13.9
(A.P.Indy-Cara Rafaela/Quiet American)
3.Hemingway's Key
4.Brother Derek
Barbaro... jo� malo
Kentucky Derby frakcije: 23.21 / 23.60 / 24.63 / 25.58 / 24.34
Poslednjih 400m Barbaro je istr�ao za 24.34 �to je drugi najbolji poslednji prolaz pobednika u istoriji derbija, posle Secretariat-a koji je jedini tr�ao ispod dva minuta (1:59.04). Prado ovom prilikom nije upotrebio korba�. Ipak, dva "closer-a" koji su podelili �etvrto mesto imali su jo� impresivnije poslednje frakcije*: Brother Derek (24.17 ili 24.40) i Jazil (24.00 ili 24.20). U o�ekivano broj�ano manjem upisu za drugu trku triple krune, Brother Derek mo�e biti jako opasan takmac pobedniku derbija. �ekamo Preakness...
* razlike u merenju Kentucky Courier Journal i Bloodhorse
Barbaro - cool gyu photos
cool link
Barbaro - Tour de Force
- Kentucky Derby -
Nepora�eni derbi pobednik (6-6), prvi posle 2003 kada je slavio Smarty Jones. Prva tri starta na travi, potom te�ka pe��ana staza i pobeda u "Holy Bull Stakes". Poslednja priprema pred derbi je bio "Florida Derby".
Poslednji �ampion na pesku i travi bio je John Henry ('81,'84) a pre njega Secretariat ('73) �ije se ime ne pominje bez povoda. Barbaro ima te�ak zadatak da se upi�e u red slavnih.
Posle 1956 kada je Needles dobio derbi, prvi pobednik sa �ak pet nedelja pauze pre trke ru�a.
Druga najve�a margina u cilju (61/2 du�ina) posle 1946 kada je Assault dobio derbi sa osam du�ina. Assaut je te godine osvojio triplu krunu.
Odgajiva� Roy Jackson je pored Barbara (pedigree) dao i pobednika "2000 Guineas". George Washington (pedigree) je bio najskuplje pla�eni jarling na Tattersalls aukciji 2004. Polubrat mu je, tako�e Jackson-ov odgoj, Grandera, Gr-1 pobednik koga je otkupio Godolphin.
Roy Jackson je odbio ponudu od $5M posle pobede u "Laurel Futurity" 2005.
Pre derbija, bilo je najava da bi Barbaro mogao tr�ati "Epsom Derby". Sada ima povoda za razmi�ljanje o nastupu u evropskoj trci godine - "Prix de l'Arc de la Triomphe". Jo� nijedno grlo iz SAD nije dobilo "Arc".
winning colors
Barbaro (Kentucky Derby)
" All along I had great confidence. When I turned him loose, he took off running. Hopefully we can get a Triple Crown. " (Edgar Prado, jaha�)

Barbaro & Edgar Prado
past performances (pdf 447 KB)
1.Barbaro / E.Prado (2:01.36) 61/2d 7.1
(Dynaformer-La Vile Rouge / Carson City) pedigree
2.Bluegrass Cat / R.Dominguez
3.Steppenwolfer / R.Albarado
4.Jazil / K.McLaughlin
4.Brother Derek / A.Solis
6.Showing Up 7.Sweetnorthernsaint 8.Deputy Glitters 9.Point Determined
10.Seaside Retreat 11.Storm Treasure 12.Lawyer Ron 13.Cause to Believe
14.Flashy Bull 15.Private Vow 16.Sinister Minister 17.Bob and John
18.A. P. Warrior 19.Sharp Humor 20.Keyed Entry
frakcije: 22.63 / 46.07 / 1:10.88 / 2:01.36
pobeda 7.1 / dubl po redu 293.5 / triling 5,709.2 /
HK po redu
Barbaro-Bluegrass Cat-Steppenwolfer-Jazil 42,430.2
Barbaro-Bluegrass Cat-Steppenwolfer-Brother Derek 29.,919.5
izjave u�esnika derbija
BARBARO (1): "I never had a doubt in this horse." -- jockey Edgar Prado.
