Fan Idole


Nove vesti i pozdravi od Fan Idole samo za bgurf

Fan Idole budu�a mama...

"Hello, another pic of Fan Idole in Vigone, Italia, Fan Idole is well and future mom (we hope). Alain"


Javio nam se g.Alain Merle, autor sajta o Fan Idole:
Thanks for your link, if you want pics you cant take all you want on the site (sorry my english is very poor)
P.S: the picture attachement is for 20 X 30 cm maximum

fotografija(full size) Fan Idole samo za bgturf >>

Mo�ete se upisati u njenu knjigu utisaka na sajtu
u rubrici "Livre d'Or" ili pre�icom

"Hi, a new page on the website of Fan Idole, it's the interviews after the race in Bordeaux 31/12/2003
only in french sorry - click on this link"




  cool link

"Hello, an exclusivity for you ! ! Thanks for your website. Some pictures from the "Grand Prix du Sud Ouest" in Agen (France). Alain"

Samo za bgturf, g.Alain Merle, autor oficijelnog sajta Fan Idole, poslao nam je fotografije sa trke "Prix Sud-Ouest" koju ste igrali na bet4fun. General du Lupin & Jean Michael Bazire i ostale slike na razglednici iz Agena >>