BLUEGRASS CAT (2): "We had a beautiful trip. Things went really well. We were in the clear the whole way. We followed Barbaro but we couldn't quite reel him in." -- trainer Todd Pletcher.
STEPPENWOLFER (3): -- "He beat 17 others, so I'm proud of him." -- trainer Dan Pietz.
JAZIL (4): "When I asked him to run, he did not respond like I thought he would." -- jockey Fernando Jara.
BROTHER DEREK (4) -- "The position (18th post) killed us." -- jockey Alex Solis.
SHOWING UP (6) -- "Heck, he beat 14 horses. He was right there with the winner for a long way." -- trainer Barclay Tagg.
SWEETNORTHERNSAINT (7) -- "I still think I've got a really nice horse, but he got caught down on a dead rail." -- trainer Michael Trombetta.
DEPUTY GLITTERS (8) -- "It looks like he got in some heavy traffic turning for home, but I'll have to take a good look at the replay." -- trainer Thomas Albertrani.
POINT DETERMINED (9) -- "Point Determined didn't run his race." -- trainer Bob Baffert.
SEASIDE RETREAT (10) -- "When they started running up front, he backed up. He's still a young horse. When he runs back on grass, you're going to hear about him." -- jockey Patrick Husbands.
STORM TREASURE (11) -- "I got him in to a good position and I had a hole to go for at the top of the stretch. But when I got there I had no horse." -- jockey David Flores.
LAWYER RON (12) -- "I got him out of the gate fast, then I didn't have anything left. I don't know what happened." -- jockey John McKee.
CAUSE TO BELIEVE (13) -- "I had to steady on the turn, a wall of horses came back in my face and I couldn't get around them." -- jockey Russell Baze.
FLASHY BULL (14th) -- "Flashy Bull was extremely wide the whole trip. The post 20 did not help us." -- trainer Kiaran McLaughlin.
PRIVATE VOW (15) -- "When I asked him, he got aggressive and then he got bumped around a little." -- jockey Shaun Bridgmohan.
SINISTER MINISTER (16) -- "Sinister Minister got cooked on the lead." -- Baffert.
BOB AND JOHN (17) -- "Bob and John had a really tough trip and didn't get to do his thing." -- Baffert.
A.P. WARRIOR (18) -- "The only thing I can tell you for sure is that he appears to have come out of it fine and, of course, I'm thankful for that." -- trainer John Shirreffs.
SHARP HUMOR (19) -- "I just guess today wasn't his day." -- jockey Mark Guidry.
KEYED ENTRY (20) -- "Keyed Entry was just too fresh, too rank, early. He never settled and you just can't do that and go a mile and a quarter." -- trainer Todd Pletcher.
I put od hiljadu milja zapo�inje prvim korakom...
14.01.06. $150.000 "San Rafael Stakes" 1.600m / Brother Derek (1:36.11) ::
14.01.06. $250.000 "Risen Star Stakes " 1.700m / Lawyer Ron (1:43.13) ::
04.02.06. $150.000 "Holy Bull Stakes " 1.800m / Barbaro (1:49.31) ::
04.02.06. $150.000 "Hutchenson Stakes " 1.500m / Keyed Entry (1:27.12) ::
04.02.06. $100.000 "Sham Stakes " 1.800m / Bob and John (1:49.15) ::
11.02.06. $70.000 "Whirlaway Stakes " 1.700m / Achilles of Troy (1:43.28) ::
18.02.06. $250.000 "Sam F.Davis Stakes " 1.700m / Bluegrass Cat (1:44.17) ::
25.02.06. $250.000 "Southwest Stakes " 1.600m / Lawyer Ron (1:40.00) ::
04.03.06. $250.000 "Fountain of Youth Stakes " 1.800m / First Samurai (1:49.00) ::
04.03.06. $250.000 "Santa Catalina Stakes " 1.700m / Brother Derek (1:41.96) ::
18.03.06. $200.000 "Gotham Stakes " 1.700m / Like Now (1:43.17) ::
18.03.06. $300.000 "Rebel Stakes " 1.700m / Lawyer Ron (1:44.09) ::
18.03.06. $250.000 "San Felipe Stakes " 1.700m / A.P.Warrior (1:42.40) ::
18.03.06. $250.000 "Tampa Bay Derby " 1.700m / Deputy Glitters (1:44.26) ::
01.04.06. $1.000.000 "Florida Derby " 1.800m / Barbaro (1:49.01) ::
08.04.06. $750.000 "Wood Memorial" 1.800m / Bob and John (1:51.54) ::
08.04.06. $750.000 "Santa Anita Derby " 1.800m / Brother Derek (1:48.00) ::
15.04.06. $750.000 "Blue Grass Stakes " 1.800m / Sinister Minister (1:48.85) ::
15.04.06. $1.000.000 "Arkansas Derby " 1.800m / Lawyer Ron (1:51.38) ::
22.04.06. $325.000 "Lexington Stakes " 1.700m / Showing Up (1:46.42) ::
update 20.april
Discreet Cat
Discreet Cat ne�e tr�ati nijednu od tri trke triple krune, objavio je Godolphin. Najavljno je da �e biti pripreman za sredinu leta, �to bi moglo zna�iti "Travers Stakes", ali po nama realnije je da ne�e ni startovati u SAD.
Beyer Speed Figure (BSF)
Grla sa najboljom beyer ocenom poslednje tri godine nisu opravdala o�ekivanja, najbli�i je bio Empire Maker (2003) koji je, �to je kasnije potvr�eno, povre�en startovao u derbiju i potom propustio Preakness; vratio se pobedom u "Belmont S.". Osim 2000 kada je Fusaichi Pegasus dobio derbi, po kvotama pobednika mo�ete videti da ocena nije bila dovoljna da bi ih svrstala u red favorita. Najbolje ocenjeno grlo po BSF je Sinister Minister sa 116. Ostalo je jo� da se ist�i "Lexington Stakes"; Charismatic je upravo u toj trci dobio najbolji BSF i zaradio dovoljno da tr�i derbi. Ostalo je legenda...
plasman grla sa najboljim BSF u derbiju
BSF | plasman (kvota) | ||
2005 | Bellamy Road | 120 | 5 |
2004 | Read the Footnoes | 113 | 7 |
2003 | Empire Maker | 111 | 2 |
2002 | War Emblem | 112 | 1 (21.5) |
2001 | Millennium Wind | 114 | 11 |
2000 | Fusaichi Pegasus | 111 | 1 (3.3) |
1999 | Charistmatic | 108 | 1 (32.3) |
Excellent Meeting | 108 | 5 | |
General Challenge | 108 | 11 | |
1998 | Indian Charlie | 112 | 3 |
1997 | Silver Charm | 110 | 1 (5.0) |
Free House | 110 | 3 | |
1996 | Unbridled's Song | 114 | 5 |
1995 | Serena's Song | 114 | 16 |
1994 | Holy Bull | 115 | 12 |
1993 | Diazo | 109 | 5 |
1992 | Lil E. Tee | 107 | 1 (17.8) |
Pine Bluff | 107 | 5 | |
Devil His Due | 107 | 12 |
Prvi na list je Discreet Cat($1,2M) sa samo jednom pobedom u "UAE Derby" na dan "Dubai World Cup"-a. Pobeda je bila nadmo�na, ali ipak u trci bez tempa. To je bilo dovoljno da bude plasiran bolje nego Brother Derek koji je u tri starta ostao nepora�en. Nepoverenje u umetode na kojima Godolphin uporno istrajava �ini da mislimo da ni ove godine ne�e dobiti derbi. Lawer Ron je mo�da pokazao i najzrelije tr�anje od svih. Dosage nije na njegovoj strani ako se uporedi sa drugoplasiranim na listi, ali zar je Smarty Jones imao bolji? U vrhu liste su Barbaro i Sinister Minister. Barbaro mora tr�ati malo smirenije u derbiju, gre�ke ga mogu skupo ko�tati. Garrett Gomez je imao back-to-back pobede u "Wood Memorial" (Bob and John) i "Blue Grass Stakes" (Sinister Minister), tako da �e biti zanimljivo kako �e se Baffert i on dogovoriti koje grlo �e jahati. Sinister Minister je dobio "Blue Grass" dobio sa beyer ocenom od �ak 116, najvi�om od svih konkurenata. Setimo se da je Bellamy Road dobio "Wood Memorial" pro�le godine sa impresivnih 17 du�ina i najbojom ocenom, da ga u derbiju ne bi nigde bilo. Point Determined je tre�i Baffertov pulen koji mo�e i bolje od do sada pokazanog. Dva najbolja trogoca pro�le godine, Afleet Alex(1) i Flower Alley(2) dao je "Arkansas Derby" istovetnim plasmanom. Lawyer Ron jeste u prvom redu favorida, a ho�e li "closer" Steppenwolfer napraviti korak vi�e u formi tek �emo videti. Me�u potajne favorite mnogi svrstavaju Sweetnorthernsaint, Cause to Believe i Jazil. Sa�ekajmo ipak i "Lexington Stakes", ne zaboravimo da je Charismatic (1999 "KyDerby"-1/ "Preakness S."-1/ "Belmont S.-3) od "claiming" trka do derbija do�ao tako �to je "poslednji voz uhvatio" upravo pobedom u ovoj trci. Showing Up je vi�eni favorit u ovoj trci, a nema stakes zarade do sada. Obratite pa�nju...
glavne pripremne trke
22.04.06 Keeneland
"Lexington Stakes" $325.000 1.700m G2
1.Showing Up 117 / C.Velasquez (1:46.42) 1 1/4d 2.5
(Strategic Mission - Miss Athletia / T.V.Comercial)
2.Like Now 123 / F.Jara
3.Bear Character 117 / R.Douglas
4.Greeley's Legacy 5.More Than Regal 6.Chin High 7.Fast Parade 8.Hemingway's Key
9.Special Interest 10.Gone Prospecting
frakcije: :23.37 / :46.85 / 1:12.08 / 1:39.04 / 1:46.42
pobeda 2.5 / dubl po redu 12.5 / triling 209.0 / HK po redu 1,108.8
" He has to be in tip-top condition. I'm not going to put him into a tough race. Probably good judgment and good sense would say not to run, but there is only one Kentucky Derby and he's done everything we've asked of him, so you think you have to give him a chance. " (Barcay Tagg, trener)
15.04.06 Oaklawn Park
"Arkansas Derby" $1.000.000 1.800m G1
1.Lawyer Ron / J.McKee (1:51.38) 23/4d 1.5
(Langfuhr(CAN) - Donation / Lord Avie)
2.Steppenwolfer / R.Albarado
3.Private Vow / S.Bridgmohan
4.Simon Pure / J.Court
5.Nob Hill Deelite 6.Jealous Profit 7.Film Fortune 8.Sayhellotolarry 9.High Cotton
10.Red Raymond 11.Superfly 12.New Joysey Jeff 13.With a City
frakcije: :23.00 / :46.49 / 1:10.98 / 1:37.76 / 1:51.38
pobeda 1.5 / dubl po redu 6.9 / triling 26.7 / HK po redu 393.1
" It was just a monster performance. He went 1:10 and change and still drew off. "
(John McKee, jaha�)
15.04.06 Keeneland
"Blue Grass Stakes" $750.000 1.800m 123lb G1
1.Sinister Minister / G.Gomez (1:48.85) 123/4d 9.7
(Old Trieste - Sweet Minister / Prime Minister)
2.Storm Treasure / M.Guidry
3.Strong Contender / E.Prado
4.Bluegrass Cat / J.Velasquez
5.First Samurai 6.Seaside Retreat 7.Sadler's Trick 8.Little Cliff 9.Court Folly
frakcije: :22.91 / :45.88 / 1:09.94 / 1:35.45 / 1:48.85
pobeda 9.7 / dubl po redu 300.7 / triling 2,206.2 / HK po redu 5,928.6
" The horse is waking up at just the right time. When he got to the quarter pole, I thought, 'Son of a gun, I'm going to win the Blue Grass. "
(Bob Baffert, trener, Sinister Minister)
08.04.06 Santa Anita
"Santa Anita Derby" $750.000 1.800m 122lb G1
1.Brother Derek 122 / A.Solis (1:48.00) 31/2d 1.5
(Benchmark - Miss Soft Sell / Sivah Kalem)
2.Point Determined 122 / R.Berajano
3.A.P.Warrior 122 / C.Nakatani
4.Sacred Light 122 / A.Gryder
5.Wildfang 122 / O.Berrio
* Indy Wildcat
frakcije: :23.60 / :47.59 / 1:11.21 / 1:35.39 / 1:48.00
pobeda 2.5 / dubl po redu 3.7 / triling 6.4
08.04.06 Aqueduct
"Wood Memorial" $750.000 1.800m G1
1.Bob and John 123 / G.Gomez (1:51.54) 1 1/2d 3.2
(Seeking the Gold - Ministers Melody/ Deputy Minister)
2.Jazil 123 / F.Jara
3.Keyed Entry 123 / E.Prado
4.Scanlon's Song 123 / R.Dominguez
5.Platinum Couple 6.Deputy Glitters 7.Greeley's Legacy 8.Niagara Causeway
9. Marco's Tale
frakcije: :23.10 / :46.26 / 1:11.01 / 1:37.48 / 1:51.54
pobeda 1.5 / dubl po redu 36.0 / triling 81.7 / HK po redu 1,051.5
01.04.06 Gulfstream Park
"Florida Derby" $1.000.000 1.800m 122lb G1
1.Barbaro 122 / E.Prado (1:49.01) 1/2d 2.6
(Dynaformer - La Ville Rouge / Carson City)
2.Sharp Humor 122 / M.Guidry
3.Sunriver 122 / J.Velasquez
4.Sam's Ace 122 / F.Martinez
5.Hesanoldsalt 6.High Blues 7.Flashy Bull 8.Charming Image 9.Saint Augustus
10.Doc Cheney 11.Rehoboth
frakcije: :23.45 / :47.35 / 1:11.37 / 1:36.08 / 1:49.01
pobeda 2.6 / dubl po redu 18.0 / triling 59.6 / HK po redu 791.5
" I hope we have a fresh horse come the first Saturday in May. "
(Michael Matz, trener, Barbaro)
" No excuses, he ran hard. It's tough to get beat like that. "
(Mark Guidry, jaha�, Sharp Humor)
Posle tri pobede na travi i jedne na te�koj pe��anoj stazi, Barbaro je ostao nepora�en i na brzoj pe��anoj stazi Gulfstream Parka. Hrabro zvu�i pore�enje sa Secretariat-om, ali za sada sve pohvale za borbenog "all around player-a". Pitanje je ho�e li ga ipak mnogo ko�tati ova pobeda. Metz je bio iskren, ali ima dovoljno vremena da "Varvarina" spremi za najva�niju trku u �ivotu. Michael Metz je po�eo sa treningom galopera pre samo osam godina. Kao �lan reprezentacije SAD na Olimpijadi 1976 osvojio je srebro.
Barbaro i Sharp Humor su u veoma o�troj borbi tokom �itavog pravca priredili nezaboravnu predstavu. Sharp Humor je brat po ocu sa Funny Cide (Distorted Humor) koji je 2003 dobio "Kentucky Derby" i "Preaknes". Barbaro sada �eka derbi do koga ima jo� pet nedelja. Poslednji pobednik derbija sa pauzom od pet nedelja je Needles 1956.
18.03.06. Tampa Bay Downs
"Tampa Bay Derby" $250.000 1.700m
1.Deputy Glitters / J.Lezcano (1:44.26) 9.4
(Deputy Commander - Glitters / Glitterman)
2.Bluegrass Cat 122 / J.Velasquez
3.Winnies Tigger Too 116 / J.Rocco
Little Cliff 5.Irish Majesty 6.Storm Treasure 7.El Lobo 8.Reaffirmed 9.Ice N Lemon
frakcije: :24.30 / :49.29 / 1:13.43 / 1:37.84 / 1:44.26
pobeda 9.4 / dubl po redu 18.6 / triling 362.8 / HK po redu 1,876.6
Deputy Glitters je "zasijao" kao �to mu ime ka�e u pravo vreme. Utisak je ipak da Bluegrass Cat ovaj poraz mo�e sebi da priu�ti, ako ni�ta drugo, ono do�ao je u pravo vreme. Distanca mo�e biti glavni neprijatelj sina Storm Cat-a. U svakom slu�aju Deputy Glitters se revan�irao za "Sam F.Davis".
18.03.06. Santa Anita
"San Felipe Stakes" $250.000 1.700m
1.A.P.Warrior 119 / C.Nakatani (1:42.40) 8.5
(A.P.Indy - Warrior Queen / Quiet American)
2.Point Determined 116 / G.Gomez
3.Bob and John 122 / V.Espinoza
Racketeer 5.Refinery 6.New Joysey Jeff 7.Simon Pure 8.Blazing Sunset
9.Sky Diving
frakcije: :22.79 / :46.50 / 1:10.39 / 1:35.84 / 1:42.40
pobeda 8.5 / dubl po redu 32.6 / triling 78.5 / HK po redu 416.5
A.P.Warrior kona�no "proradio". Prva tri favorita u�la u plac, samo obrnutim redosledom od o�ekivanog. Ipak, "obra�un Zapadne obale" nije dao kona�an rasplet kalifornijskog odgoja. Reano, ovo su tri najbolja grla sa zapadne strane.
18.03.06. Oaklawn Park
"Rebel Stakes" $300.000 1.700m
1.Lawyer Ron 122 / J.McKee (1:44.09) 3d 2.8
(Langfuhr - Donation / Lord Avie)
2.Red Raymond 117 / L.Quinonez
3.Steppenwolfer 117 / R.Albarado
4. Well Said 117 / J.Graham
5.Film Fortune 6.Nob Hill Deelite 7.Private Vow 8.Music School
9.Kip Deville 10.Travelin Leroy
frakcije: :23.61 / :47.79 / 1:12.90 / 1:37.76 / 1:44.09
pobeda 2.8 / dubl po redu 42.9 / triling 107.3 / HK po redu 817.3
Lawyer Ron impresivan. Dobro je dr�ao poziciju iza vode�ih i kada je trebalo demolirao konkurenciju. Red Raymond i Steppenwolfer solidni; moraju pru�iti vi�e. Steppenwolfer definitivno ako u�e u derbi "ima baruta" za jo� 300m preko distance koju je do sada tr�ao. Ipak, Lawyer Ron nije pokazao znake da bi imao problema na distanci klasika. Uz Brother Derek-a do sada najubedljiviji derbista.
18.03.06. Aqueduct
"Gotham Stakes" $200.000 1.700m
1.Like Now 116 / F.Jara (1:43.17) vrat 37.2
(Jules - Can't Bluff Me / Pine Bluff)
2.Keyed Entry 120 / E.Prado
3.Sweetnorthernsaint 116 / K.Desormeaux
4.Greeley's Legacy 116 / E.Coa
5.Achilles of Troy 6.Putonyerdancinshuz 7.Hesanoldsalt 8.Sunshine Alpine
9.Eagle Head 10.Church Service
frakcije: :23.25 / :47.78 / 1:12.30 / 1:36.68 / 1:43.17
pobeda 37.2 / dubl po redu 117.7 / triling 463.0 / HK po redu 3,570.5
Veliko iznena�enje, kvota 37.2 govori sama za sebe. Ipak, Keyed Entry sasvim dobar i dalje u trci za derbi. Veliko razo�aranje Achilles of Troy koji je nakon trke odvezen kombijem sa staze. Saznajemo da nije u pitanju povreda(?), a njegov mu�i�avi vlasnik Paragallo je najavio start svog grla za "Wood Memorial" 18.aprila.
04.03.06. Santa Anita
"Santa Catalina Stakes " $200.000 1.700m
1.Brother Derek 122 / A.Solis (1:41.96) 3/4d 1.5
(Benchmark - Miss Soft Sell / Sivah Kalem)
2.Sacred Light 115 / A.Gryder
3.Latent Heat 118 / P.Valenzuela
Mister Triester 5.Hawkinsville 6.Blazing Sunset 7.Niagara Causeway 8.Objective
frakcije :23.27 / :46.31 / 1:10.31 / 1:35.41 / 1:41.96
pobeda 1.5 / dubl po redu 13.1 / triling 49.5 / HK po redu 166.5
Peta pobeda u �est startova; nepora�en kao trogodac. Siguran i po mnogo �emu podse�a na Smarty Jones-a. Do sada potpuno opravdao status prvog favorita za derbi. Pravi "push the button horse".
04.03.06. Gulfstream Park
"Fountain of Youth Stakes " $300.000 1.800m
1.First Samurai 120 / E.Prado (1:49.00) 3/4d 1.7
(Giants Causway - Freddie Frisson / Dixieland Band )
2.Flashy Bull 116 / R.Berajano
3.Corinthian*DQ 116 / J.Castellano
4.My Golden Song 5.Rehoboth 6.Can't Beat It 7.Jazil 8.Hemingway's Key 9.Itsallboutthechase 10.Great Point
frakcije : :23.86 / :48.30 / 1:12.36 / 1:36.05 / 1:49.00
pobeda 1.7 / dubl po redu 11.8 / triling 58.8 / HK po redu 238.8
�udan rasplet trke - Corinthian je odli�no istr�ao trku, izgledao neuhvatljiv u zavr�nici, da bi u pravcu "podivljao" i menjaju�i pravac vi�e puta omeo favorite First Samurai i Flashy Bull. Naknadnom odlukom sudija, distanciran je na tre�e mesto. Tako je First Samurai, sin "plave krvi" Giants Causeway-a ipak do�ao do o�ekivane pobede od koje je zavisilo ho�e li posle par razo�aravaju�ih startova uop�te biti jedan od aktera derbija. Flashy Bull se izgleda kona�no prenuo i od njega o�ekujemo jo� bolje. Ukoliko Corinthian ne ponovi dana�nju "predstavu" iz zavr�nice trke, veoma je ozbiljan kandidat za vrh liste favorita. Danas je bio najbr�i na stazi, ali nekada to nije dovoljno.
25.02.06. Oaklawn Park
"Southwest Stakes " $250.000 1.600m
1.Lawyer Ron 122 / J.McKee (1:40.00) 3/4d 1.5
(Langfuhr(CAN) - Donation / Lord Avie)
2.Steppenwolfer 117 / C.Lanerie
3.Red Raymond 117 / L.Quinonez
4.Music School 115 / J.Jacinto
5.Mark of Success 6.Sharp Attack 7.Kingsfield 8.Celluloid Hero 9.Travelin Leroy 10.Agrapha
frakcije :23.29 / :48.02 / 1:27.13 / 1:40.00
pobeda 1.5 / dubl po redu 5.4 / triling 61.4
" I heard Steppenwolfer come to us, but I kept him to his business and he gave me a strong finish. " (John McKee, jaha�, Lawyer Ron)
" If he can give me that same late move at the longer distance of the next race, we might make it real interesting. " (Corey Lanerie, jaha�, Steppenwolfer)
" We wanted to get away from the field if we possibly could and pick the part of the racetrack we wanted to be in. " (Bob Holtus, trener, Lawyer Ron)
Holtus je po peti put dobio "Southwest Stakes": Lawyer Ron (2006), Greater Good (2005), Son of a Rocket (2001), Afternoon Affair (2000), Proper Reality (1998)
18.02.06. Tampa Bay Downs
"Sam F.Davis Stakes " $125.000 1.700m
1.Bluegrass Cat 122 / J.Velasquez (1:44.17) 41/4d 1.7
(Storm Cat - She's a Winner / A.P.Indy)
2.Deputy Glitters 116 / J.Lezcano
3.R Loyal Man 120 / M.Cruz
4.Little Cliff 122 / J.Rose
5.Seaside Retreat 6.Hesanoldsalt 7.Laptop Computer 8.Pegasusbystorm
9.Blazing Rate 10.Sweet Grass Creek
*** Electrify, Right Flanker
frakcije: :23.86 / :47.88 / 1:12.68 / 1:37.66 / 1:44.17
pobeda 1.7 / dubl po redu 57.8 / triling 407.4 / HK po redu 2886.9
�etvrta pobeda u pet startova za Bluegrass Cat, u prvom startu ove godine. Kao dvogodac dobio je "Remsen S." i "Nashua S.". Ukupna zarada do sada $273,780.
" I was in a comfortable position. He rated perfectly. He has done everything we have asked him to do so far. " (John Velasquez, jaha�, Bluegrass Cat)
" He was a fresh horse and ran exactly the way we wanted him to. Our intention is to return for the Tampa Bay Derby. "(Todd Pletcher, trener, Bluegrass Cat)
11.02.06 Aqueduct
"Whirlaway Stakes" $70.000 1.700m
1.Achilles of Troy 122 / R.Dominquez (1:43.28) 43/4d
(Notebook - Steamy Recipe/ Relaunch)
2.One Way Flight 116 / C.Hill
3.Rob'em Blind 116 / K.Kaenel
Platinum Couple 5.River City Rebel 6.Eye for Style 7.Psychotic Reaction
pobeda 1.3 / dubl po redu 4.1 / triling 20.6
Posle impresivne pobede od 14 du�ina u "Count Fleet Stakes", Achilles of Troy zaslu�eno nosi nadimak "King of Big A(queduct)". Najzad, pobede u dve trke koje nose ime pobednika triple krune mo�da ne�to najavljuju. Slede�i start je verovatno "Fountain of Youth" 4.marta, Gulfstream Park.
Trenutni skor:
6 startova: 3 - 1 - 1, $128,577
04.02.06 Gulfstream Park
"Holy Bull Stakes" $150.000 1.800m
1.Barbaro 122 / E.Prado (1:49.31) 3/4d
(Dynaformer - La Ville Rouge / Carson City)
2.Great Point 116 / J.Rose
3.My Golden Song 116 / R.Velasquez
4.Flashy Bull 5.Itsallboutthechase 6.Doctor Decherd 7.Sunriver 8.Fagan's Legacy 9.Saint Augustus 10.Big Lover 11.Hemingway's Key 12.Park Avenue Prince
pobeda 2.6 / dubl po redu 62.8 / triling 672.2 / HK po redu 2,804.2
Posle tri pobede na travi, prva pobeda na pesku za "Varvarina". Sada 4-4 i definitivno ide na start u derbiju.
04.02.06 Gulfstream Park
"Hutchenson Stakes" $150.000 1.500m
1.Keyed Entry 116 / J.Velasquez (1:27.12)
(Honor and Glory - Ava Knowsthecode/ Cryptoclearence)
2.First Samurai 122 / E.Prado
3.Express News 118 / R.Dominguez
4.Catcominatcha 5.Fabled 6.Almost Certain 7.Blazing Rate
pobeda 3.7 / dubl po redu 7.8 / triling 47.4 / HK po redu 205.2
04.02.06 Santa Anita
"Sham Stakes" $100.000 1.800m
1.Bob and John 120 / V.Espinoza (1:49.15)
(Seeking the Gold - Ministers Melody/ Deputy Minister)
2.Hawkinsville 118 / A.Solis
3.Sacred Light 118 / G.Gomez
4.Genre (GB) 5.Woody Be Quick
pobeda 1.4 / dubl po redu 4.8 / triling 8.7 /
14.01.06 Santa Anita
"San Rafael Stakes" $150.000 1.600m
1.Brother Derek 122 /
A.Solis (1:36.11) 11/2d
(Benchmark - Miss Soft Sell / Sivah Kalem)
2.Stevie Wonderboy 122 / G.Gomez
3.Wanna Runner 116 / V.Espinoza
4.Woody Be Quick
pobeda 2.3 / dubl po redu 3.1 / triling 4.6
Brother Derek je u prethodnom startu 17.decembra dobio "Hollywood Futurity" . Od �est startova dobio je �etiri uz zaradu od $592.080. Stevie Wonderboy nije uspeo da se izbori sa statistikom koja ka�e da je od 1992. samo jedan pobednik "BC Juvenile" dobio svoj prvi start kao trogodac; bio je to Favorite Trick 1997.
14.01.06 Louisiana Downs
"Risen Star Stakes" $250.000 1.700m
1.Lawyer Ron 118 / J.McKee (1:43.13) 81/4d
(Langfuhr - Donation / Lord Avie)
2.Mark of Success 122 / C.Borel
3.Hyte Regency 116 / V.Lanerie
4.Malameeze 5.Saint Augustus 6.Midway Man 7.Red Bordeaux
pobeda 3.7 / dubl po redu 15.5 / triling 55.1 / HK po redu 366.7